

ZT:人生哲理/Maxims of Life

(2013-03-10 09:37:05) 下一個

[Original from Yuanyuan88’s Blog]

Being alive is a blessing itself, so it should be treasured. Every human has only a life span of a few dozens of years, so you do not want to have regrets. From the sunrise in the east to the sunset at the west, it is a day’s time, whether you are sad or happy. Without falling into a thinking dead end, your body is in comfort, and your mind is also in comfort.

-- Cherish your life



Do not regard your work as a burden. If you cannot make career switch at the moment, you do not have a better choice. Instead of anger and blame, face the situation positively. When you take your work as an art and a part of your everyday life, you will enjoy your work.

-- Enjoy your work




If the enemies make you angry, it means you still have the power to win. You do not have to turn back to find out who curse you. If a mad dog bites you, do you have to bite it back?

-- Do not bicker with insect




Truly appreciate contentment. The biggest anxiety in human life starts from meaningless comparison. In this world, there are always people inferior and superior to you. "When I cried for without shoes, I found someone without feet."

-- Truly appreciate contentment




Do not make impetuous decisions! Do not jump to conclusions, and especially, do not make decisions when in anger. Learn to think with empathy, or wait for some time. Downgrade major issues to minor ones, and minor ones to null. Simplify complicated things; never complicate simple things.

-- Be patient



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