
祖國在唱紅歌。祖國山河一片紅。 文革在延續,因為有文革的傳人。 文革不是毛主席的文革,不是文革一代人的文革。是我們民族的文革。
文革傳人 (熱門博主)
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但是,在厲害國的牆內,為俄國的侵略行為辯護甚至“叫好”的聲音眾(而許多勇氣的俄國人在走上街頭反戰)。其借口之一是,烏克蘭如果接受俄國的“保護”而不是企圖與“北約”走近,俄國不會侵略烏克蘭。這是赤裸裸的強盜邏輯,85年前發生過,發生於烏克蘭東南方大約六千五百公裏的地方,“北平”(現在的北京)。此事,“紐約時報”在1937年8月10刊登過一篇文章,其題目是“Japan ‘Protects’Peiping”(日本“保衛”北平)。翻譯一段於下:




差不多吧?當年日本侵略軍在占領北平後對北平人的調調與此刻厲害國牆內對烏克蘭人所持有的態度? 不同的是當年是日本侵略者自己在為自己辯護;此刻的牆內“叫好”是被侵略者烏克蘭的一個“邦交國”內的幫閑們在賣惡。





New York Times.  August 10, 1937.  Page: 18.

The Japanese Army has driven out your wicked rulers……Although Nanking is preparing to wage a destructive war, do not be afraid.  The Japanese Army will protect you.

As an example of barefaced imperial arrogance, this Japanese address to the people of Peiping would be hard to improve upon.  Last Sunday, while the invader’s troops , with full military equipment, marched through the principle boulevards of China’s historic capital and cultural center, leaflets dropped from fighting planes circling overhead gave warning that the price of peace for Northern Chinese is a North China subservient to Japan.

Evidently the military and political leaders of Japan do not intend to repeat the mistake of two years ago, when they stopped short of detaching Hopeh and Chahar from the rest of the China. The two anomalous organizations then set up one , the semi-autonomous Hopeh-Chahar Political Council---proved to be very disappointing.  They were expected to facilitate the Japanese intensive economic exploitation of the rich resources of those regions.  The following comparison shows how far short of the expectation are the results after two years:

1935 [summed up in an article by the Peiping correspondent of the Times of London, written just after the outbreak of the present crisis]. Plans were big: North China was to become a large Japanese cotton field; railways were to be built with Japanese money and materials, by Japanese engineers; iron mines were to be reopened with Japanese money, big interests in coal mines secured, and air services between North China and Manchuria were to be established.

1937.  Little additional cotton grown; not one of the projected railroads beyond the blueprint stage; iron production stationary, and that of coal under the same management as before; an indifferent air service established but uneconomic and without Chinese cooperation; smuggling on a large scale fostered, but its political objective---the lowering of Chinese custom duties on Japanese imports---not attained.

No wonder that the rule of Sung Cheh-Yuan as head of the Hopeh-Chahar Political Council was unsatisfactory to Japan.  Sung’s refusal in Peiping to be a mere tool of Japan---as was Yin Ju-Keng in East Hopeh---sealed his fate.  His elimination, after Chinese defeats on three sides of Peiping had made surrender of the city imperative, was one of the first acts of the victors.  The nature of the new regime they are to set up in the conquered territory has not yet been disclosed.  But there can be little doubt that it will be designed to do away completely with the influence of the nationalist political organizations and the Nanking Government and to impose Japan’s will.  Yesterday the new Mayor of Peiping, a creature of the Japanese, issued a strident denunciation of Nanking “militarists” and called upon Northern Chinese to assert their independence.

The triumphal entry of Japanese troops into Peiping within twenty four hours of the completion of the evacuation of Japanese civilians from their exposed position in Hankow was probably not a mere coincidence.  Now that its “retreat” from the commercial metropolis of Central China has been effected, Japan may be expected to press its program for the north more openly.  Few observers believe that the Chinese can block the creation of another puppet regime or even the elevation, though that is unlikely, of Henry Pu Yi to “rule” over an enlarged Manchukuo from the Dragon Throne of his ancestors in the Forbidden City.

本老漢領讀:Hopeh---河北;Chahar---察哈爾;Sung Cheh-Yuan---宋哲元;Yin Ju-Keng---殷汝耕。

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閱讀 ()評論 (26)
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 'kai2002' 的評論 : “正義的侵略”? 還是回去換一份“發言提綱”吧。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 'chichimao' 的評論 : 就是。有了烏克蘭的榜樣,台灣民眾會更安全些。問好。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 'dong140' 的評論 : 是。同時,刪帖封號喝茶也擴大了“邪惡量”。問好。
kai2002 回複 悄悄話 你完全忽略了侵略國家戰略目的的不同,俄羅斯麵對北約的擴張,需要烏克蘭作為緩衝區,的確是一場侵略戰爭,但和日本比是不恰當。日本侵略中國是為了分解中國,不斷吞並,奴役征服中國人,大屠殺不斷。你拿日本和俄國比,等於是給日本侵華塗脂抹粉。
chichimao 回複 悄悄話 同樣的說法是

你不投降我的武裝叛亂.還在小島上頑抗 就是台獨(雖然七十多年也沒獨,但不讓我奴役 就是早晚要獨)所以 我一定要武統你
dong140 回複 悄悄話 好多國人良心被狗吃了
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '京華人' 的評論 : 是。基本的“人性”被泯滅了。問好京華兄。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '溪邊愚人' 的評論 : 謝鼓勵。牆內輿論的一邊倒,還是權力“刪帖封號喝茶”造成的,包子的獨斷專行超過了普,所以其係統日後的結果會更慘。問好。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '十分僵化' 的評論 : 而且,都是鼓勵他人“打台灣”的“勇者”,^_^。問好。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '東方明月-' 的評論 : 每每能讀到明月兄在城裏首頁文章後麵的留言,受益匪淺。問好。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 'diaoerlang' 的評論 : 是。沒有最基本的“人性擔當”,總能不費勁的站到邪惡一邊。問好 diaoerlang 兄。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '友梨江莉' 的評論 : 是。從不知自己可以有獨立於“強人”之外的“個人權利”,以前寫過一篇關於拜權力的帖子,是一種“借橫”心裏。在這兒:https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/55817/201212/26999.html

文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 'lostman' 的評論 : 是。最可恨處是拿著烏克蘭人的痛苦當饅頭吃。問好。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '西城無眠' 的評論 : 謝鼓勵。問好。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '侃-侃' 的評論 : 該有的聲音被“刪帖封號喝茶”給硬壓下去了。民眾的情感,應該不在俄國的水平之下。係統更惡。問好侃兄。
文革傳人 回複 悄悄話 回複 '2maomao' 的評論 : 是。基本的“同理心”與“換位思考”是“人性”的基本,對被侵略者的苦難無動於衷甚至喝彩,出野蠻有長路要走。問好。
京華人 回複 悄悄話 其實也不奇怪,當年九一八事變,國家和民族處於極度困境的情況下,某組織居然在江西悍然成立所謂“中華蘇維埃共和國” ,其宗旨是保衛“蘇聯”。所以,追根溯源,這個組織和它領導下的所謂“人民”,就不難發現是什麽類型的人了…… 反正拜俄爹,分裂祖國,感謝侵略者等都源自於這個組織……
溪邊愚人 回複 悄悄話 國內這次幾乎“全軍覆沒”有點讓我吃驚。我以為國人首先想到的類比就應該是中日,沒想到人家目光遠大,已經想到了未來,想到了台灣。。。我看這次戰爭結束後,俄羅斯和中國都會是輸家,那些做統一夢的,很可能會發現這個夢越來越遠了。。。

十分僵化 回複 悄悄話 普金打烏克蘭,糊塗蛋們就好像看到習近平打下了台灣一般。要是習近平不拿下台灣,估計他們要搞得習近平,再把普金找來當中國總統
東方明月- 回複 悄悄話




diaoerlang 回複 悄悄話 看著橫店抗日神劇成長的粉紅戰狼這下都不響了,現實與曆史就是這麽諷刺這麽無情。
友梨江莉 回複 悄悄話 讚博主好文!
lostman 回複 悄悄話 中國的那些五毛粉紅蛆蟲屁民,是猥瑣下作的膽小鬼,一直是精神上的病夫,他們的陰暗心理是指望俄羅斯跟美國作對,他們以為能躲避風頭
西城無眠 回複 悄悄話 博主好文!
侃-侃 回複 悄悄話 描述這種行為,一個字“賤”,兩個字“無恥”,三個字“亡八旦”,四個字“數典忘祖”。
2maomao 回複 悄悄話 為作者點讚!同樣的理由,同樣的借口,同樣的侵略戰爭,當七十多年前發生在中國的事情今天再一次發生在烏克蘭身上時,我們卻看見了不一樣的態度。抗日戰爭並不遙遠啊,為什麽有人這麽快就忘記了當年中國被日本狂扁的痛苦,而轉身為另一個侵略者喝采呢?