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1,000% 期權交易收益

(2024-10-07 15:27:43) 下一個

The Anatomy of a 1,000% Options Trading Gain - Explosive Options

What is a Gamma Squeeze? | Option Alpha

Zero-Day Options: What To Know About This Risky Short-Term Trading Strategy | Bankrate

Zero-day options: What to know about this risky short-term trading strategy (


Understanding Option Expiration Dates and Cycles | InvestingAnswers

A short squeeze occurs when short sellers trigger a rise in price on a heavily shorted stock. 

when there’s a massive buying of a heavily short-dated call options of an individual stock, which leads to a dramatic price surge. This can trigger investors short sellers to buy more calls to reduce loss of their short positions, which results in huge higher stock prices.

To close out their positions, short sellers are forced to buy to cover, creating heavy demand. They clamor to get out as quickly as possible. Thus, they ‘squeeze’ each other out of short positions. And as they do so, they spike the stock price higher.

The more shorts who cut losses and buy to cover positions, the bigger the squeeze.

Zero-Day Options: What To Know About This Risky Short-Term Trading Strategy | Bankrate


Trading zero-day options: How much money can be made?

Let’s run through an example to show you how zero-day options can return so much money.

Imagine you can purchase a $20 call option on a $20 stock for $0.10, with the option expiring at the end of the day. The total cost of a single contract is $10, or 100 shares * 1 contract * $0.10.

Then, let’s imagine you buy 10 of these contracts for a total of $100.

Below is a table showing the profit and loss at the end of the day for a variety of stock prices.

Stock price Option value Total profit Stock gain/loss Option gain/loss
$19 $0 -$100 -5% -100%
$19.90 $0 -$100 -0.5% -100%
$20 $0 -$100 0% -100%
$20.10 $100 $0 0.5% 0%
$20.50 $500 $400 2.5% 400%
$21 $1,000 $900 5% 900%
$22 $2,000 $1,900 10% 1,900%

At every stock price below $20, the option holder would lose the entire amount staked. At stock prices between $20 and $20.10, the option would have some value, but the option holder would still have a net loss. At stock prices above $20.10 — the strike price plus the cost of the option — the option holder would begin to make money on the bet, with significant leverage to the stock.

For example, if the stock moves just 2.5 percent, then the option goes up 400 percent in value. A 5 percent move would lead to a 900 percent gain in the option.

These massive gains in a short time frame are what traders of zero-day options are hoping for. A stock’s normal daily swings may push the option into being valuable, though it’s just as likely that the stock will remain flat or even fall, wiping out the total wager.


1,000% 期權交易收益剖析

作為期權交易者,我們一直在尋找聖杯,它會告訴我們圖表右邊緣會發生什麽。自然,我們看不到未來,但我們可以為自己準備一個大薪日,那種讓我們在財務、心理和情感上都處於另一個層次的薪水。沒有比抓住一個巨大的贏家並獲得 1,000% 的期權交易收益更好的感覺了。這就是它的故事。

我經常被告知通用電氣 (GE) 是最無聊的名字之一。這是一隻古板的老工業股,在市場之外沒有太多的貝塔係數(無論是上漲還是下跌,它的波動都比市場慢)。該股目前的交易價格為 20 美元左右,並且在過去一年左右的時間裏幾乎沒有進展。自 2012 年以來,Netflix、Apple 和 Boeing 等股票飆升,而 GE 僅上漲 25%。

但是,如果您的時機合適,GE 可以為您提供一些豐厚的短期回報。您所需要的隻是圖表和技術,期權交易的強大工具,以及我們能達到的聖杯。

幾年前,我在 GE 期權交易中獲得了最大的收益之一。那時正好在到期周(大約七天後)。該股的圖表看起來不錯。指標剛剛開始轉為看漲。價外罷工的售價為 13 美分。接受這筆交易並等待它出來的風險很小,但我對技術麵充滿信心。

好吧,第二天傳來了一些消息,該股在罷工期間上漲了 55 美分。到當天收盤時,期權為 50 美分,這是一個強勁的收益——但還有更多時間等待。

在接下來的一周裏,GE 的價格上漲了約 85 美分,這對該股來說是一個非常強勁的走勢。該期權周五以 1.35 美元的價格結束——比前一個周四上漲了 1,000% 以上。該股當周上漲了約 9%。無聊的?再想一想!

這隻是一個成功交易的故事,我們有點幸運,但我想說的是,運氣是準備與機會相遇的地方。在 GE 股票中實現 1,000% 的回報需要 10 個生命周期,但期權交易在大約 7 天內就獲得了這麽多收益。我們在正確的時間出現在了正確的地點。

當然,怪物交易不太可能發生。事實上,你可能會失去 99% 的時間試圖獲得大贏家。期權交易的偉大之處在於,如果您發現自己處於交易的正確一側,它會為您提供巨大的杠杆作用。你不能隻是猜測和進行隨機交易。相反,您必須閱讀圖表,準備好改變您的策略,耐心等待交易結束,並進行管理準備好改變您的策略,耐心等待交易結束,並管理您的風險。如果沒有這四件事,1,000% 的收益將仍然是一個白日夢。

But, if your timing is right, GE could provide you with some great short term returns. All you need are charts and technicals, powerful tools when it comes to options trading and as close as we can get to the holy grail.

A couple years back, I had one of my biggest gains in a GE option trade. It was just before an expiration week (about seven days out). The stock’s chart was looking fine. Indicators were just starting to turn bullish. The out-of-the-money strike was selling at 13 cents. There was a small risk in taking this trade and just waiting it out, but I felt confident in the technicals.

Well, some news hit the following day, and the stock ran through the strike, going up 55 cents. By the end of day, the option was at 50 cents, a robust gain – but there was more time left to wait out.

During the next week, GE went up about 85 cents in price, a very strong move for the stock. The option ended that expiration Friday at $1.35 – it was up more than 1,000% from the previous Thursday { (135-13)/13=9.38=940% }. The stock rose about 9% that week. Boring? Think again!

This is just one story of a successful trade where we got a bit lucky, but I like to say that luck is where preparation meets opportunity. It would take 10 lifetimes to achieve a 1,000% return in GE stock, yet the options trade yielded that much in about seven days. We were at the right place at the right time.

Of course, monster trades are not likely to happen. In fact, you will probably lose 99% of the time trying to get a big winner. The great thing about options trading is that it gives you tremendous leverage if you find yourself on the right side of the trade. You cannot just guess and make random trades. Instead, you have to read the charts, be prepared to change your strategy, have the patience to wait out a trade, and manage your risk. Without those four things, a 1,000% gain will remain a pipe dream.

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