(2013-03-06 10:38:45)
我剛把東西放上checkout的台子,打開手機看tzlc,後麵來一位美女, 手捧一堆貌似藥品的東東,'你,你講中文嗎'。我說會的。'能用一下你的卡嗎?' 哦,可以的。你沒有卡?' '哦,我忘在車裏了。' 她把東西放上,'你可以給我看看這個是xxx血管的嗎' 我看了一下,是阿斯匹林之類的。我說我也不懂不過好像盒子上有說有些好處。
我的東西不多,很快就結了。Helper問美女'do you need a box?' 她雲裏霧裏,我幫忙回答了一下。看到cashier在數美女遞上的cash後我就離開了。
種種跡象讓我感覺她是國內來的traveler. 讓我百思不解的是:
1. How did she get to Costco?
2. If her friend helped drove her there, why he or she didn't help her with the rest?
3. How could such a young pretty lady (well, early 30s is my guess) lie so calmly? Is it hard to say 'I don't have a card, could you do me a favor?' I may be willing to spend an hour to help her with shopping etc, and give her a ride ... LOL