  • 博客訪問:


(2011-02-05 22:52:52) 下一個

“workforirs” 曬了一下她家去年的收入和開支,引發了熱烈的討論。


”R&D” 回帖曬了他(她?)家的退休金。 我在驚聞在政府工作的人可以有其他人三倍的免稅額後,被實實地震撼了一把,發表了一些看法。這是我的發言:“靠!比共產黨還惡!政府員工有其他人三倍的免稅額?美國人民比中國人民還老實。他們手裏不是都有槍嗎?會不會成為下一個埃及?”


言論有點激烈。我當然沒有針對他(她?)的意思,隻是驚奇這麽“不合理”的政策怎麽可能在美國出籠? 若有冒犯, 請原諒。碼下麵這些個蚊子,也沒有別的意思(酸葡萄等),隻是說說意見,供您參考,供大家討論。


Well, first of all, I still feel it is totally unfair that people who work for the government可以有其他人三倍的免稅額! How can one justify that? After all, governments (state or federal) being too big is part of the current problem in this country (US of A). The federal government and any of the state governments are insolvent because they have too many employees and pay them too high salary and too much benefits! Not to mention the three times tax deductible saving, look at the underlined additional benefits that R&D listed below:

“one person:
 401k 1.65w employee contribution +
1.45w from employer (match+ guarenteed)
the other person(work in university):
 403b 1.65w;
 457 1.65w,
1.5w contribution + match.”

我敢說大多數在公司打工的人沒有這些。Self-employed 就更不用說了。從”R&D” “workforirs” 的回貼可以看出,”R&D” 大概認為所有在公司工作的人都有公司的 401k matching 我們在公司打工的人都知道,越來越多的公司沒有matching了。就算有,你那401k 1.45w from employer (match+ guarenteed) 對在公司的大多數人來說,簡直是個天文數字。

To make me feel better, ”R&D”  said  他(她?)的 “salary in 2010 was less than 2002 salary” and said “this is ridiculous …”.

Well, 如果“R&D” 看到了 The Economist去年十一月的一篇文章就會感覺不同了。文章在這:http://www.economist.com/node/17525707

沒時間看的話, 這是要點:美國的平均家庭收入從2000年到2009 年下降了 7%

The first decade of the 21st century was not kind to America’s middle class—real median household income was 7% lower in 2009 than it was in 2000.  See table:

“R&D” 又說:“Now giving up the tenure is already discussed seriously on the table, although not easy decision.”






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