1: Beth's 6 tips(French macaroon)
1. 篩 杏仁粉糖粉混合物
2. 蛋白打發(蛋白要室溫)
3. 色素
4. Under mix->裂 over mix->無邊
5. Parchment paper:
6. Pipe out 1" mounds: bang! Bang!
7: sit out for drying 30 min (o.w. Flat out)
2:French macaroon
1cup sugar
3/4 cup almond
2 egg whites
4 tbsp sugar(1 at a time)
Very top or very bottom
300F(8min),flip and bake 8min
3: Chocolate macaroon
180g 糖粉(玉米粉是原料之一)
100 g 杏仁粉
(processor 2 min 混合物,然後過篩)
100g aged egg whites (24 hr up to 5 days)
Then 2 hours before out to room temperature
1/2" tip