ATC: AirChina981 make the right turn here at Juliette, join Alpha, hold short of MikeAlpha
塔台:國航981在(Juliette)J處右轉, 接到(Alpah) A道,停在不到 (MikeAlpha)MA 的地方等著。
Pilot: Right on Juliette hold sh...Taxi Alpha hold November....can we taxi now?
981飛行員:在J等....,開去A, 等N (November)... 我們能開了嗎?
ACT: Make the right turn here at Juliette, Join Alpha, hold short of MikeAlpha - AirChina 981
塔台:在(Juliette)J處右轉, 接到(Alpah) A道,停在不到 (MikeAlpha)MA 的地方等著--國航981。
Pilot: AirChina981, roger join right Juliette, join Alpha, hold short to November
981飛行員:國航981, J處右轉, 接到(Alpah) A道,停在不到 (November)N 的地方等著
ACT: OK, I will say it again, hold short of Mike Alpha "M"."A" MikeAlpha, Not November
塔台: 好,我再試著說一遍,停在不到 (MikeAlpha)MA 的地方等著, 不是N (November).
Pilot: OK hold short of MikeAlpha, 981
981飛行員: OK,停在不到 (MikeAlpha)MA 的地方等著. 981
ACT: AirChina 981, have they cleared you into the ramp?
塔台:國航981, 他們讓你開去懸梯了嗎?
Pilot: Roger, ramp on the ....ramp, AirChina981
ACT:AirChina981, Ground
981飛行員: (沒說話)
ACT: AirChina981, Kennedy Ground
Pilot: 981, go ahead
981飛行員: 981,請講
ACT: Have you been cleared into the ramp?
塔台:國航981, 他們讓你開去懸梯了嗎?
Pilot: OK cleared to the ramp.
981飛行員:OK 開去懸梯。
ACT: No that was a question! Have the ramp people cleared you into the gate?
Pilot: Roger to the gate, AirChina981
ACT: I'll try it again it's a question, hold your postion, this is a question[....]Have you been cleared into your gate?
塔台:我再試一遍,是個問句!停著別動, 這是個問題。懸梯那兒的人有沒有讓你開去登機口?
Pilot: OK we hold here
ACT: OK, how about the question? Have they cleared you into the gate?
塔台:OK. 別忘了那個問題。懸梯那兒的人有沒有讓你開去登機口?
Pilot: [...]Tower[...]Ground, AirChina981, we are...gate number 3 is open...taxi to the northern
981飛行員:。。。塔台。。。地麵,國航981, 我們。。。3號登機口打開著。。。向北開了。
ACT: AirChian981, taxi to the ramp