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(2013-10-08 13:35:57) 下一個
這有一個例子 這種升華 就算是在身體麵臨極度挑戰下也能發生。 大概三年前, 我在《紐約時報》上讀到一篇文章。 是關於一個名叫尼爾?西令戈爾的-- 57歲的退休律師-- 他加入了薩拉勞倫斯的寫作小組 在那裏他找到了成為作家的感覺。 兩年後, 他被診斷患有ALS,肌萎縮性側索硬化症。 這是個致命的可怕疾病。 它摧毀身體,但精神世界卻保持完好。 在這篇文章裏,西令戈爾先生這樣 描述他的故事。 我引用, 我的肌肉變的衰弱, 但寫作能力卻愈有力。 我在慢慢地失去講話的能力, 但卻獲得了聲音。 我在消亡,但又成長。 我失去了很多, 但卻開始發現自我。 對我來說,尼爾?西令戈 是攀登人生第三階梯的 具體體現。
And here's an example of what I mean. This upward ascension can happen even in the face of extreme physical challenges. About three years ago, I read an article in the New York Times. It was about a man named Neil Selinger -- 57 years old, a retired lawyer -- who had joined the writers group at Sarah Lawrence where he found his writer's voice. Two years later, he was diagnosed with ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. It's a terrible disease. It's fatal. It wastes the body, but the mind remains intact. In this article, Mr. Selinger wrote the following to describe what was happening to him. And I quote, "As my muscles weakened, my writing became stronger. As I slowly lost my speech, I gained my voice. As I diminished, I grew. As I lost so much, I finally started to find myself." Neil Selinger, to me, is the embodiment of mounting the staircase in his third act.
Now while I was writing about this, I came upon a book called "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Viktor Frankl was a German psychiatrist who'd spent five years in a Nazi concentration camp. And he wrote that, while he was in the camp, he could tell, should they ever be released, which of the people would be okay and which would not. And he wrote this: "Everything you have in life can be taken from you except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. This is what determines the quality of the life we've lived -- not whether we've been rich or poor, famous or unknown, healthy or suffering. What determines our quality of life is how we relate to these realities, what kind of meaning we assign them, what kind of attitude we cling to about them, what state of mind we allow them to trigger."
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