約好了晚上過去住的時間後,B特別“命令”要我明天配一把Room Key並給她寄過去,並反複強調這是為我好,因為一旦我自己把鑰匙弄丟或反鎖在房間裏了,隻有Key copy能幫我解決問題。我淡淡地答道,In a few days應該可以,但明天我沒有時間,B則“要求”越快越好。
進了門,Z把鑰匙給我。同時告訴我,B在下午曾給他Email,告知她與我之間還有問題沒解決,如果我來,不能給我鑰匙。我問了一下Email的時間,原來是B bluntly hanged up phone call之後。Z接著告訴我,後來B給他打電話,告知可以給我鑰匙了。這是我第一次認識到B的極度愚蠢和對法律的無知,因為一旦我當日無法入住而告上法庭,B給Z的Email則是最好的證據。然而,生活的經驗告訴我,很多中國大陸人都是如此,隻不過程度不同罷了。
同時B拒絕做任何Move-in Inspection,也沒有任何document in written.她Does Nothing不願Make any effort,我一提,她就說自己很忙,自己家務事很多,等等中國人最常見的Excuse。她沒有意識到,這其實是放棄了她自己作為房東的某些法定權益。
過了兩天,我Duplicated the room key. After testing the duplicated key, 我給B發了個Email,告知it's duplicated and tested, will mail to her in a few days when I have time. 又過了兩天,我Mailed the key to her, 又給B發了個Email,告知已經寄出。對這件小事,B從來就沒有給我回過信,就象從來就沒有發生過一樣,我也不知B是否收到了。
住了幾天,跟Roommate們主動寒暄了一下。這個House上下兩層,每層3個房間,除了我,住了4個中國大陸來的留學生和一個美國人M。日常生活跟B沒有關係,按時用PayPal交房租和Utility就行了。B嫌每月算Utility帳單麻煩,就每兩個月算一次。其中由於B懶得按月交給Local Company,就每兩個月都有一個Late Payment費,她當然算在眾房客頭上,也沒人跟她計較。
房客X要搬走了,這時聽到一些故事。X已經在這住了兩年多,幫助B無償打理了基本所有事情,比如Show Room,給來剪草的人預支Pay,平常接待來做House Maintenance的Labor,等等。我來看房的時候,無意中告訴了B房間裏當時還有人住。後來B問是怎麽回事,X老實說是自己的一個朋友來訪,住了5個晚上。B就要求按Motel的價格與X結算,眾房客嘩然。討價還價的結果是,按每天$25算,但B堅持要算6天,因為Motel有Check-in,Check-out的時間,但B堅持說不知道X的朋友是什麽時候來去的,所以,必須要算成6天。B威脅要從Deposit裏扣,所以,X無奈地屈服了。(由此可知,中國大陸人都對法律的無知,以及法律意識的淡薄)X搬走後,B曾要求我替她找房客,我間斷地給她Update了一些情況,但沒有找到房客,B從來就沒有回信過。
聽到了一些故事,發現B利用把持房客Deposit的Advantage,對房客做各種威脅,以讓房客給自己免費無償地做事,並以此為豪,因為她Does Remote Landlording,人都不用Show Up,就無成本地把事情辦了,而辦事的人還怕她。大陸房客們對B什麽話都罵得出來,但真碰到什麽事情時,還是乖乖照辦,僅僅屈服於被扣Deposit的淫威罷了。我對此感到震驚並難過。而最終結束這種房客-房東關係時,B還是強硬地蠻橫無理。比如,我房間裏的前房客畢業後回中國大陸,B退還Deposit的條件是,要該房客做各種各樣的事情,做完後,要該房客拍照片發給她,她根本就人都不來。由於房客是回大陸,所以,退房的當天上午就要去機場,B說,要Deposit的話,去機場的路上到她家裏去拿。我問眾房客,為何你們不把款項預支,然後讓B從下月房錢裏摳?沒人回答我的問題。當然,我也感受到了,他們謹小慎微,是因為學生簽證,不想惹什麽麻煩,所以,對這種小事都一忍再忍。
有一天,收到一個Email,是前房客X發給B並CC所有房客的。我當時剛做了一筆DT,掙了半年的房租錢和生活費,心情不錯,正在喝咖啡Enjoying。饒有興趣地把整個Email History看了一下。簡單點說,就是X搬出去了,做了所有房客該做的,也加做了後來B一再無理要求加做的雞毛蒜皮的係列小事情,隻不過是為了要回Deposit,但B最後卻給他來了個:
你用PayPal付給我的最近某一筆帳,被Charge了Processing Fee,少了$7.xx,你得把這$7.xx給我,我才能還你Deposit。
X無奈,隻得把整個Emai History CC給大家,說了句:“你把那個Charge了$7.xx的Transaction Number給我,我跟PayPal聯係一下,看能不能給你解決”。
當時,X已經搬出去很久了,早已超出州法規定的在多少日之內必須還Deposit的時間。我就Reply to All:
1,If you are charged a processing fee, it's your own responsiblity to check with PayPal to find out the reason, it's none of the payer's business. Also, please advise us if you've ever been charged any processing fee from any other payer(s) on the list. I guess nobody wants to deal with any unnecessary hassle when moving out.
2,According to legal terms of the state law, landlords have no right to charge any deposit in the scenario decribed as below because there is nothing required in written. All requested and all done are just in good-will which, frankly speaking, makes nonsense because none of the roommate friends could legally act as manager on behalf of the landlord.
3,By state law, deposit return due must be paid back in XX business days (URL link:xxx.xxx.gov.xx). Failure to do so could result in the tenant filing lawsuit on court with claiming further penalty. (ie, even if the processing fee is of the tenant's problem in such a case, the landlord still needs to pay back the deposit return due in XX business days. The two are just simply different issues).(PayPal少了你$7.xx,即使是房客X的責任,也與Deposit無關,這是完全不同的兩碼事。PayPal少了你$7.xx,無論是誰的責任,沒有法律規定如何處理;但還Deposit這事,是有法律規定的,在XX天內必須歸還,你已違反法律,X可以上法庭告你,並追加Penalty)
In addition, could you please say a thank-you to me for duplicating and sending you the room-key? The bills, although in total just a few dollars, have been still kept so far for two months in case you need.
平常誰會把這duplicating key的事放在心上?但對待這種人,你不是虛構幾塊錢的事故意無理刁難別人麽?就讓你現回眼吧!
發出去一分鍾內,房東Reply To All,Deposit Paid Out by PayPal。兩分鍾後,給我私下發了個Email:
thanks very much for copying the key and sent it to me. please deduct the fee associated with it in your next rent payment or do you want me to send a paypal payment to you? please let me know the total that I am supposed to pay you back. do you have the receipt still? (這最後一句問的真夠蠢的!)
Thanks for the email. The receipts say:
dup 1.xx + tax 0.xx = 2.xx
stamp envelope 0.xx + overweight 0.xx = 0.xx
Total: 2.xx
I am sure that you enjoy your quality time with your family and all tenants have things to be busy with and enjoy by themselves. The USA is a great country where everything is law-enforced on the basis that everybody stands equal. It would be great for all to run things smoothly with common respect and minimum convenience good-will due for each other. Especially, nobody could benefit from trivial tractions.
立刻,我又給她發了個Email,仔細說明了一下她托我找房客的目前進展。Oops,沒回音,就是學不會 Appreciate or thank you!
To be continued ... ...