

2012-05 日記

(2012-05-14 20:45:05) 下一個





“Ask,and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you

似乎生命真的是如此,不論是心靈,智慧,思想,情感,還是身體,隻要你真誠的去對待它,它就會向你敞開大門。誠,這是華人祖先探索生命的渠道。我的個人體會是,誠 can lead you to the bliss above pain, reveal the truth under lies, remove the ignorance before wisdom,extend the senses behind organs, experience the cosmos energy beyond word.



昨天和幾個人談到對Eckhart Tolle
的看法,Eckhart寫過 The power of now, a new earth等。我們談到活在當下 "the present moment" and appreciation. 這是我當時談話的內容: what I am appreciating at this moment? I appreciate our communication, our words, our thoughts, and connections. Life is indeed beautiful and our communication is like a piece of touching and elegant music. Before we start the music, it is the eternal silence, during the communication, our words are like those wonderful inspiring notes, but behind the foreground of those notes, words, thoughts and emotions, we are deeply grounded on the vast silent background. and within that silence, we are creating a space of deep understanding and energy. It is within this space, love radiates. After the music is ended, after we stop talking, after we leave this place, the vast silence will still stay with us, and last forever. I appreciate this eternal peaceful world.

We can float in the foreground, or we can also root in the deep background. The issue is that if we can notice the two and know that we do have a choice. 文字,猶如生命的火焰,在那跳動的火苗下,有一個寧靜的世界.


因為這個博客主要是關於身體的,所以應該將重點放在對身體的探索上。有探索健康的,但很少聽到有探索身體的。道德經說: 失道而後德,失德而後仁,失仁而後義,失義而後禮。其實身體亦是如此。如果你想追求健康,隻關注健康是不夠的。因為健康的生活是一種生活的態度,而生活的態度是存在於另一個更大的生命框架之下。所以我不是局限於健康,而是探索體道。(體道之外的內容,不在這裏闡述)

失道而後健,失健而後悔,失悔而後迷,失迷而後理。這裏的道是體道,即意識失去了和身體的直接關聯,而將感知和生命完全放在logical mind上,不斷的去隔離生命,分析生命,很少去體驗生命,not aware of life。這種結果本身會導致失去健康,這個時候,人們開始談論健康。比如用化學工業和醫院來代替身體健康,而化學工業和醫院的主要驅動力量是利潤,而不是健康。人們還是很難與自己的身體建立起一個正確的關係,人們還是活在mind中,而不是活在真實的身體中。失去健康後,人們開始後悔過去的失察,開始轉變態度,想改善目前狀況。但是這種轉變,很多是被迫的,無奈的,而不是真正的認識身體。這樣人們很難長久堅持,或者稍有好轉後,就又回複到過去的生活習慣之中。如果人們連這種後悔的心理都沒有的話,那就開始迷失了,人們一邊繼續破壞自己的身體,另外又企圖尋求其他解決方案,比如燒香,求神。不是說不可以燒香求神,但是人們應該整合身體,意識和精神,而不是遠離身體,然後去分析身體。最後,如果放棄了希望,放棄了外在的祈禱,那麽人們開始通過各種“道理”來給自己解釋,來開脫ego 責任。健康與我的awareness沒有關係,這都是天意,身體不是重要的,重要的是信仰等等(信仰和健康的關係,將來會談到)。

我現在的體驗是,body has its voice, body speaks, body thinks. Through body, you can connect to nature, connect to the peaceful world. Upon this deeper connection, you open your mouth, choose your words, express life, and create a new world with that deepest consciousness and compassion.

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閱讀 ()評論 (1)
986silverfox 回複 悄悄話 I wish you can show the group discussion on the web-cam, so that more people can participate. Thank you for taking time and sharing with us. Your explore towards life, health, and Tao etc not only record your life but also will leave marks on others. Please keep up.