讓我們展示人民的力量!! United we stand! God bless America!
以下是紙質傳單格式 。
United We Stand
SCA-5 Discriminates Asian-Americans !
SCA = Skin Color Act
Please help us!
California's SCA-5 is against the "equal protection" clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution
On 1/30/2014, the California Senate passed SCA-5 , which would repeal some provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California to discriminate an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. In the 17 years that Prop 209 has been in effect, California has become the most diversified and prosperous state in the US and Asian-Americans are proudly one of the essential pieces. Comprehensive initiatives have then been implemented to help students from disadvantaged families to obtain high educations. Currently, Asian-Americans often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Now SCA-5 seeks to unfairly punish Asian-Americans simply based on race.
Expiring: March 18, 2014
Go to http://petitions.whitehouse.gov/
click “View Petitions” or “Open Petitions”, scroll down to this item.
For reading: www.saynosca5.com
For Change.org petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/california-state-assembly-vote-no-to-sca-5
(or search at change.org website)
God Bless America
可悲和諷刺的是,在加洲通過民主渠道去保衛自己孩子教育權益的華人中,卻有許多人每天都在文學城上極力詆毀謾罵美國民主製度,極力支持中共獨裁製度。 更是用肮髒下流的語言攻擊主張民主的網友, 攻擊為民請願的許誌永博士。
這些人是怎麽了? 唯一的解釋隻能是:她在國內的親人或情夫享受著獨裁貪腐的特權,而她和孩子又能用貪腐來的中國人民的血汗錢在美國享受民主製度所帶來的一切。
作為一個華人,我祝加洲華人的努力成功。 也希望這裏的華人能想到千百萬正在中共獨裁製度下遭受教育不公平的孩子們... ... ...。