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  • 博客訪問:


(2009-02-10 16:48:06) 下一個

Why Should I Believe The Bible?

信息:維保羅Pastor Paul Viggiano






  我講的時候,會用比較簡單的表達方式來應用這三種概念。“形而上學”我用“真理”;“ 認識論”我用“知識”,“倫理學”還是叫它“倫理學”。假如沒有一個關於真理的起始點,那麽所有的討論都是徒然。假如一個人認為道德標準隻需要靠他自己的好、惡感覺來定,那麽除非是碰巧,他就永遠不會與一個把甘地(印度的著名領袖)或者把美國憲法當作真理的標準的人有共識。















  就拿宇宙的起源來說吧。你怎麽可能真正知道五億年前發生的事?這是不可能在顯微鏡下觀察的。你怎麽知道碳14測量法[注2]是準確的?此方法使用了不過一百年的時間;它在許多方麵很準確,但你怎麽知道全球性的大洪水對化石、對碳14測量法所產生的影響?假如神創造世界的時候看上去就像是已經有很多年的樣子了,例如他造人的時候,不是嬰兒而是成人;造樹的時候不是樹苗而是大樹;你砍倒它,就已經能看到年輪呢?你要是取亞當的 DNA,他會是在什麽年紀?這些事,你是根本不可能測的。但我們整個一代人都跪在科學麵前,好像科學就是真理的起始點。我之所以說這些,是因為我們基督徒也應該用一點懷疑的眼光來查驗一下他們所宣告的。









































  We’ve addressed the need to establish a starting place for truth, knowledge, ethics, etc. If there is no agreement regarding a starting place for truth, all discussions will be futile. If one person believes that the starting place for ethics is what he feels is right, he will never come to agree (other than by coincidence) with another person who believes the starting place for truth to be the teachings of Gandhi or the Constitution.

  We then offered the assertion that the starting place for truth, knowledge, and ethics for the Christian is the Bible. We gave a brief overview of what the Bible actually is—sixty-six books written by forty different authors over a fifteen hundred year period. Along with the overview we discussed the overarching message of Scripture.

  That message, in short, is that there is a God who is good and holy. He created all things and created them good. God created man who rebelled against God and death entered. It did not please God, though, to leave men at the mercy of death so God made a promise (a covenant) that through the seed of the woman (speaking of the eventual birth of Jesus), the enemy of God’s people (Satan, sin, death, etc.) would be destroyed.

  The primary message in Scripture is that there is a God who will glorify Himself through His redemptive plan to save sinners through the cross of Christ. This is what led Jesus to say, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39).

What Do You Need to See?

  The question before us this morning is why should we believe the Bible? If I said I had some evidence behind the podium that will convince you beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is true, what would you expect to see? The Shroud of Turin? The Ark of the Covenant? An old dusty scroll written by some Roman potentate? A piece of the cross? Just what would I have to come up with in order to convince you to believe that the Bible is true? Even if I had all those artifacts, how would you know they’re legit?

  I could say that we should believe in the Bible because it is true. In fact that is what I will end up saying. But being the reasonable and rational people that we are, we would certainly be unconvinced at such a circular statement. The conclusion is contained in the premise. We have begged the question.

  Since we are, therefore, so very rational, what would convince us to make our starting place—our bedrock—our standard to measure all truth—the Bible? What if I were to pile payloads of archeological, anthropological, and historical data demonstrating and affirming the impeccable accuracy of Scripture?

Testimony of Science

  I could also produce archeological recantations of errors regarding cultures (like the Hittites) that scientists said never existed, but of which the Bible spoke; cultures that archeologists later unearthed, thus further verifying the testimony of Scripture. There are bags of this kind of evidence. All good science affirms things already found in Scripture.

  Evidential argumentation for the veracity of the Bible is a very common practice for remedial Christians. And, as Dr. Greg Bahnsen stated, “they work if you have an unsophisticated audience.” Why is this unsophisticated reasoning? It should be obvious that if you decide to believe the Bible due to the testimony of science, science, and not the Bible, is your starting place for truth. Let’s briefly pursue this.

  Do you not find it interesting that scientists never feel the need to justify their starting place for knowledge? The empiricist (scientist) proudly asserts that he only believes that which he can observe. In order for something to be true, it must fall under the scientific method. (The scientific method is usually something like testability, measurability, observe-ability and repeatability.) Of course the scientific method itself is none of these. Science, as a starting place for knowledge or truth, crumbles under its own method. We all know that looks can be deceiving. The oar, when placed in the water, appears to be bent. It will appear to be bent if I place in the water a thousand times. But we all know it does not bend. Or does it? Do you trust your sense of sight over touch?

  I have great respect for good science. But science cannot be the starting place for truth. Science is dependent on there being a thing called truth in order for it to work. If all this is too difficult, read a sixty-year-old science book and find out how much of the truth then is still truth today.


  A very popular evidential argument for the truth of the Bible is found in the assertion that the Bible is historically verifiable. Things are cited like clear testimonies from non-Christian ancient Roman governors regarding the truths contained in Scripture. An argument I was fond of using was that the fact of the cross is as historically verifiable as the fact that Napoleon was at the battle of Waterloo. But I don’t know if Napoleon was at the battle of Waterloo. I might have a hard time finding Waterloo on a map. For all I know Napoleon had a twin; pretty slim evidence on which to rest your eternal soul.

Changed Lives

  Another tactic for remedial Christians is to seek to impress people with the effect the Bible has had in the lives of people. As one young man said regarding a discussion he had with unbelievers, “They can’t deny my testimony.” Why can’t they deny your testimony? Others have testimonies. Muslims have testimonies. Jews have testimonies. AA members have testimonies. Tony Robbins’ followers have testimonies. Certainly the Bible is responsible for changing the lives of billions, but that is relatively unimpressive in terms of an argument for it being true.

Fulfilled Prophecies

  What of all the fulfilled prophecies? There were numerous and detailed prophecies made about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ in the Old Testament that came to pass in the New Testament. But this argument is not compelling to someone who simply doesn’t believe in the Old or New Testaments.

The Futility of Argumentation

  It is my opinion that all the arguments in the world, no matter how sound, will not convince someone to believe in the Bible. If someone is committed to unbelief, they will interpret all arguments through their grid of unbelief. Those who hold the position that miracles can’t happen will never believe it was a miracle. Considering the event to be miraculous is not an option. They will employ Sherlock Holmes’ methodology, “eliminate the impossible and then whatever is left, regardless of how improbable, is your only option.” If your starting place for knowledge doesn’t allow for miracles and you saw me perform a miracle you would simply assert that there is some natural explanation, even if you don’t yet know what it is.

Arguing Nonetheless

  So what to do! I guess I could just dismiss everybody right now. I have miserably failed at accomplishing the thesis of my sermon. But since I believe that that which is impossible with man is possible with God, I would like to go ahead and make a three-fold argument for the truth of the Bible. My first argument will be weak, my second argument will be weak as well, but my third argument will be undeniable. My first argument is that no other world view can give a plausible explanation for reality as we know it. My second argument is that the Bible does give a plausible explanation for reality, and my third argument is…well, we’ll get to that.

No Plausible World View

  My first argument has, pretty much, already been made. There is no world view (other than the one found in the Bible) that can explain the reality we all observe. Those who believe that the universe is eternal cannot explain how we reached today since it is impossible to cross an infinite span of time. Those who believe that the universe did not exist at one time cannot give any explanation as to where the material came from that started the universe or why it exploded when it was not acted upon by an outside object (a violation of the laws of physics).

  Those who don’t believe in the biblical account of creation cannot explain the essence of ethics. If man, and not the Bible, is the final determiner of what is right then which man? In short, those who reject the Bible cannot give any rational explanation for the material or immaterial world we all observe. C.S.?Lewis said it in his usual humorous and thought-provoking fashion.

  If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If?so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents—the accidental by-products of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else’s. But if their thoughts—i.e. of materialism and astronomy—are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all other accidents. It’s like expecting that the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset the milkjug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset.

  I remember finding this type of argument quite compelling. I think the statements are accurate and we should all be properly impressed to think this out. But I certainly haven’t proven the Bible to be true.

A Plausible World View

  My second argument has already been made as well. The Bible’s account of creation gives a plausible explanation for the reality that has caused philosophers and scientists to scratch their heads for centuries. There is an eternal self-existent God who has created everything both material and immaterial. The reasons philosophers have any ability to think clearly is because they have been made in the image of God, and the reason science works is because God has created a uniform nature. We learn all this in the Bible. It is simple, it is true, it explains everything, yet men bend over backwards to find other, less tenable, explanations.

  Though I believe this to be true I also recognize that men can simply assert that the quest of history will find some other explanation for the reality we?all observe. I have made an argument but I haven’t proven anything.

Argument #3

God’s Word in Writing

  Let us cruise into my third argument (the undeniable one) with a little history lesson. In the 1640’s one of the greatest Christian confessions (The Westminster Confession of Faith) ever written (by men wiser than I) began by addressing and defending the Bible. They wrote,

  I, 1. Our natural understanding and the works of creation and providence so clearly show God's goodness, wisdom, and power that human beings have no excuse. However, these means alone cannot provide that knowledge of God and of His will which is necessary for salvation. Therefore it pleased the Lord at different times and in various ways to reveal Himself and to declare that this revelation contains His will for His church.?Afterwards it pleased God to put this entire revelation into writing so that the truth might be better preserved and transmitted and that the church, confronted with the corruption of the flesh and the evil purposes of Satan and the world, might be more securely established and comforted. Since God no longer reveals Himself to His people in those earlier ways, Holy Scripture is absolutely essential.

  In short, general revelation (things creation reveals about God) is only sufficient to hold men without excuse. Further revelation is necessary for salvation. God revealed Himself, in a special way, through apostles, prophets, etc., and then committed the revelation to writing, that the transmission of His word might be better preserved.

  Having put forth the essential nature of the Holy Scriptures, how would these brilliant teachers justify their assertion that the Scriptures are the word of God? What is their ar

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