

A4M 抗老化研究院

(2009-03-30 21:51:30) 下一個

A4M 抗老化研究院的兩個著名的醫生Drs.Goldman and Klatz,又將在8月的美安公司的國際年會上推出7個抗老化新產品..



On behalf of A4M, we would like to thank Market America for their decision to become a corporate sponsor of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and their support of the educational and research efforts of our society.

We are now pleased to welcome all of you to acquaint yourselves with our society. We encourage you to view http://www.worldhealth.net/. The information on our site will help all of you to better understand the newest advances and nutritional breakthroughs in maximum health and human performance.

We encourage you to sign up for a special A4M Preferred Membership through http://www.unfranchise.com/ and enjoy special privileges that no other A4M Membership offers. Stay up-to-date on what's new in Anti-Aging and related topics that put you at the forefront for relevant information to build your UnFranchise® Business. We would also like to send a special invitation for you to join us at our upcoming scientific conference on Anti-Aging medicine. Our 10th Annual Anti-Aging Conference will be held at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas on December 6, 7, and 8th. This is our annual academic gathering of physicians and scientists from around the world…we are expecting 3,500+ attendees and over 50 presentations highlighting the latest science and medicine focused in defeating mankind's oldest enemy…old age diseases. In closing, we want to thank you for your interest in our work, and we hope you will join us in our efforts to end aging related diseases within our own lifespan.

Best wishes for your personal longevity.

Dr. Ronald Klatz and Dr. Robert Goldman

P.S. Market America has arranged for an exclusive membership opportunity for Market America Distributors and Preferred Customers. Visit  
tohttp://www.unfranchise.com/ print off your Preferred Member Application and submit it along with $89.95 to Market America. (Allow 3-4 weeks for processing of the A4M Preferred Membership.)

About A4M: An international organization with a membership of 11,500 physicians and scientists from 65 countries. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is a registered 501© non-profit organization, a medical society solely dedicated to the advancement of therapeutics related to the science of longevity and regenerative medicine.

Dr. Ronald Klatz and Dr. Robert Goldman  Author of :

Stopping the Clock: Dramatic Breakthroughs in Anti-Aging and Age Reversal Techniques

2. The Official Anti-Aging Revolution: Stop the Clock, Time is on Your Side for a Younger, Stronger, Happier You

3. Grow Young with HGH: The Amazing Medically Proven Plan to Reverse Aging

4. Brain Fitness: Anti-Aging to Fight Alzheimer's Disease, Supercharge Your Memory, Sharpen Your Intelligence, De-Stress Your Mind, Control Mood Swings, and Much More

5. 121 Ways to Live 121 Years and More!: Prescriptions for Longevity

6. Advances in Anti-Aging Medicine

7. Fight Aging :

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