同時發布的CBS和紐約時報的聯合民意調查報告說明,81%的美國民眾認為美國的政策在錯誤的道路上越走越遠 (TheCBS News-New York Times poll released Thursday showed 81 percent ofrespondents said they believed "things have pretty seriously gotten offon the wrong track." That was up from 69 percent a year ago, and 35percent in early 2002.)。
形勢比人強,2008年美國的總統選舉,除了暗殺和新的戰爭的爆發等突發事件的發生,隨了這美國經濟上持續的危機,基本上就已經塵埃落定了(Theeconomy has surpassed the war in Iraq as the dominating issue of theU.S. presidential race, and there is now nearly a national consensusthat the United States faces significant problems, the poll found.)。
第一個被淘汰的,會是自認對經濟一竅不通的共和黨的麥凱因(TheArizona Senator said in a Boston Globe interview in New Hampshire lastyear, “The issue of economics is not something I've understood as wellas I should.”)。
第二個被淘汰的,會是民主黨的政治明星奧巴馬。主要原因,是他的名字起的不好,犯了民主黨的閻王忌 (Theformer first lady has accused Obama of copying her call for a 30billion dollar stimulus plan, and is also demanding help for homeownersto restructure mortgages, and a removal of legal curbs to let lendersrelax loan terms.)。