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June 26, 2005, the Sun-Sentinel reports:

Canker Fight Looking Fruitless
Canker Spreads to 22 Florida Counties
$500 Million Spent (so far) on Eradication

Allegedly in 1995 the first case of Citrus Canker was found on a grapefruit in Miami-Dade county.  By the end of 1995, canker was "confirmed" in both Miami-Dade and Broward counties.  With the state's eradication program in action  starting in 2000, 7 counties were infested.  The results of that "program" is that now in 2005, 22 counties have the disease

Over 4,000,000 million citrus trees have been killed (so far) and the spread runs unabated at a cost of over $500,000,000

Where will this end?  Probably another $500,000,000 down the drain and the probable death of every citrus tree in Florida.  Thank you government for all your hard work, YOU IDIOTS !!!!!!!

But was this so hard to see coming?  There has never been any proof whatsoever (and almost 100% contrary evidence) that killing and more killing and removal does not stop canker.  Nothing stops canker; that is the evidence.  Totally harmless to humans and fruit quality, I'd rather have my trees back ...how about you?


Citrus Farmers Must Get New Canker Weapons

By TRAVIS REED The Associated Press
Thursday, January 12, 2006; 9:25 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The federal government's withdrawal of financial support for citrus canker eradication means Florida growers may have to rely on costly chemicals and wind breaks to save the $9 billion industry, researchers said Thursday.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday it would no longer help pay for the 10-year-old program, which required the removal of every citrus tree within 1,900 feet of one infected with canker.

The highly contagious bacterial disease of citrus canker, which attacks citrus plants is shown in this Dec. 5, 1995, photo in Sweetwater, Fla. A state law requiring the removal of trees within 1,900 feet of one infected with citrus canker is being reviewed by the Florida Department of Agriculture in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricanes. (AP Photo/Hans Deryk)
The highly contagious bacterial disease of citrus canker, which attacks citrus plants is shown in this Dec. 5, 1995, photo in Sweetwater, Fla. A state law requiring the removal of trees within 1,900 feet of one infected with citrus canker is being reviewed by the Florida Department of Agriculture in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricanes. (AP Photo/Hans Deryk) (Hans Deryk - AP)

The policy riled homeowners, who watched workers cut down healthy trees in their yards to prevent the spread of canker to commercial groves.

The disease is caused by bacteria that can be transferred by birds, humans and wind. It makes fruit blemish and prompts it to drop prematurely, but is harmless to humans.

Agriculture experts are planning meetings with growers and production managers around the state to help them adapt to the new reality.

"We're kind of mounting a blitz of information," said Jim Graham, professor of soil microbiology at the University of Florida's Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred.

Graham said growers have to focus on decontaminating equipment and personnel that travel from one grove to another. They also can apply additional coats of a copper spray already used to control fungal diseases.

"Of course the cost of that spray is going to be a consideration," Graham said, adding that it could run an additional $200 an acre per year.

He said growers should also consider which varieties are most susceptible to infection. Grapefruits, for example, are much more likely to contract it than Valencia oranges.

Graham said natural windbreaks with plants 20-40 feet high would help prevent canker spread, but creating them could be a long and costly process.

Abandoning the eradication policy may please some homeowners.

"The government position is absurd, and has been from the beginning," said Brian Patchen, a Miami Beach attorney who sued after his six citrus trees were destroyed. "There was no way citrus canker could be truly eliminated to begin with, given the demographics of Florida."

Winds from the heavy hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005 also helped spread the disease.

Florida Department of Agriculture spokeswoman Liz Compton insisted the eradication program was successful.

"To those who say, 'Did I lose my tree for nothing?' The answer is no," she said. "The picture changed. The face of this changed because of the hurricanes."

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