席琳 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2005-06-17 21:46:29) 下一個

這是今天姐姐(一年級結業,準備升二年級)上課回來,寫的一個如何製做蛋糕的一個配方。是在新發的帶紅藍格格的作業本子(Draw & Write Journal)上,用鉛筆打的草稿,還沒有最後定稿,有拚寫和語法錯誤。

左邊的空白處,畫了一大幅畫,大標題是The Best Cakes!It's a Party! Chocolate. 畫了一張桌子,桌子上鋪的是桌布,桌布上麵放兩個盤子,每個盤子上麵放一個蛋糕。其中一個蛋糕的上麵點燃著三根蠟燭,另外一個蛋糕已經切開,上麵點有一支蠟燭。桌子上麵有一把小刀和三個飲料杯子。杯子裏都有一個喝水的管子(Straw)。桌子的旁邊,站著一個小女孩,還沒有桌子高,不曉得是誰。近處有兩個大一點的女孩,麵對麵坐在地毯上,每人前麵,一個小盤子,小盤子上,各放一片切好的蛋糕。比較大的女孩伸著舌頭,象饞貓一樣,大概是姐姐,眼睛睜大了,盯著小盤子裏的蛋糕。另外那個女孩,大概是妹妹,雙手在捧了杯子,喝飲料。

作文上麵的空白處,大約有半頁紙的空白,藍框框起來,專門畫畫的地方,畫的是一份示意圖:中間是一個蛋糕,上麵寫著Chocolate Cake,周圍用線條連接的五個圓圈,代表的是做蛋糕的工藝和原料:第一個圓圈,是Introduction;第二個圓圈,是Flour;第三個圓圈,是eggs;第四個圓圈,是chocolate;第五個圓圈,是Conclusion。



The Cake Best in Summer

Do you like cake? If you do, you will like this recipe. First, you will need this: flour, eggs, 6 chocolates, and a bowl. Here are the instructions:

First make the flour into dough. Then put it in the bowl.

Then get out two or one egg. Break it into the bowl. Stir it with anything.

Now melt the six chocolates by the sun. When it's not melt, clean the stuff except the cake that you are making, and the recipie. When the chocolates are melt, it's ready.

Put the melted chocolate in the bowl with the broken eggs and the dough. Stir again. If you see it's not all brown, keep stirring.

After that, put the cake in the oven and put it on 109 degrees!  

Finally decorate it any kind you want! And you and your friends eat the YUMMYEST cake ever!


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