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How to fix a PC mouse and a keyboard

(2023-10-24 07:36:23) 下一個


A. The first mouse, was fixed yesterday.

This Logitech mouse was getting broken recently: everytime when I moved the mouse, the PC speaker sounded loudly. I guessed that the wire (being a right angle without any buffer zone) end at the mouse  was broken, so eachtime the mouse movement let the wire be connected and disconnected, Windows 10 then interpreted as that there was a new device (the mouse) being plugged in and out.

The logitech mouse without a buffer zone (this is the same picture I took after I fixed the mouse, since I did not take its picture before I fixed it):

A mouse with a buffer zone:

So i decided to fix it. 

Steps of how I fixed it:

1. Take the screw out from the back, open the mouse, cut the wire:

2. Stripe the wires with a wire stripper, at guage 28:

The wire stripper:

Gauge number in the wire stripper:

Striped wires:

When I was striping wires, I found that the white wire was broken.

I asked the USB pinout from Bard and chatGPT:

Bard answered:

chatGPT answered:

Then I asked which is data in,which is data out:

Bard answered:

chatGPT answered:

After talking with Bard and chatGPT,I realized that the white wire is Data-, which is the signal that carries data from the receiver (the mouce) to the sender (PC). That is why I constantly hear the computer sounds with a mouse movement, becase the white wire was disconnected and reconnected (this wire is a stranded wire). So my guess was correct.


3. Solder the wires, 5 of them, using a solder iron with a fine tip, lead-free solder, rosin and with an exhaust fan (do remember to wear disposable gloves, a protective goggle and a face mask):

Solder iron, Rosin and lead-free solder:

The aluminum tube is from an exhaust fan, which expels the harmful fume (formaldehyde) from the buining rosin:

A 6 inch exhaust fan:

The exit of the exhaust gas:

The soldered wires:

4. Seal the soldered wires with hot glue using a hot glue gun (see how clean  the mouse compartment is as compared with that in the third picture):

The hot glue gun:


5. Put back the mouse top:

6. I tested, it works.


B. The second mouse, bought in 2005, has been fixed 3 time with the same steps since then and still works:


C. The third mouse, bought new (on ebay, $3), but did not work. It turned out that the two standing rods (red arrows) were too high. I cut them a little bit with a wire cutter. The mouse is working now:

The wire cutter used here:

D. A keyboard, one wire was broken around 5 or 6 years ago, so I just abandoned the broken wire (there are also five of them), added an external wire which was wrapped around the original wire, soldered it at the both ends. The keyboard works now:




















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