

(2023-11-05 19:06:46) 下一個

Full course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpwZS3XnEZA#t=8m41s 

samples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpwZS3XnEZA#t=16m22s c:program filesibmspsssp26samplesdemo.sav 18m50s:Descriptive Stat|Explore 19m36s:basic graph, 20m48s(https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LCtTh6Gt2PqFSLlUt_z2Mhu3Ha-KFujT)

0. Original papers/Installation

網上找老友的spss 26.zip,與Python 3.4一起裝在W11下,sample下例子還沒學。複原了這兩篇文章的結果:線性混合效應模型入門之一(linear mixed effects model)線性混合效應模型入門之二 原始數據:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PYcMxDYgjjSvv9seUXmIDg?pwd=ngkw

SPSS 26 documents:https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spss-statistics/26.0.0


The data in this case come from a study on kidney disease. The study followed 200 patients with kidney disease and tested the glomerular filtration rate (GFR, an indicator of kidney function, which decreases year by year) once a year. The main purpose of the analysis was to explore the impact of baseline urinary protein quantification on the annual decline rate (slope) of GFR (the greater the amount of urinary protein, the greater the harm to renal function). Confounding factors include baseline age and gender.

(1)patient: 患者ID編號;

1. SPSS start note

  1. Rub SPSS, close welcome window, operate on main GUI.
  2. File|Import Data|CSV Data, Open .csv file, then click OK

  1. Analyze|Mixed Models|Linear,

  1. Set model, start by choose patient from left, use arraw to add to right pane, Continue (below left)

  1. Add factors, as shown at above right, click Fixed.
  2. Add fixed effect as shown above. Select multiple params for interaction *. Click Continue.

  1. Set Covariance Type and other factors as shown below left. Click Continue.


  1. Click Estimation, change method as shown above right, then click Continue.
  2. Click Statistics, then Save, both with Continue after settings, shown below, then OK!


  1. Outputs items shown at the light and details at the right, for example:

  1. Click Disk symbol to save it:


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