

(2023-03-20 19:30:57) 下一個


To contact us, please use the email address or phone number listed below.





Congratulations! You have been accepted to be a Participating Homeowner in the FEMA-funded Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) program.


This email lists the steps you need to take and the deadlines you must meet to stay in the program and receive a grant of up to $3,000 for a code-compliant seismic retrofit of your house.


You will receive a Homeowner Packet in the mail within the next couple of weeks that details the EBB process and Program Rules. If you want to get a head start reviewing the information in the homeowner packet, it is available on the EBB website, and you can also begin reviewing the Contractor Directory here.


It is very important that you review the documents carefully as they contain critical information including all eligibility and qualification requirements.


Remember that to qualify for reimbursement, the house must be owner-occupied. It may not be a rental property.


EBB timeline and next steps for Phase One (Pre-Retrofit)


?You have a total of 90 days (or three months) from the date you were accepted to complete Phase One of your retrofit project. However, if you are unable to meet this deadline, please contact us two weeks before your deadline.


Phase One includes these steps:


  • Decide if you will hire a contractor to do your EBB retrofit or if you will do it yourself. If you are going to hire a contractor, you must hire someone who is listed on the Contractor Directory on the EBB website. These contractors are independent businesses who have taken training in order to be included on the directory.  
  • Obtain a building permit. A contractor will usually handle the permit process and plans for you. 
  • Obtain a building retrofit plan showing the scope of work (Plans are required when obtaining a permit).
  • Get the required pre-retrofit photos from under the house and of the exterior.
  • For those who self-verified for the EBB Supplemental Grant ONLY, you must submit a complete and accurate Income Verification Form (IVF) for every income earner in your household for review within 30 days from your acceptan?ce, or your application will be removed from the Supplemental Grant process. A link to the IVF is on your dashboard.

Once you have the pre-retrofit photos and required documents, you or your contractor must upload them to your Homeowner Dashboard. To access your Homeowner Dashboard, you will need to log in at www.EarthquakeBraceBolt.com with the username and password you set up when you registered for EBB.


The deadline to complete Phase One (Pre-Retrofit) is: June 15, 2023.


Again, if you are unable to meet this deadline, please contact us two weeks before the deadline.


After you have completed Phase One and before retrofit work begins, EBB will forward your photos and documents to FEMA for review. Once EBB notifies you that we have received clearance to move ahead from FEMA (most likely 10 weeks after submission), you may begin your retrofit.


Please note: If you begin your retrofit work before receiving clearance from FEMA, you will be ineligible to receive an EBB grant.


You will have six (6) months from the day EBB lets you know that we received clearance from FEMA to complete your retrofit.

Should you decide you do not wish to participate in the program, please 'withdraw' using your Homeowner Dashboard online so another applicant can be accepted.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the EBB requirements or process, please visit our website at www.EarthquakeBraceBolt.com, see our FAQs page or Contact Us.
Your EBB Team

Standard plan set: https://abag.ca.gov/our-work/resilience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho9eQKsFnvg 






1. 放在水泥地基上的木料稱為泥基mud base。上圖是泥基錨栓的分布要求,錨栓距房子端頭是9-12"其餘接頭5-12",錨栓間隔4(2-3層樓)-6'(單層),鑽孔後需吸出粉末再加膨脹螺栓或粘性即加環氧樹脂和螺栓、3x3墊片和螺帽固定;無法鑽孔則用Simpson URFP框架錨;為省錢可如上圖所示加木料後用螺栓或Simpson URFP。混凝土中的孔將與膨脹錨栓的錨栓直徑相同,粘性即加環氧樹脂的錨栓孔稍大1/16~1/4";孔的深度對於膨脹錨栓至少4",對於粘性錨栓至少6"。

2.短立柱的這段高度稱為殘牆cripple wall,通常間隔16",其空間即泥基上可加PT或基礎級紅木2x4 block橫木限位,上述螺栓可加在橫木上;如果開有地窗或大跨度,每段至少2個螺栓。殘牆需要加15/32 exterior至少5層的膠合板,每個牆端支撐度1層樓為40%或以上,兩層為 50%。使用至少四英尺寬的板,8d or 0.131x2.5"(釘槍可用2-1/8")釘子四邊間隔4"中間12"。分配膠合板的方法1是將所需長度的三分之一放在每個牆端,其餘三分之一放在牆的中部。例如,單層住宅一側有16"高60'長的殘牆,則至少需要16"x8'膠合板三張,分居兩端和中部。方法2可用六張四英尺長的沿牆壁均勻分布,每端各有1張,此法可能避開殘牆處的管道煙囪或通風孔。每張膠合板要鑽兩到三英尺的通風孔,居中在mud seal上1.5"處和頂板下2.5"處;如果膠合板高度低於18"則隻鑽1個孔,方便檢查其中的bolt。如果有外部通風管,膠合板上開孔的周圍需加墊木並加釘子。

3.殘牆上方橫置的2x4與豎立的端板Rim joist之間要加clip angle L90/L70, 10d or 0.148x2.5"釘。對於橫木被白蟻蛀導致降低,用20噸千斤頂後塞入7/16"膠合板後再加2x4"支撐floor joist。

4..殘牆上方橫置的2x4若短於48",需加#16(1.518mm)鐵條跨越接縫,例如外部的crawl space入口上方。實際用了2x3x1/4"角鐵,要是2x2x1/4"方管並列就更好了。


gas valve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtZUZIRDr1Y?  https://www.amazon.com/Andreas-Northridge-Earthquake-Manual-Sensitive/dp/B07Q773WLZ/ref=sr_1_1 

1855-376-3221 https://www.foundationrepairofca.com/earthquake-retrofitting-and-repair.html 

挑戰:我的地基上緣寬9,再往上是1.5"高的調平水泥是混凝土地基的一部分寬6",mudsill是1.75"x6",上麵還有2"x4",然後10.25"高的Cripple stud寬度1.75-2,so total wood structure cripple wall height is: 1.75+2+10.25+2+2=18"。

地基豎孔:需低高度鑽,一般衝擊鑽都放不下,因空間僅10.25"下為4"木料才是水泥。直角鑽DCD740高4"、Dewalt DW120為5-1/2"、Milwaukee 3107-6為5.625"、1680-20(非常重,搞不好回扭斷胳膊)是有倒角的,對2x4大概為4.75"。Dewalt 電池鑽DCD805為卡頭縮回6.5",60ftlbs,20V2A,但是手冊隻建議最大1/4水泥鑽頭;若DCD740可用-很易燒毀-卡頭縮進時估計為3.5"。鑽頭按價格選擇是:Irwin/Diablo/Bosch/Milwaukee,按速度則相反;其它品牌包括Dewalt可能鑽不了老地基。按Milwaukee 1680-20算,10.25-4.75=5.5",鑽先用木工鑽鑽掉4",放8"鑽頭鑽水泥4"深,再放10"(實際可放到12")鑽頭再鑽1.25-1.5"水泥,這樣水泥洞深5.25"加木料9.25-9.5",12"錨栓留2.75-2.5"給墊片螺母。實際操作不易:工具太重,缺少擰緊鑽夾的空間。


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn9XJhDPSzw#t=98m38s 好長的視頻,QRFP在2020年低是$17.5。買了一片UFP10-SDS3,可以用在我的地基上但是數量有限而且貴 - 比HD的QRFP貴8刀。螺絲是5pcs SDS25312即1/4x3.5",用3/16鑽孔3/8套筒。我因mudsill是2x6加2x4,會把其中2個換為5"長的。最

最終方案:UFP10-SDS3或上述三次鑽加樹脂埋錨栓。我設法買了一些UFP10,雖然價格不菲。mud sill用Simpson 1/4x3.5或5"及3/8套筒,如果是6x80mm需10mm套筒;側麵是1/2"螺栓至少5"長。

Palm nailer單釘槍必須有,推薦Ridgid適合1.5-4"釘,客服1.866.539.1710或https://register.ridgidpower.com/contact,備件Gardner at 800.544.2444。另外Bostitch PN100 kit或Harbor,建議在本地店買以便更換和保修。漏氣很常見,通常是墊圈不到位或沒墊圈。買了二手R350PNF試用不錯,稍碰到釘子就動作不費勁。

LA的plan https://www.ladbs.org/docs/default-source/publications/standard-plans/anchor-bolting-bracing-foundation-drawing.pdf?sfvrsn=f68feb53_15  似乎用到Mitek SRC:https://www.mitek-us.com/products/concrete-masonry/foundation-anchors/SRC 按LA plan,1/2的threaded rod鑽頭14mm或9/16",鋼筋用5/8",力矩25-30ftlbf,與Simpson文檔的5/8"鑽頭最大力矩20ftlb有差別:https://www.buildsite.com/pdf/simpsonanchors/ET-HP-Epoxy-Adhesive-Product-Data-1849356.pdf

9/16x10"的鑽頭很難找:https://www.fmwfasteners.com/products/9-16-x-10-1-4-itm-sds-plus-hammer-drill-bit?  https://www.bridgefasteners.com/products/9-16-x-10-1-4-carbide-hammer-sds-plus-drill-bit,它也賣1/2x12"錨栓,注意若是不鏽鋼要選304(18-8)的。

Epoxy 14fdays hard-hard/fresh-hard strength psi: Simpson ET-HP22-N 2400/2800, SET-XP22-N 3200/2000, SET-3G 3350/2750, AT-XP上萬,差不多的是PC-concrete 20.2oz,9/16x5"可灌約64孔,與HD賣的Pro的差別是強度類似,固化時間短(44小時,Pro是7天;操作時間均為20分鍾)。每孔擠兩次就可以了。

釘子得規格也亂,例如IRC標準16d是3.5x0.135",但Simpson commonssinker、short分別是3.5x0.162和3.25x0.148,所謂sinker是頭部有網格便於手釘時錘子滑動,short不建議用於Framing。8d/10d/12d/16d是長度2.5/3/3/25/3.5"。8d common是2.5x0.131,但galvanized多為2.5x0.113。galvanized傳統是指hot dip浸鋅的,但不少廠家把不耐久的電鍍也叫galvanized,不過包塑料的還沒敢這麽叫。傳統hot dip的外觀是不光滑發白,有的鍍鋅是光滑的顏色發暗鍍層較薄,電鍍發黃就更薄了。Simpson的UFP10是鍍鋅但是不厚還是會鏽的。


Procedure: call inspector to confirm washer size and inspection steps

0.anti rust processing of UFP10
1a.drill 7/8x4" holes along eastern wall, 3+4 holes, and
  white chalk to mark/measure plywood height/position
1b. when concrete drill bits received, finish threaded rod holes of 5" deep, vac/brush/clean hole, insert threaded rod and leave at least 1/2" after nuts installed.
1c. do 1st epoxy rod, mark amount needed, then do rest - total 3+4 - each needs 0.3oz@14mm drill, OP time only 20min. . Might use remained epoxy for roofing. Clean the gun.
2.make template to drill 3/16" wood holes at the center height of mudsill, 4.5"/3"     deep w/ mark on drill bit, these are for UFP10, order is south/west/north,      and mark/measure plywood height/position
3.cut 2x4, install whenever I have time
4a. when UFP10 available, install No.2/4 1/4x3.5" screws to locate UFP10, then drill 1/2x6" concrete hole, vac/clean and measure depth,
4b install 2pcs 1/2x5" bolts for each UFP10 torque to 25-30ftlbs, then tighten 5pcs 1/4 scerws(outer 5", inter 3.5") 
5. nailing 2x4x14.5" blocks, w/ palm nailer
call inspector
6a. cut plywood & predrill vent holes, nail screens,
6b. after 1st inspection, install plywood w/ framing nailer
call final inspection

https://trakit.saratoga.ca.us/etrakit/dashboard.aspx? google saratoga city inspection,在網上創建賬戶,連接到permit#,再選時間,需提前幾天。y~i/B(


1.UFP10防鏽處理 -0520
2.做2x2x14.25”L模板,上麵鑽離邊緣1.5"的0.5"孔,側麵離上端1“鑽5x 3/16孔 - 0521
3.測量並記錄每個14.5”間隔寬度,標記rod、UFP10、膠合板位置(x,||和<>) - 0521
5.買angle steel install將裝在入口上沿 - PO done 0523


2.放鬆相關電線,用2-1/2 32度釘槍安裝膠合板
4.電話申請final inspection
5.退還不用的材料, URFP, epoxy, 2x4PT, etc.

wk8-9:final inspection

遞交EBB完成材料,包括final inspection/發票收據/照片等,登陸後可知。由於我的發票有多張,把它集中成單個pdf,首頁是索引鏈接。提交後就不能改了。

=== Angle Steel bar addition

The 3' basement outside entry has dropped down 1/2" each side, it is because the two layer 2x4 top plates have upper layer interconnected-thus edges and lower one cracked at one side, and termite at the other. I bought 2x3x36" 1/4" thick angle steel and used 20ton jack to insert supporter at each side - 4x10-1/4" with thickness 2" and 1" respectively. After repair L/R side still lower 1/4 and 3/8".

===https://www.earthquakebracebolt.com/Portal/login  gmail/S-1

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