

(2017-06-09 20:29:48) 下一個


以前寫的一篇沒了,隻好再寫一篇,因為又有一個車庫門彈簧斷了。以前換的那個,車庫天花板很低,開門器是我把天花板割開一呎寬數呎長埋進去裝的。結果換彈簧時上麵winding bar頂到天花板,下麵的被門的strut擋住插不進去,把車庫門最上麵那片拆了才換好;現在看來拆strut興許也行。如何測量:http://ddmgaragedoors.com/diy-instructions/how-to-measure-torsion-springs.php  需要在非張緊態下量鋼絲直徑(=長度/圈數),彈簧內徑,長度和左右方向。方向可用左右手判斷如下圖為右向,其中大拇指埋入代替軸。有的還需注意特殊尾端形狀。

正常情況下,在車庫外麵向車庫時,左右側彈簧是left/right wind,且右側漆紅。測得Fremont為常態左右繞向,右側斷了為共120圈,內徑1-3/4吋,長約28-3/4吋,張緊後長31-1/8吋;左側沒斷張緊後有142圈長34-3/4吋。由28.75/120~=0.24吋鋼絲,張緊伸長對7呎高門為(絲徑*8)+1/4=2-1/4吋,28.75+2.25=31與量得31-1/8相近。若換兩根可取平均長度(31+34.75)/2-2.25~=31吋,也可取標準32吋。

網購:https://www.365garagedoorparts.net Amazon國產品價低,實際買的這個帶winding bar,質量與美公司網上賣的一樣。

如何換:http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Texas/31507023.html  油管搜garage door torsion spring replacement。工具包括1/2" winding bar、夾鉗各2個,扳手等。斷電、鬆開電動機構(有拉繩)並用夾鉗在門側軌上防止門上移超過4吋;卸裝彈簧都需winding bar交替抵在門上每次鬆開1/4圈;亦須卸掉兩側滑輪,注意先標記帶輪軸向位置、鋼繩是垂於輪子外側還是內測;兩彈簧中間是黑膠或滾珠軸承可考慮換;裝上彈簧和滑輪鋼絲後,滑輪和彈簧螺栓都是手緊再1/2~3/4圈,先按標記固定滑輪螺栓;再將彈簧用winding bar每次1/4圈張緊,7呎門彈簧張緊31次(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTpNET1VbJE ),以門不上移且兩側接地為度,之前可噴白漆以便計數;鬆開門側夾鉗,手動開關門,開門少許或全開都能自停。最後加電測試。

實踐小結:先鬆沒斷的彈簧,用winding bar下置擋在車門上。發現所有的固定螺栓都把主軸管壓變形了,要榔頭把彈簧/帶輪敲下來,然後敲擊軸管兩螺絲壓痕的中間讓管子複原一些,不然彈簧通不過去。我噴的漆由於事後噴WD40使軸管潤滑都看不見了,帶輪按原有螺絲壓痕固定。繞好鋼絲,用卡鉗固定軸管使得張緊彈簧時軸管不轉,不然鋼絲會鬆。沒有預鬆電動機構,彈簧預緊31次,是手往上舉winding bar。結果鬆開電動機構後門大力上開!因此用卡夾限定上移幾寸很有必要,鬆開卡鉗時注意上彈。


2. Hinge

垂直分為四片的鐵門由上至下的Hinge號碼分別是#3/#2/#1,因滑道不是垂直的。斷裂的Hinge直接擰螺絲更換。租客換的似乎不對,門變形手動很難開關電動更沒戲。找人裝2個struts價格350: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1BBNQufXCw。注意:加厚更重彈簧要重調上緊。https://www.menards.com/main/doors-windows-millwork/garage-doors-garage-door-openers/garage-door-parts-accessories/ideal-door-reg-2-x-16-ft-steel-horizontal-garage-door-support-strut/p-1444433865176.htm 本地店找到了:(408) 676-9201
750 Camden Ave., Unit-C, Campbell, CA 95008 兩根50刀。需7/16" SelfTapping screws. Hinge至少要14gauge的1.98mm,#11的更好3.175mm。

這就是以前換的那個,車庫天花板很低,開門器是我把天花板割開14.5吋寬8呎多長埋進去裝的。沒有鋸2x4因此裝的偏了幾吋,門被拉變形了。現在看來拉力臂還是要裝在正中,正中的ceiling joist 2x4鋸斷後,少了一根而且兩側加固較麻煩,因為要20呎的料還要人爬進去裝。不如把鋸斷的2x4橫搭在開口處與原有間隔16吋的2x4的正交固定,還可以在兩側ceiling joist上加木板固定在roof rafter上。通常,開門機軌道端頭裝在彈簧上方可以高些,然後開門在門上墊2x4放置電機軌道,如此有1.5吋間隙。光電頭居地不超過6吋,對準時接收端綠燈會亮,黃燈是發送端電源。

3. Genie

Wireless keypad programming: https://www.geniedoor.com/support/programming-instructions/outside-keypad-programming/

To Reset the Intellicode Wireless Keypad

  1. Open cover half way.
  2. Press and hold “PROG” and “8” while fully opening cover. Indicator light will blink once and go out.
  3. Close cover fully.

To Program the Intellicode Wireless Keypad

  1. Open cover fully by sliding keypad cover up until it latches.
  2. Press 3-5-7.
  3. Press “PROG”. (red light blinks)
  4. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  5. Press “PROG”. (red light blinks fast)
  6. Close cover fully.
  7. Proceed to Part 2 below.

note: if red indicator light does not blink, it is not taking the programming steps. Check the 9 volt battery under the keypad numbers. To access, press inward, under the number pad lip while sliding downward to expose the battery.

Part 2:

Gently press and release the Receiver Learn Code button on the Power Head Receiver of your Genie Garage Door Opener (Genie motor on the ceiling). This small black button is located behind the light lens at the motor head and is nearest the floppy 6 inch antenna wire that protrudes from the power head. When pressed, a radio signal indicator will start blinking red for 30 seconds.

  1. Enter your PIN number after pressing the Learn Code button described above, while the motor head indicator light is blinking.
  2. Press “SEND” 2 times for your system to grab your frequency and code it in.
  3. Press “SEND” once to test system and start your door moving.

Adding Pin2:

  1. Open cover fully.
  2. Enter 1-5-9.
  3. Press PROG.           
  4. Enter second PIN
  5. Press PROG.
  6. Close covery fully.

Change Pin:

  1. Open cover fully.
  2. Enter PIN to be changed
  3. Press PROG.           
  4. Enter new PIN
  5. Press PROG.
  6. Close covery fully.

Adding Temperay PIN:

  1. Open cover fully.
  2. Enter PIN1
  3. Press PROG two times           
  4. Enter temperary  PIN       #it remains active until next time PIN1 entered
  5. Press PROG.
  6. Close covery fully.
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