2009 (2)
2010 (1)
2014 (58)
2015 (74)
2016 (71)
2017 (67)
2018 (37)
2020 (57)
2021 (47)
2022 (69)
2023 (45)
1. Catalytic Converter Laws
Rules for Replacing Converters
In 1986, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued new guidelines for the construction, efficiency and installation of aftermarket catalytic converters. All CleanAir converters listed in this catalog have been designed, tested and manufactured to meet this policy.
In addition, CleanAir converter listed in this catalog is appropriate for use under the current requirements of the California Air Resources Board (C.A.R.B.).
E.P.A. guidelines state that replacement converters may be installed only in the following situations:
1. The vehicle is missing a converter
2. A state or local inspection program has determined that the existing converter needs replacement
3. Vehicles manufactured prior to 1996 must have more than 50,000 miles, and a legitimate need for replacement must be established and documented
4. In cases of OBD Il-equipped vehicles (1996 and later), the O.E. manufacturer's 8-year/80,000-mile warranty must have expired and a legitimate need for replacement must be established and documented.
Please note that Federal law prohibits removal or replacement of a properly functioning O.E. converter.
When replacement of the converter is appropriate (as outlined above), the E.P.A. further requires that:
1. It be installed in the same location as the original
2. It be the same type as the original (i.e., two-way, three-way, three-way plus air/three-way plus oxidation)
3. It be the proper model for the vehicle application as determined and specified by the manufacturer
4. It be properly connected to any existing air injection components on the vehicle
5. It be installed with any other required converter for a particular application
6. It be accompanied by a warranty information card to be completed by the installer.
(A)車輛被明確列入新售的after market催化轉換器的車輛應用清單中;
(C)車輛的OEM催化器保修期已過(它可以由7年或70000英裏到高達15年或15萬英裏. 要兩位安裝工參考車主手冊/保修手冊或聯係車輛製造商或其代表,以確定OEM催化器的保修期已過;
( D )車輛有合法的需要更換現有的轉換器的理由,由安裝商記錄在維修發票上。如果OEM催化器已存在的,安裝工在更換前必須確認它工作不正常;
( E )新的after market催化器必須安裝在原OEM催化器被設計用於更換的同一位置。安裝時催化器的前端不應超出原OEM催化器位置前端上遊或下遊3英寸。安裝不能改變催化器原氧傳感器的地點、位置或取向及上遊和下遊。
( F )新的after market催化器的安裝以一換一為基礎,不允許分裂為子單元。
( G )新的after market催化器的安裝是與所有其它所需的催化轉換器一起的(不能合並也不能增加);
( H )安裝工須填好保修卡,由客戶簽字,與維修發票一起,複印後寄回給製造商。
(I)安裝商應保留新的after market催化器的安裝文檔,包括所有上述信息,並按Ttile 13, section 2222(b)(8) 提供給ARB或其代表。所有這些記錄自出售或安裝催化器之日起應保持四年。
also read this: http://www.epa.gov/otaq/cert/factshts/catcvrts.pdf
dealer: http://www.magnaflow.com/api/dealer_sidebar.asp
其它網站(49州): http://www.discountcatalyticconverters.com/
2. Oxygen sensor
知識 http://news.m.emao.com/news/201504/7855.html http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/auto/353770.html 常用有電壓和電流輸出兩類,四線式其中兩線為加熱,電阻4-40歐。電壓輸出波形見下。據此,將有信號但波形不對的O2整形後輸出,可能騙過MCU清除CEL信號,以此確定哪個O2出了問題。網上有在downstream O2輸出加低通(0/1M與4.7u)成功的例子。對於upstream O2,我看可以加偏置可調的5倍放大電路。注意非原廠MAF=Mass Flow Sensor可能報O2錯。
Cat: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/auto/366751.html
Sienna CAT清洗:http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/auto/402334.html Marvel Mystery oil?
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