


(2008-10-17 01:44:34) 下一個


作者:羅傑 Roger Snyder (October 13, 2008) 譯者: 羅玲

過去六個月我們已經看到來我們的經濟發生了翻天覆地的變化。資本主義世界的聖杯(紐約證券交易所)及其相應的自由市場變成了人類曆史上最大的社會主義行為。所有這一切就發生在世界上最大的資本主義經濟(或其他此類經濟)的老巢 -- 美利堅合眾國!

為何華爾街今天如此高興( 2008 年 10 月 13 日星期一)?喔,考慮到上個星期是股票市場曆史上最糟糕的一個星期,總共損失了市值三萬億美元(對,是“萬億”)。在周末,這些“自由世界”經濟的領袖們在華盛頓首府相會。歐盟決定對他們的銀行係統注入兩萬三千億美元 --- 華爾街總算有點什麽值得慶賀的事情。政府已準備贖他們出來 --- 用勞動階級的錢包和肩膀。

現在,我覺得不僅僅是有點諷刺意味了。歸根結底,正是這幫“華爾街 ” 人多年來述說我們應該削減有需要的人們的開支:在教育計劃,就業計劃,以及對那些沒有保險的人們,尤其是孩童提供的健保計劃方麵。“讓自由市場自我調節”是他們叫嚷的口號。對華爾街富翁們來說,社會主義和政府救市的事隻會發生在別人身上。當要求他們“投降“時,他們借口說經濟狀況良好。多麽諷刺!難道不正是這幫華爾街人群一開始就搞得一團糟嗎? 現在他們把整個美國和歐洲的銀行係統整垮了,把亞洲置於比 1998 年金融風暴更大的壓力下,卻來搖尾乞憐,要求特殊待遇?不但是特殊待遇,而且是提出了任何地方曆史上最大的“救救我”的要求!就在昨天,十月十二日星期天,一家日本銀行為摩根斯坦利注入了九十億美元來保住它不倒閉。摩根斯坦利拿著這筆錢幹啥?他們準備把比他們更小的競爭者買下來,以減少玩家。然後他們要幹什麽?然後他們就可以更容易地把手伸到我們的後袋裏。因為現在競爭對手減少了。有些人永遠也不會吸取教訓。


股票市場和銀行可能已經得救了。華爾街的家夥們可以保住他們的飯碗和在漢普頓的大房子了。但是,資本主義死了 ---- 死於自己的手中。自殺,由於貪婪。






Roger Snyder (October 13, 2008)

What a turn of events in the past 6 months we have seen in our economy. The holy grail of the capitalistic world ( the New York Stock Exchange ) and its commensurate free market has been turned into the largest socialistic action in the history of the human race and it all happened in the home of the largest capitalistic economy ( or any other economy for that matter ) in the world – the UNITED STATES !

Why is Wall Street so happy today ( Monday October 13, 2008 )? Well, considering that last week was the worst in the history of the stock market with a total loss of value of nearly $3 Trillion ( yes, Trillian with a T ) in market value and over the weekend the leaders of the “free world” economies met in Washington D.C. and the European Union decided to inject up to $2.3 Trillion U.S. dollars into their banking system – Wall Street had something to finally cheer about. The governments were going to bail them out – on the backs and wallets of the working class.

Now, I find this more than a little ironic. After all, it’s the “Wall Street” crowd that for years has said we should cut back spending on people in need, on education, on jobs programs, health care programs for the uninsured and health care for children specifically. “The free markets work well when left alone” was their battle cry. For the “rich” crowd on Wall Street socialism or government bailouts is something that happens to other people. When it’s them that needs a “hand up” it’s sound economic policy, they reason. How ironic. Isn’t it the “Wall Street” crowd that made this mess in the first place? And now that they’ve so messed up the entire banking system in the U.S. and Europe and put strain on Asia greater than the 1998 financial problems they come with their hat in hand begging for special deals? Not just special deals but the largest “help me out” request in history, anywhere ! Just yesterday, Sunday October 12th, a Japanese bank injected $9billion into Morgan Stanley to keep them from failing. What’s Morgan Stanley going to do with the money? Their going to buy their smaller competitors to reduce the playing field so they can do what? So they can get in our back pocket again easier than before because now the competition is reduced. Some people never learned.

I was against the bailout for a myriad of reasons but mostly because saving so many drowning people will ultimately make the rescuer tired and he too eventually shall drown. The working class in America is like the parts of a car that you never see. It’s the part of the car that makes it run. The car can look new and shiny, but if you haven’t changed the oil and kept gas in it the car won’t go. We’ve run out of gas and the parts you don’t see ( the working class ) have become rusted and worn down from too many burdens over time ( $10Trillion national debt and wages that haven’t kept up with inflation in the past 30 years ) and now the car needs a complete overhaul ( socialistic regulatory reform and government injection and intervention in the markets ) so that shiny car will work again.

The Stock Exchange and the banks may have been saved. The Wall Street guys will keep their jobs and big houses in the Hamptons. But, Capitalism died – and it died by its own hand. Suicide, by greed.

Lenin once said “we will sell the capitalist the rope with which to hang them”. He was almost right. We made the rope ourselves.

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