


(2008-04-12 21:20:09) 下一個
最近西方媒體的風向好像變了. 加拿大主流報紙環球郵報今天版就有三篇有關西藏和奧運的報道,大部分是中興且客觀的. 美麗的金晶保護火炬的照片出現在頭版,內頁還有她更大幅的照片. 我原以為在西方的媒體上是不可能看到這張照片的,顯然我錯了. 為此我給寫這篇文章的環球郵報常駐京記者寫了封信,對他表示感謝. 同時還希望他能通過他所在的報紙向加拿大人轉達我作為一個華人的願望,即不希望看到加拿大人在奧運會上搗亂,否則將會遭到包括我自己在內的華人的抗擊. 我想若是我們在西方各個國家的華人能通過媒體把我們的信號發給他們的讀者,表示華人為保衛北京奧運會順利進行而戰的決心,也許象給奧運聖火搗亂那樣的令人不愉快的事情就會少發生或是不發生了.

Dear Mr. York:

I am a Chinese living in Canada for over 21 years. Today, as usual, I read your article about China in Globe and Mail and found the picture of our beautiful girl, Jin Jing, on the first page which I though I would never see on Western media. Obviously I am wrong this time. Thank you for the article and the pictures.


I am a long time subscriber of Globe and Mail and I read almost every article of yours on China. Some of your views I do not agree with, however I can accept them as long as they are based on fact instead of imagination.


In today’s article you mentioned “In many ways, Tibet and the Olympics were the ideal issues for Beijing to face, if it was going to face any crisis in 2008.” I am sure this idea sits in the minds of many western politicians and Anti-Chinese Government activists but this is a strategy which is deadly wrong. For most of Chinese people, Sovereignty and the Olympics are two lines you cannot cross. After over 140 years of painful history, China is finally on the right track. The Chinese people, who are gradually becoming more successful, expect recognition and respect from the world. Sovereignty is their untouchable nerve and the Olympics is their dream. Though I found most western journalists and reporters who report from China, or used to work or live in China, are more or less objective and fair when they report about the Tibetan incident; unfortunately your colleagues back home did many dirty work. To give you an example, Canadian TV anchormen reported a Chinese crack down on Tibetans while the screen-cap on the report showed Nepal policemen beating protesting Tibetans. Although the caption to that screen-cap was also from Kathmandu, however, for the majority of Canadians who do not know where Kathmandu is at all, they believed that Chinese policemen were the ones brutally cracking down Tibetan protesters as the hosts reported. Am I right? Or lets post a newspaper poll to show me I’m wrong. It is this kind of corrupted journalism that made many Chinese overseas outraged and started to fight back. Ironically enough almost all pictures and videos used by Chinese official news originated from oversea Chinese instead of their own New China News Agency.


Among Olympic torch protesters, you can see many more western people than real Tibetans. I believe that some westerners will do the same thing at the Olympic Games, Canadians are infamous for stirring up trouble in China. I hope you can pass this following message back home: “Do not touch the Olympics!” I will go back to China together with my son and my daughter, both raised in Canada, as well as my son’s white girlfriend, to watch the Olympics in Beijing. I’ve already talked to them and we’ve come to an agreement; if we see anybody putting up a banner or shouting out a slogan during the games, we would walk in front of them to stop them. If they refuse, we would mobilize the audience to shout them out of the game. If they still refuse to leave, then let them drown by the audience’s spite. I will try my best to organize as many people as possible to do the same thing. Sounds a little bit too extremeJ? Who let them touch Chinese nerve first? The Olympics is not only the athletes’ party, it is also the whole world’s festival. The Chinese are just trying to be a friendly and proud host. You come to our home, you attend our festival for athletes, use this party to parade your own political statements, trouble the host and spit on its face. What do you expect to get back from them, a warm, cheerful greeting?

Here is my suggestion. If somebody wants to make their statement in Beijing, do it on the streets instead of in the Games. They can ask for democracy and human rights but not ‘Free Tibet”. Otherwise, they would be beaten by ordinary Chinese people rather than policemen and receive no sympathy from anybody because of their ignorant and stupidity.



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