因為俺開車太恐怖,駕照被俺師傅吊銷,改坐火車。但感覺坐火車上下班有諸多不便,除了更加努力參與師傅的周末汽車三部曲:maintaining- marveling – cruising 外,每天在車壇上回帖請師傅給打分算是bonus,師傅說俺精神可嘉好學上進,會考慮對俺從寬處理。俺已經多次要求買輛新車。
師傅說買一輛車象是增加一個家庭成員,是建立一個long term relationship,這咋就聽上去像是找戀人呢?有那麽嚴重嗎?師傅還說買的車應該反映開車人的形象,問什麽是Corvette的形象時,被告知是powerful, good looking,tactic,maneuvering。
別說,這車和自我形象問題相結合的問題俺還真沒想過。 這是俺第一次買新車,特別慎重。大家給了很多好意見,所以那尼桑GTR就算免了。師傅特別愛國,所以偏愛美國車,可俺們中國人比較中立,看重性能與質量,所以俺特別看重車壇弟兄們的建議。下麵是一些買車的參數供大家參考:
車的類型:考慮到師傅維護車的辛苦,準備將代步通勤車與豪華享受車合二為一,所以一定要有較高的gas mileage,而且必須是自動因為俺不會開手動。
車的出身:美國,日本,歐洲都可以考慮。師傅很愛國,除了Corvette, Doge外, 買了一部尼桑卡車又時不時地覺得對不起美國汽車工業;還說開歐洲車有點故意顯擺,有覺得自己比別人強的嫌疑,但也時時於不在意間流露對一些歐洲車的喜愛。有網友推薦過BMW M6,但太貴的車俺買不起。
1)上下班,往返大概50 – 60 英裏,經常塞車,高速為主,也有一段城裏。
性別:女。 職業:醫生。 講究時尚和個人風格,五官看上去比較舒服,一付神氣活現的樣子。
For some reason I do not understand, X5 is much better on reliability than 5 series like 540i. I need to go the dealership three to four times a year for my 540i and my wife's X5 has been problem free for almost two years now, I thought they use the similar parts.
If you want reliable but 豪華, Toyata(Lexus) will do a nice job. My 2002 sequoia has 65000 miles, never has a trace of problem, runs so smooth every morninig. Lexus GS450 H should give you nice mileage like 28 mpg, easy to drive but not as fun as the Bimmers.
Or if you really like to have some fun since you drive 60 miles a day, buy the BMW M3 or the Lexus IS-F, both are V8 compact sport sedan and lot of fun to drive. You may feel the 通勤 distance is too short.
Pucnh line: Go with the GTR, it has the dual clutch which can be fully automatic like normal cars. Check the link,
After I get my second and third year stock options I will get one with RED!
Since I spent so much to type these in, would you tell which car you bouhgt later?