酸甜奶酪西紅柿這個是Ming Tsai的方子,看似簡單,實則非常好吃,烤過的山羊奶酪入口即化,香的無以形容。

偶用了兩種西紅柿,黃色的也很好吃~ :)
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1 cup naturally brewed balsamic vinegar
1 log goat cheese, sliced into 1-inch disks using dental floss
1 cup white sesame seeds, not toasted
2 ripe tomatoes, cut into 1/2-inch slices
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons canola oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Canola oil
Preheat broiler to high broil. Coat a medium saute pan over medium-high heat lightly with oil. Add onions and saute just so slightly soften, about 1 minute. Add cranberries and balsamic vinegar and simmer until thickened and reduced by 75%, about 5 minutes. Place sesame seeds on a plate and press one side of goat cheese disks into seeds. In a small bowl, combine the 2 oils. Place tomato slices on a heat-proof plate, season with salt and pepper and top with goat cheese. Drizzle sesame-canola mixture over goat cheese. Place under broiler until sesame seeds begin to color and cheese has softened, about 1-2 minutes. To serve, drizzle cranberry-balsamic syrup over goat cheese and enjoy, being careful of the hot plate.
其實這個應該叫Rhubarb and strawberry salad. 但是不知怎麽回事,我看到rhubarb就會想到小天使。正確的翻譯是大黃,意境一點都沒有啦。
大黃一大根,切成小段。在香草糖漿(50g 糖,半杯水,一小匙香草精華)中小火煮至軟,約20分鍾。
草莓切成片,中間扔幾片泡好的杏脯,就好了。經典的搭配,好吃歸好吃,但不算太驚豔。目前為止吃過的稱得上極品的是做過的腰果蛋糕+大黃+紅酒糖漿+pastry cream. 不過這個沙拉更簡單易做。
In case 您也想玩玩這個脆片,方子在此
6.75TBSP 草莓汁
按照糖,麵粉,草莓汁和融化黃油的順序逐一混合作成糊,薄薄的抹在silicon mat上麵,356度(華氏)或180攝氏度烤到脆,5-8分鍾吧,最後開開烤箱門,讓水分揮發。用鏟子弄出來就可以了。

酸梅魚肉蘿卜原方是蝦和蘿卜,我家沒有蝦,魚肉也還不錯,就是沒有蝦彈牙,用了蝦就完美了--啊,不對,要是再有shiso就完美了,我用了香菜,表拍磚啊~ :)
That distinctive quality of ume-shiso—the tart-and-salty combination of umeboshi (pickled plums) and green shiso, an exuberantly undefinable fresh herb—really enhances the juicy sweetness and char of grilled shrimp and the faintly radishy crunch of daikon.
by Maggie Ruggiero
For Salad
1 (10-oz) piece daikon radish, peeled
3/4 lb medium shrimp, peeled
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
For dressing
3 tablespoons mirin (Japanese sweet rice wine)
1 1/2 tablespoons rice vinegar (not seasoned)
2 1/4 teaspoons umeboshi plum vinegar
2 tablespoons umeboshi plum paste
1 1/2 teaspoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
3/4 teaspoon packed light brown sugar
4 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 tablespoons finely chopped green shiso leaves (about 9)
Equipment: an adjustable-blade slicer; a large (2-burner) ridged grill pan (preferably cast-iron)
Prepare daikon and shrimp for Salad:
Using slicer, cut daikon lengthwise into very thin slices (see cooks' note, below).
Soak in a bowl of lightly salted cold water, chilled, 30 minutes
While daikon soaks, toss shrimp with oil and 1/8 teaspoon pepper.
Heat grill pan over medium-high heat until hot, then cook shrimp, turning once, until just cooked through, 2 to 4 minutes total. Transfer to a plate. Make dressing:
Whisk together mirin, vinegars, plum paste, soy sauce, and brown sugar in a medium bowl.
Add oil in a slow stream, whisking. Stir in shiso leaves. Assemble salad:
Stir shrimp into dressing.
Drain daikon well. Rinse and pat dry, then divide among 6 plates. Using a slotted spoon, top with shrimp. Serve drizzled with some of remaining dressing. Cooks' notes:
•Daikon comes in many shapes and sizes; you may have to cut or quarter your piece to get slices about 5 by 1 inch.
It can be soaked up to 3 hours.
•Shrimp can be cooked 30 minutes ahead and kept at room temperature.
•Dressing, without shiso leaves, can be made 3 hours ahead and kept at room temperature. Stir in shiso leaves (and shrimp) just before serving. 榛子香蕉雞尾酒本來做了榛子香蕉雞尾酒,但是沒有好看的杯杯,結果根本看不出是雞尾酒。嗚嗚~ 不過玩了一天,累的散架,熱得要命,沒氣力做飯的時候,來這麽一杯冰冰涼的飲料,夠爽!香蕉補充能量,接著玩咯!

1.5 parts Kahlua hazelnut
1 part malibu tropical banana or just 1 normal banana
1 part half and half
1 cup ice cube
blend them together.