

Coffee Menu

(2007-10-04 22:36:13) 下一個


CaffÈ Latte ......Espresso with steamed milk and in some shops, a small cap of foam. It has less foam than a cappuccino.In Australia: " 'Latte' gets you a _glass_ with a shot of espresso and lots of milk and some foam - half way between a flat white and a cap. Seems to have originated as the breakfast drink of Sydney commuters. Has become infinitely fashionable due to the need for brass glass holders, which only the fashionable coffee houses have (the rest of us wrap the glass in a napkin)"

CaffÈ Mocha ........ A term of no small controversy. Depending upon where you are, ordering a 'mocha' might get you a 'latte' or a cappuccino with chocolate syrup or hot cocoa. Mocha was a port in Yemen -- a major coffee-growing country located in southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula -- and "it has NOTHING to do with chocolate!!!!!"

Cappuccino ......... A shot of espresso with the remainderbeing 50% steamed milk and 50% milk foam/froth. An alternative description is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk,1/3 foamed milk. But again, this depends very much on the maker. Many places use more steamed milk and less froth."Cappuccino is essentially a latte topped with milk FOAM."

Flat White............1/3 coffee,2/3 hot milk. What's different with Latte? less milk, use a cup, not the glass.

Espresso Macchiato .. Macchiato is a dash of milk or cream in espresso."

Espresso ........... A 1-2 ounce drink made in by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. Typically, espresso beans are darkly roasted but this is not a requirement.Espresso RistrettoA 'short pull' (stronger) espresso. "A ristretto is an espresso made with less the water used for a regular espresso.
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