


(2007-04-17 22:03:40) 下一個

離開波士頓已經一個月零十天了,心裏麵還牽掛著那幫朋友,還惦記著那個國際人頭組織(HEAD),還天天掛在那個mailing list上麵,關注著來自波士頓的消息。

我們國際人頭組織應該算得上是人才濟濟。喜歡戶外運動的,就有好幾個變態。比方說那個嫌空手爬山不過癮要專門背著一袋米的紅拂同學,比方說那個喜歡蹬著自行車在高速上追汽車的little broken同學,還有每天沒事就跑來跑去一跑就是十幾英裏的小沈同學和司徒同學。

小沈同學的故事好像以前講過一點。幾年前剛剛參加cambridge running club的時候,他小人家還隻能與老年婦女們為伍,後來越跑越快,進入了青年婦女組,再後來,就不知道他是否超越了青年婦女們,還是由於某個眾所周知的原因停滯不前了。去年他跑了波士頓馬拉鬆,後來又去跑了芝加哥馬拉鬆,跑完之後得意忘形,在酒吧裏麵慶祝出來,被兩個黑人小兄弟拿槍比著,不得不把剩餘的酒資捐獻出來。再後來,聽說他小人家的腿杆跑出了毛病,不得不暫時在馬拉鬆的道路上停下來修整。





(2007年4月17日於La Jolla)


Thanks everyone for your kind message, and thanks XiaoHang and XiaoSen for your encouragement and advice before I run.

I had a great time yesterday.  The weather was awful in the early of the morning, but became much better later.  Just as good as every runner hopes for, for the most time of the running, the weather was cool with some drizzle.  It was a great day, great run, and great fun.

To share a few things with you that I saw yesterday:

The most impressive runner was a blind runner, he carried a sign "I am a blind runner" on his back and was guided with two guide runners who were running with him on his left and right. 

I saw a "just married" couple.  The bride worn a pair of running shoes and dressed in white.  She run as beautifully as she was. 

There was another girl I thought impressive.  She carried a sign "26.2 miles for 26th birthday" on her back.  The girl was pretty heavy and run slowly.  I passed her at about 4th mile.  I hope she did well in the next 24 miles and had a meaningful birthday.

This year I think the most enthusiastic cheerful people were still Wellesley girls.  I could  hear them even from half mile away when I was approaching to Wellesley.

The cutest cheerful person is a three (or four) years old body.  He stood on the street's sideway with a big innocent smile and straighted his two arms with both his thumbs up.  He looks very cute.

One thing I have been disappointed with fact that I don't see many Chinese runners in the marathon. Yesterday I had same feeling as I did last year.  There are many runners came from Japan and Korea but I hardly saw any Chinese.   Yesterday I heard at least twice that people yelled at me "Hey keep it up Honda, you are doing good".  I wasn't too happy, they must think that I was one of the Japanese runners.  I hope that more Chinese runners will join us in the future and someday people would cheer me "YaoMing, keep it up".

SD rock-n-roll marathon next year sounds a great year.  I am joining the HEAD team.
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