
中國的大禮包 & 布胡會麵烏龍百出

(2007-03-28 23:21:15) 下一個
中國的大禮包 & 布胡會麵烏龍百出

Does 大禮包大禮包Make sense?
The international relations center around the game of interest. In the current round of game, as a matter of fact, 中國 has a very good hand of cards: Iraq war, Iran & N. Korean unclear standoff, and large U.S. treasure holding. In a historical and worldwide view, the cards in China’s hand could not be better ever. Why does not make it more profitable instead of bringing 大禮包 for the visit?

Maybe someone argues that for the better relationship, or because of huge trade surplus, it is wise to bring 大禮包. But I have to say it again: the relation centers on interest, not the one-time 大禮包. In the very basic finance term, the past loss or gain, such as receiving or losing a 大禮包, is irrelevant to the current decision. Thus as soon as 大禮包 is handed over, a new game of interest immediately starts again. Why bring 大禮包?

As for the trade surplus, China goods competitiveness in the U.S. market just results from Chinese scarifying its environment cost, being willing to accept the low wages (such as the low foreign exchange rate), and hardworking, rather than from others’ favor or kindness, doesn’t it? Some day, when the buyers find better suppliers, they will abandon you without saying a goodbye. Therefore,China should not feel any guilty for the surplus at all, shouldn’t we? Why bring 大禮包 ?

For public relaion, did you see more negative news coverage or commentaries to counter the Chinese大禮包 public relation? Is 大禮包 worth it?

Then from Chinese tradition perspective, Hu may bring certain gift for his state visit. So symbolic gift is fine. Why bring大禮包? Does it make economical and political sense?

Economically, if B(buyer) knows that your boss(A) decided to award B a contract, B will never sincerely have any incentive to give A a competitive discount because of no uncertainty and no competition in the deal. Besides, B even doesn’t care about how advanced the technology is in the deal as B knows you have to buy anyhow. Therefore in my view, Wu yi’s purchase is meant a big economical loss to China.

Further economically, during Hu’s visit to Microsoft and Boeing, Chinese VT stations broadcast the events on and on in the golden time as free ads for the companies. Originally, they have to spend big bucks in Chinese TV stations doing advertisement. Hu should also charge heavily for his president image appearing in the ads, shouldn’t he? Is it a big economical loss?

Politically, in others’ eyes, bringing a 大禮包 with the visit shows your subordination and your lower status as a guest. Then if they find chances to slap you, such as 布胡會麵小動作的挑釁, it is a real self-humiliation, isn’t it? As a result, 大禮包 brings the opposite result: self-humiliation. As a matter of fact, you lose your dignity to others, and credibility to your own people and the guest country people. A very very big political loss!

In western countries, besides signing the government treaties, it is true that the state visit usually coincides with signing some business contracts. But those contracts are of private business and the deal is usually signed at buyer’s place. And politicians usually promote business rather than directly involving in it. Does Chinese government hold its principle: business is business; politics is politics in appearance? Obviously not in this case.

In short, economically and politically the大禮包 makes no positive sense at all, but a stupid move: undue big loss of money and dignity.

it is hard to believe those three incidents, FLG婦女雙語白宮南草坪show, 中華民國國歌, and dragging Hu’s sleeve, all accidentally happened in one event. As a matter of fact, traditionally the U.S. has often done this type of cowboy ritual to humiliate these “unworthy” states’politicians in order to show their arrogance. Thus no doubt those events were well planed or premeditated.

Then why on one hand do they smile at you for gaining your business favor and international cooperation; on the other hand, abuse you? In my view, it is because of its self-contradictory personality towards you! In nature, they religiously hate and look down on you, while in business they smile at you for deception and favor. The smile is a typical sly manner, an English culture (Blair and Bush have the same kind of smile when they plot murdering). So consequently, they sometimes show self-contradictory in the real life due to such a personality.

Surely, when a new president is elected, he would, with smile, say to Hu: Mr. Hu, sorry about those unhappy incidents. And as our ex-president Clinton said “Move On”(after the embassy bombing), let’s move on and play another round of cowboy’s game. Another slap will happen on you soon if you take this type of sly “sorry” seriously.

Is the Chinese government so ignorant of this?
I think those bureaucrats know somewhat of this. But terribly, rather than dealing with the visit from the national interest and dignity standpoint, they tried to please their leader slavishly and personally: paving the way of visit with大禮包. In this way, they though that their leader would have a happy visit, and personally they showed their keen loyalty to their leader. However in the end, Hu got humiliated politically and the country got unnecessarily economical loss.

Here are some suggestions
1. Hold those related bureaucrats in foreign trade department accountable, including Wu Yi(She should know this result very well) for fail to professionally protect national interest;
2. Hold the ambassador to the U.S. accountable, for failing to advice his leader properly;
3. Set a rule: always separate state leaders’ visit from China’s state purchase. Otherwise whichever countries, poor or rich, you are going to visit, others will routinely ask for sweet treat. If there does be a state purchase, it should happen after the visit is well honored;
4. Set a rule: when a leader visits a foreign business, no televised report should be allowed, either domestic or foreign, and the text report should be as brief as possible (Welcome these companies do paid ads in China.);
5. If a leader is ill treated, everyone in China should be informed because this is a state visit. Let the doer faces the anger of whole Chinese people in political and economical terms.


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