
Does 蔣彥永 Have 良知???

(2007-03-29 00:05:30) 下一個
Eastern moral emphasizes on heart, while Western one stresses will. On the whole, they are the same. Here I start with the will-argument, that is, only goodwill can produce moral, not the consequence of the action.

As 良知 is a moral product, when talking about 良知, we'd first judge his will, rather than looking at the consequence(or end result) of his action. The question here is whether 蔣彥永's will is good or bad when he conducted his bravery.

Obviously, sometime it is very likely that somebody'ill-will may accidently arrive at a good social consequence. Then, does s/he has 良知? According the above moral standard, s/he is still immoral due to the ill-will. So if will is ill, there is no 良知 in her/him at all. In our life, our common sense tells such a judgement is very ture.

Do we really know 蔣先生's will? Only he himself knows what it is.

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