
楊振寧: A Rotten, Mad, Shameless Man

(2007-03-29 00:03:41) 下一個
 If still living in other side of pacific ocean, 楊振寧is just another Wen-ho Lee, obedient, humble, and cautious. In addition, since there are too many Noble winners there, he is just a very much used man with little residue value. Now what? Like米盧蒂諾維奇, He is somewhat like a god with special social status in China and got a young woman too. Though I must admit he does have some respectful motive to work in China, his weakness is fermenting and rotting him. He is now getting lost. Rotten Moral Moral is about what is right or wrong and better or worse. As their marriage itself doesn’t violate any law and hurt anyone in the world, we should not 說三道四 about their private affair. However, the issue is how 楊 got there. Put it simply, a stupid family invites an 82 years old tutor to teach its children. In order to let children learn well, the family puts a shining ring on the tutor, by saying that he is such a great Noble winner with great personality, loving you very much, and by building a special temple for the tutor and making a lot of publicity about him. However the tutor takes advantage of the shining fame, by getting attracted to one of his young students in the family, who is indulged and red-neck, And He attempts to marry with her at such a big age difference. The stupid family appreciatively set the shining fame as both a goodwill for the tutor and role model for kids, but the tutor uses them very differently, namely abusing them to his own extremely selfish advantage. That is the lesson of rotten moral man1. Madness 楊 is a mad man. All ancient civilization countries under 40 degree latitude, such as China, Egypt, Babylon, and Persia, are either gone or far lagging behind the West in the contemporary civilization development. Egypt which has been being well connected with West civilization is not an exception. But 楊 thinks he found the truth and he audaciously declared “《易經》影響了中國人的思維方式,使得中國傳統思維隻有歸納法而沒有推演法,進一步使得近代科學沒有在中國誕生?” Is that true*? The truth is that Ignorance makes him bold (易學家稱楊有常識性錯誤). As a scientist carelessly stating this way, he is a mad man. Except him, every one knows he is an old man, but he claims: “青春並不隻和年紀有關,也和精神有關。雖然歲數上已經年老,但精神上還是保持年輕. 這也是翁帆覺得他有吸引力的部分原因”. What is his 年輕 精神 all about here? That is literarily the desire (不老心) for fresh meat. He shamelessly said his 年輕精神. If so, a man laying a coffin and stretching out his arm towards a young lady can also declare his年輕精神. More interestingly, he interpreters other social respect as sexual 有吸引力 and he thinks he is still competitive in winning young woman’ heart. What a shameless mad man! When standing in front of Qinghua undergraduates, what is he associated with by his students? His deeds teach far more effective than any book knowledge, that is, physics is all about how 82 years old man makes use of the Nobel medal and social shining fame to attract young women. Study hard and get there. http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=currentevent&MsgID=67144
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