蘇東坡與佛印禪師的故事相信大家都聽過 -- 心中有佛則萬物皆是佛,心中有屎則萬物都是屎。 很多時候,當你討厭一個人或者在心中已經認定一個人是壞人的時候,你很可能會把他/她的所有言行都往壞的方向想,把所有對他/她不利的指控都不經調查就認為是真的,而讓偏見蒙蔽了理智。
各位在看有關選舉的新聞,有或者談論有關選舉的話題時,請先自問一句 -- 我心中現在有一尊佛還是一坨屎?
義工毀容 事件最新發展:
1. Ashley Todd 的故事又變了,她是被打昏之後再被刻字的。 -- 之前是 held down, no mention of unconscious
2. 警方在 ATM 的閉路電視錄影帶上沒有看到她拿錢。
3. 之前報道沒有提到的細節 -- 她臉上的 B 是反的

當然,這件事本來就是一個小插曲,並不應該影響選誰的決定。而在有確鑿證據證明 Ashley Todd 說謊之前,無論她說出來的版本多奇怪,都應該給她 the benefit of the doubt。
Police: McCain volunteer changes ATM attack story
By Associated Press
Friday, October 24, 2008
PITTSBURGH - Pittsburgh police say a McCain campaign volunteer who reported being held down by a black man who then cut the letter B” in her face has changed her story.
Police also say bank surveillance footage doesn’t show her at an ATM where she initially said she was attacked.
Police spokeswoman Diane Richard says investigators gave the 20-year-old woman a lie-detector test and are looking at some inconsistencies in her story.
The student, Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, initially said a black man robbed her at knifepoint near a bank Wednesday night and then cut her cheek after seeing a McCain sticker on her car.
Todd, who is white, now says she was knocked unconscious and doesn’t remember being cut in the face. She now says she only discovered the wound later.
No arrests have been made.