Friend, I read your responce and found you have come to the point.
First of all, I like to tell you that I completely agree your opinion that “JUSTICE is much more important than love”. This is also the standpoint of Christian. We say that God is love, light, holy and justice. I want tell you the truth is that among all, the most important is Justice. For this reason, God judges or does anything first according to Justice, not according to love or holy. For example, your know God love people, Christian and non-Christian, Jews and Gentiles. For this love, He came into our world. You know all people in this world are sinner and their destinations are death. His love made him to forgive all sinners and let them have eternal life. His Justice requires him must die for the sinners. Again, His Justice requires him only having the right to forgive sinners who have believed in him. If not so, He will be un-justice, according law of Justice. He did so, He is perfected Justice according all laws, not only his holy law, but also all laws made by man. Furthermore, you should know the truth that there is not any sin in Jesus Christ. He was born from Holy Spirit, and he does not sin at all. Only His death can save other sinners, this is also according to the requirement of JUSTICE.
My father was also perfect man from human eyes. When he was sick to die, I thought many times if it can save him, I like to die for him. But the truth is that I can not save him even by my life. Why? Now I understand it is just because I was a sinner. According to Law of Justice, all sinners definitely will die, so a sinner’s death does not have right to forgive other sinners let them have eternal life. But I do not worry about my ancestors because I know God is Justice and Love, He will judge them according to their behavior.
Yesterday, I said to you I do not want to persuade you since my faith in God were not the result persuaded by others. I just thank the people they bring God to me and bring me God and prayed for me again and again. I suggest you try to pray one minute every day for two weeks then come back to talk with me. You have lots of questions, but I do not want to answer you now. If two weeks later, you feel still like to discuss them, just let me know.
Best wishes!
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