

your great eternal pleasure

(2007-03-17 17:18:29) 下一個

回答: Great pleasurejudge8882004-01-14 08:17:00

I am saved by science. I feel so happy that no Christian can experience the real pleasure.

I really can not understand your experience that your savior-science saved you! Do you mean that science gave you an eternal life, made you righteousness and not a sinner? Those words are so fresh to me. However, I know that fact that science absolutely not save you from sinner to be a man of righteousness.
Maybe we have different understanding on the word of "save", the Christian use word "saved" not only express that they are not belong to the sin world, also mean they can pass the final judgement of God.

What I did here is to spread out justice, science. To save some christian (fundmentalist) from evil. I will be more than happy if the christian extrmism can pursuade me. If that happens, I will go to Africa to spread out Gospel.

Sorry, I do not try to persuade you, for try to do something make you "more than happy”, as I said in title for "your great eternal pleasure".

God, a perfect man/spirit, dead to pay the price for christians. This is not fair, nor justice in any sense if one have normal emotional reaction. Christians are the in-direct murder and should be punished according to law and conscience.

Jesus was dead for the world, for all sinners, not just for Christians. You should get the conclusion that all people in the world are the murders who killed Jesus according to your logic. For Christian people, the death of Jesus was not in vain, since they believed in him and accepted him, that Jesus is live now and forever with/within them. The law of God and justice are fulfilled by their faith in Jesus. Even the laws of this world also applies this situation. We Christian confessed our sins that made us must die and we accepted the punishment that we have died with the Lord Jesus on the same cross, and resurrected with Jesus meantime. Does there is any law of justice could punish the same sin twice? For an example, you derived over-speed and get the ticket of fine; your father or someone else has paid it. I have question to you that should you pay the fine again? Absolutely not! Again, if your father or someone else wanted to pay for you, but you have rejected at all, the question is that should you pay the fine or not?
The Juger of any law will ask you pay it. Similarly, you can understand the difference between Christian and non-Christian in front of the judgment of God. God will judge all, Christian and non-Christian, but the final results are different so naturally, lawfully, justicial.

I would ask why christians do not kill themself to enjoy their endless life in Heaven and feel their God's love directly. It seems that kill them early help them enjoy their endless life early. In my mind, any murder, whether it in the name of God or not, is unacceptable if one have conscience.

First of all, I want tell you that the law of God says do not murder. Suicide is also the behavior of murder that should go to hell. In Bible, there is a sample, Judas, the one who sold the Jesus and hang himself; he was the son of hell. Moreover, according to the Bible, we are living not only in our flesh body, but also in Jesus Christ. How can we kill the Jesus twice? Your used word of "conscience" many times in your article to criticise Christian, but where is your "conscience", please show me. What I can say is that your this topic is not funny but only sin.

They love God and theirself so much that they do not care about others, including their relatives and ancestors. The Bible clearly expressed this.





謝謝你引用的經文。從這段經文裏我們看到以色列人可恥的墮落。今天的情形也同樣,人們明知神的判定,可是還是要為了可羞恥情欲,貪欲去拒絕神。不僅自己去犯罪,還喜歡別人去行。不是嗎。我們知道很多人拒絕神,是因為他們的驕傲,他們認為依靠自己的努力一樣可以完全。但也有很多人不是這樣,他們拒絕信神僅僅是因為世界裏(內心裏)有罪惡的東西在吸引。所謂的科學隻不過是拒絕神的一個借口罷了。本人也是吃科學這碗飯的,我的周圍有傑出貢獻的基督徒科學家也不少 (包括我老板,他的網頁上還特意提及他信仰基督),信科學就不能信基督的說法有誰能信呢?

• response -judge888(2570 bytes) (7 reads) 1/14/04 
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