

(2019-04-08 18:03:57) 下一個


文件中列出學生自己想報的學校清單,每個學校後麵輔導老師給貼上"likely school","possible school","reach school","far reach school"的標簽兒。感覺輔導老師做的有技術含量的部分,就是針對每個學生的情況貼這些標簽,讓家長學生心裏有個數,不要亂報希望。估計每所高中的升學輔導老師都會做這個工作,如果自己學校的老師不做這一步,可能需要在外麵谘詢一下。但外麵的谘詢業務,比較難針對某個高中的情況做較準確的判斷。

● Likely School: A college where you will most likely be admitted. Your grades and test scores are higher than the average student admitted here.
● Possible/Target School: Your academic profile is a good match for admission. Your grades and scores are about the same as the average student admitted here.
● Reach School: A college that presents an admissions challenge for you. Your grades and scores are lower than the average student admitted here, OR you have similar grades and scores to admitted students but the school has a low Acceptance Rate due to the volume of qualified applicants. Admissions is unlikely.
● Far Reach School: It is very unlikely that the applicant will be admitted. The requirements for admissions have not been met.
● Financial Likely: A college where you will most likely be admitted, and which is affordable for your parents.
● Selective School: More students are declined than admitted. Acceptance rate of 49% or less.
● Highly Selective School: Far more students are declined than admitted. Acceptance rate of 25% or less.


--Students are responsible for monitoring the admissions websites of their intended colleges for up to date admissions requirements.
--Students are responsible for submitting appropriate test scores to intended colleges.
--Students are responsible for monitoring and meeting the application and testing deadlines
-- After they have submitted their applications, students are responsible for monitoring the application status by checking the college portals. Here is where you will receive notifications of missing documents that may affect your admissions results.
--Students are responsible for updating their college lists once a week on Naviance. Documents sent by registrar are dependent on an accurate Naviance college list.

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