落花飄零 (熱門博主)
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(2006-07-24 16:32:33) 下一個

今天在查房一個老年女病人,她好轉了我準備拿掉她的導尿管,然後order bedside toilet。但是我看到她床邊已經有toilet seat了,我就問,為什麽你有導尿管還要toilet呢?
那個老太太瞪著大大的眼睛看著我說,well i need to go big one too, honey.

我忍不住大笑,有時候這麽common sense的東西,因為沒有從病人角度來想,就會鬧笑話。

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閱讀 ()評論 (16)
aftereight 回複 悄悄話 朋友介紹來到這裏的,好像我們來自一個地方,一個醫院,不知道自己算不算得上師姐,現在也在做住院醫,以前和現在的故事,隻是深深埋在記憶裏,懷念實習和上班的日子,感歎考試和match的經曆,至於現在,忙得連整理記憶的時間都沒有。
倒立 回複 悄悄話 hi 你好!
無意中看到你的blog, 一篇一篇讀下來,會心地微笑和流淚..
我是一個graphic designer, 現在london讀ma,由於種種原因花費了很多心血的這學期的final project 居然fail,要過兩個月重新提交..很沮喪,把自己封閉了快一個月(因為這期間大家都在歌舞升平party狂歡),
sinorachel 回複 悄悄話 落花飄零mm,我給你留了悄悄話,你收到了嗎?
人在異鄉 回複 悄悄話 說起音樂,我很喜歡的那一段很久都聽不到了。現在打開你的博客什麽音樂都聽不到阿~~
曉風殘月 回複 悄悄話 落花真是個好同學,工作這麽忙還不忘上貼。你的博客我還是天天開著聽音樂,從你身上尋求一點力量。半個多月我是數度要崩潰,尤其是最後一個星期,幾乎每天都有一個低靡期,於是我想起你寫過的一次次哭泣,然後又鼓起勇氣繼續,因為比起你,我的壓力要小很多。現在終於把論文送去裝訂了。過兩天就回國了,等答辯的時候再來。落花自己保重啊,要開開心心的。(BTW,昨天正急著送論文去複印途中被困在電梯,絕望中又想起你被困神經科,讓我寬心不少,嗬嗬。謝謝啦)。
弄堂小姐 回複 悄悄話 老年女病人需要去大號
弄堂小姐 回複 悄悄話 What happen to your picture, I thought my book mark was malfunctioning again.
豆沙小月餅 回複 悄悄話 是啊,微笑的同時也很有啟發。
sinorachel 回複 悄悄話 可能因為我不是學醫的,我怎末沒有看懂這個老年女病人事件呢,麻煩再給解釋解釋。BTW,非常喜歡你的blog,繼續繼續哦!
no name yet I really love your blog, also envy your courage and pleasant personality. This is my first post ever in wenxuecity, I simply can't help expressing my affection for your writing. It is fantastic you can write down your path in the midst of your intense life. I just discovered your blog yesterday and have been totally absorbed by it ever since.

My parents have a family friend in China who became an excellent doctor at the same time a very prolific and renown writer. She is a super woman. I can see your bright future along that path.
黃大皇 回複 悄悄話 我也打過。有病人滿地大小便,把我逼瘋了,就不打了。
wuximm 回複 悄悄話 Haha, don't feel bad if you don't spell things right. My American born docs frequently ask me to spell certain words. I tease them back " Give me a break, I am a immigrant, don't you speak English?", and they would say " hey, this is not English, it is Latin". Also, I attack them back when I can't understand their lousy notes, "Your handwritting is so bad that it looks like a scribble, I bet you don't want the potential lawyer to understand".

When they claims they can't admit another pts and is too tired, I would say " Let us call nurse stat, to give Dr. so and so IV coffeine bolus"

We need fun when we constantly overworked, aren't we?
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 :DDDD last week, i wrote "no fish diet" for my pt because he claimed allgery of fish, my resident was laughing really bad when read my H&P. he said our cafeteria never cook fish anyway.
wuximm 回複 悄悄話 Tell you one of my embrassing moment, when I was a intern and post call, I wrote a pt's diet order: Liquor diet instead of Liquid diet. Of course, nurse immediately paged me. That incident became the joke of our team. The other intern would tease me and ask me to take some of his alcohol withdraw pts. Other residents would ask me to be their docs if they ever admitted since I would give them Liquor.
女孩安然 回複 悄悄話 我打過,現在找不到了,看到圖片我又想打了