
Who is ITHACA? 她是我們的帆船

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Ithaca is the name of our boat – our future home. When we bought her, we wondered how her name should be pronounced. The people in Durban Marina call her “ee-ta-ka”, so we call her “ee-ta-ka” too. It sounds similar to Ushaka which is the most famous marine world in Durban.

We were thinking what new name would be until we found out from Wiki that Ithaca is the island from Greece. And also she is the home where Odysseus would always go back to in Homer’s Poem. This gave us so much inspiration, we even think out the name of her future dingy – Odysseus.

Soon after we made a sail trail on her, we re-watched movie “Troy” without a plan. When Brad Pitt called her “i-si-ka”, I was surprised. Later, I checked my e-dictionary and got to know that American English pronounce Ithaca “i-si-ka”; UK English pronounce her like “ee-sha-ka”. And now, in South Africa, we call her “ee-ta-ka”. I love the South African one more, it is simple and straight! I am not good at speaking other two names.

So let’s back to her introduction. She is a 45 foot ferro-cement Ketch, designed by Hartley Tahitian. She was a factory built in Durban harbour, and launched in 1986

She has a centre cockpit, which divides perfectly our family with two cabins for privacy. At the bow front, the cabin has the V-berth with three bunks for kids; and at the back, two single beds for me and my husband to sleep. Cabins can be accessed either on top via Centre Cockpit or the bottom passage next to the Engine room.

Before we bought her, she has been standing in the water and waiting for few years to be cruised again. Therefore, there is lots of stuff in the boat being out dated, from the fire extinguisher to the engine services. She has some minor issues due to that nobody looked after her fore few years. But her inner strength is still very good and beautiful interiors; her wide beam gives us enough space and makes it very convince to stay inside.

We are planning to get her maintained up to date within three years (only two and half years left). At the end of 2016, we will leave the port of South Africa and start out our circumnavigation.

Posted on 2nd July 2014

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