Chapter 8
“Come and ask. Whenever questions trouble you, comfort from another is indispensable.”
“Please… please stop…” Her face was streaked with dried tears and fresh ones, eyes begging him to stop in his tracks. “Please… don’t tell anyone of this…” Fred was unreservedly befuddled. What was she asking? What was her reason for this? However, if it was for the good of
The next day, Fred went to visit
Holding onto his wheelchair for support, Fred lifted himself off his seat with excessive complexity and knelt down beside
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your protection and love that you have blessed us with. There never was and never will be another God like you. We are very much obliged. Down on my inadequate knees, I beg you. Please save
The third time that he was there,
“Why?” his voice was nearly above a whisper, it was merely audible enough for Fred to catch faintly. “Why are you doing this?” Raspy and sere,
“Righteousness or suffering?”
“Righteousness…” A pause for affect. “Or suffering?” It amazed Fred on how long someone is able to hold out a stare. Why wasn’t he answering? Was he really hesitating? How hard can the choice be? It’s not as if both choices were painstakingly similar and no matter what choice, something will always be gained but barely any lost. This was a straight-forward question, with only two choices. Nonetheless, the choice that he makes will affect his life forever, and by forever, it’s all eternity…
eventually wear out. He had expected this reaction.
“Just leave me alone!” Clutching onto his head,
“Why do you have to be here?” He cried out between lurching sobs. “Why can’t you all just leave me alone?” Fred smiled considerately at this forlorn statement. He knew why he said it, and how to answer to it.
“Because… when you are emotionally hurt, comfort from another human being is unmatchable. Especially from those who truly care about you,” instantaneously,
“But, wha-“ Fred lifted a hand to silence him. “Come and ask.” He smiled gently at the surprised look that crossed his face. “When hoards of questions swarm into your mind, come and we’ll talk. Trust me,” he took his hand in his, rubbing comfortably in the manner of a dear grandpa. “You’ll learn more then you anticipated for…”