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牧羊人派晚餐 - Shepherd’s pie dinner

(2009-05-23 07:49:05) 下一個
這是上個星期天做的吃的 -

Sunday dinner:

Shepherd’s pie dinner – 牧羊人派晚餐, 也叫 Cottage Pie

這個菜給有小朋友的家庭很好, 孩子們愛吃,同時又吃到很多蔬菜,

肉可以用不同的肉, 雞肉, 火雞, 羊肉, 剩的烤雞, 熟肉, 等,

蔬菜也可用西葫蘆, 茄子, 豌豆, 玉米, 等,

1 lb lean ground beef, 瘦絞牛肉,
1 onion, chopped, 洋蔥,
2 carrots, finely diced, 胡蘿卜,
2 stalk of celery, finely diced, 西芹,
1 bell pepper, finely diced, 甜椒,
1 cup of mixed dried mushroom, soaked, drained, reserve 1 cup of the soaking liquid,
3 cloves of garlic, minced, 蒜,
1 tsp rosemary, finely chopped, (optional)
1 tsp thyme, finely chopped, (optional)
2 TB cup butter, 黃油,
2 TB cup flour,麵粉,
1 cup of chicken broth, 雞湯,
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce, 西式辣醬油,
2 TB tomato paste, 番茄膏,
2 tsp kosher salt and 1 tsp pepper

土豆泥用了懶人的現成的粉, 也可以自己用土豆來做,

Mashed potato topping: mix all the following in a heat proof bowl

1 bag of instant mash potato mix
4 Tb butter
3 cup of boiling water,
½ cup sour cream,
Salt and pepper to taste

黃油炒香洋蔥, 蒜, 加牛肉再炒幹, 多餘的油倒出來,

加其它蔬菜和香料, 炒軟,炒香, 加番茄膏炒, 加磨菇炒, 加麵粉炒熟, 加雞湯, 辣醬油, 鹽和胡椒, 燒滾, 蓋蓋, 小火燜40分鍾,開蓋收水, 蓋上土豆泥, 撒點甜辣椒粉, 胡椒粉, 和一點百裏香葉, 進400F烤箱, 25-30 分鍾, 表麵金黃, 就好了,

配了晚餐麵包吃, 有點塌, 到是有點象Yorkshire Pudding , 又是歪打正著,哈哈…

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晚餐麵包 - Pull apart dinner rolls

用了Ruby@cuisine 的土司方子, 家裏有cottage cheese, 就想用掉它, 那天Ruby上的麵包好誘人, 謝謝Ruby.

用麵包機發麵後, 分成8個球, 放噴了油的烤盤裏, 375F, 烤了25 分鍾.

來源: Ruby@Cuisine


A料:1/2 cup 溫水和 2 1/2 tsp 活性幹酵母
B料:2 tbsp 室溫下軟化的黃油,1 tbsp 糖(如果要做甜麵包,可適當增加糖的用量),1 枚室溫下回暖的雞蛋,1 cup cottage cheese,3 cup all purpose flour
C料:1 tsp 鹽(如果做甜麵包,則將鹽的份量減少到一小撮即可)和1/4 tsp 蘇打粉 (Baking soda)

友情提示:不建議用麵包機完成整個麵包的製作。因為麵包機做麵包比較忌諱麵團過濕,這會導致麵包在烘烤過程中頂部塌陷。Cottage cheese含一定的水分,不同的品牌水分不同,很難掌握濕度。所以還是將麵團取出後自己整形、完成第二次發酵然後放入烤箱中烘烤會比較妥當。

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周末早飯 - English muffin sandwich and open face omelet

English muffin sandwich –

Whole wheat English muffin, toasted
Fried egg
Sliced Avocado,
Sliced Tomato
Sautéed sweet onion
Fried slice of bacon

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Open face omelet –

2 Eggs beaten and pour into non-stick skillet, when almost firm,

Add diced avocado, tomatoes, cooked sausage, sautéed onion, cilantro, sour cream, and salsa.

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Smoked salmon, whole grain crackers, dressed with mayo or cream cheese, herbs.

Herbs: dill, basil, green onion,

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Fried rice

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