| | |  |  Cellex-C Hydra 5 B-Complex
最近多倫多又幹又冷,刮大風。所以用了這個之後強烈推薦給mm 任何皮膚都適合,我是混合性皮膚,,隻要2,3滴一次,在toner後用,在其他麵霜之前用。記得要馬上圖在臉上哦,我感覺在塗的過程中5秒後,幾乎你就感覺不到你塗過這個了,為什麽呢,嗬嗬,不是蒸發了。就覺得立刻滲入皮膚深層了,不像我原來用的其他gel-like的東西,有時候用完臉上覺得粘粘的,或者覺的還在毛孔裏的感覺。這個就不同,感覺什麽都沒用-讚!!但是滲透在皮膚深層,用個才幾天,就覺得臉上的皮膚從離到外那個嫩,又軟。沒事我就叫bf掐我臉,讓他也摸摸。嗬嗬,就自己一個人美已經不過癮了。用了這個之後我怎麽覺得我那些補水麵膜反而都覺著沒什麽用了呢,哎。。。嗬嗬,最近是喜歡這個喜歡的恨不得買個8瓶屯著的心都有了^^ 這有個加拿大,美國spa網購得地址,又詳細的用法和別人的review,大家可以看看,很可靠,我很喜歡這個網站。sephora也有賣。 http://www.essentialdayspa.com/cellex-c-hydra-5-b-comple-p_364.htm
順便給混合/油皮的mm推薦個好東西,(我照片上的都是之前在這個網上買東西時候送的gift size不過也很多了)用完了絕對會把full size得買回來,嘻嘻,那天根桃子也說過的 decleor的ylang ylang係列:精油,day matt fluid, night balm 一個字,讚,之前也用過,各種控油,去豆。。。蓮花油阿,什麽的,我覺得這個是目前ultimateproduct,強!!以後有空再說,想起有句廣告詞“看療效!!!“真的控油,也很滋潤,也不會breakout了,聽起來有點矛盾,但是很神奇,他就有這個最用。最近period期間,居然控製住了豆豆,再次後悔沒早發現呢。。我在那個網站上看有人說長期用下去,皮膚會被條理的很好。。有興趣的大家可以看看這個網址,上麵有很多review很有幫助, http://www.essentialdayspa.com/decleor-aromessence-visag-p_1162.htm
最近我就用上麵所說的東西了,其他舊愛全部閑置了-_-# 說說步驟把 白天: cleanser toner Decleor Aromessence Ylang Ylang Oil Decleor Aroma Purete Matt Finish Skin Fluid sunscreen 晚上 Cellex-C Hydra 5 B-Complex Ylang Ylang balm
ps:Cellex-C Hydra 5 B-Complex左邊那個hydra floral intensive gentlehydrating mask,是目前我用的最喜歡的的一個補水麵莫,價錢也不貴,才30-40$,比之前用的dior, chanel,fresh,nuxe好,感覺補水效果比較持久,其他的感覺都不錯,但是一洗掉,覺得跟沒用一樣呢。但最近不是用得很頻繁了,好像不怎麽缺水了,嗬嗬,一周一次好了
Cellex-C Hydra 5 B-Complex Deion: Physical Deion: An oil-free, crystal clear gel containing an extraordinarily highpercentage of hyaluronic acid—the body’s own natural moisturizer.
Primary Benefit: Smoother, silkier, more radiant looking skin will be noticed in 3 - 6 weeks.
Primary Ingredients: Hyaluronic acid, pantothenic acid.
Skin Types / Conditions: All.
When to use: Once or twice a day, with moisturizer.
The seemingly miraculous active ingredient is pure hyaluronic acid—oneof the most effective moisturizing agents ever discovered by medicalscience. Hydra 5 B-Complex utilizes natures own incredible moisturizerto improve the smoothness, suppleness and texture of your skin. Identified biochemically as a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), hyaluronic acidwas isolated about sixty years ago from vitreous humor. It’s name isderived from the Greek word for glass—hyalos—which accurately describesits transparent, glassy appearance. The surface layers of the skin are supported from below by columns offibers made up mostly of collagen and elastin. This network of fibersform the ‘molecular sponge’ known as connective tissue. The spaceswithin this sponge are filled with a composition of water, proteincomplexes and hyaluronic acid. This jelly-like complex is necessary fortransportation of essential nutrients from the bloodstream, via thecapillary network, to the living cells of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in great abundance inyoung skin, synovial fluid and other tissues in humans and animals.Over time, oxy radicals, produced mostly through exposure to pollutantsand sunlight, degrade and destroy hyaluronic acid. Fifty year olds areestimated to have less than half the hyaluronic acid they had in youth. Contains genetically derived hyaluronic acid not an animal derived substance. Contains pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5). Studies show that this vitamin helps speed wound healing. Can be used by men and women including those with sensitive skin. Oil-free, crystal clear gel which instantly gives your skin a silky smooth texture. Ideal for all skin types. Benefits:
Facilitates better absorption of vitamin C. Supplements the skin’s natural biological replacement of hyaluronic acid. Skin feels more resilient and extraordinarily smooth to the touch. Perfect base for all types of make-up. Restores youthful translucency and buoyancy to the skin. Smoother, more radiant looking skin will be noticed in 3 — 6 weeks.
Skin Types: all
Apply Cellex-C High-Potency Serum or Serum for Sensitive Skin. (If youare using Skin Firming Cream or Skin Firming Cream Plus, apply HydraB-Complex first.)
Apply Hydra 5 B-Complex.
Apply moisturizer.
Note:This product begins its moisturizing work beneath the surface ofyour skin. It is not intended for surface hydration, so you must use anadditional moisturizer. During the first two or three weeks, absorbencymay be greater for some people than others. Begin by applying Hydra 5B-Complex a little more generously for the first few weeks. Gradually you will notice that the skin no longer absorbs the fluid asquickly. This is a sign that your skin has restored much of itsmoisture balance. Once this happens, only a small amount of Hydra 5B-Complex is required to maintain this. Your skin will regulate theintake automatically.
Caution: Avoid direct contact with the eyes.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Sodium Hyaluronate, Pantothenic Acid, Phenoxyethanol.
Product Reviews:
:: Review :: Cellex C Hydra 5 B-Complex
This is the first Cellex C product I have used and I am very pleasedwith the results. This is a pure hyaluronic acid serum with a short andsweet ingredient list: Aqua, Sodium Hyaluronate, Pantothenic Acid,Phenoxyethanol. The texture is great, it is a crystal clear gel which is easilyabsorbed by the skin. It makes my fine lines look smoother and the skinlooks plumped up and holds on to hydration all day long. I use this inthe evening after a beta hydroxy product and my skin looks better forit. The good news for anyone with combination or oily skin is that thisis deep, long lasting hydration without any sticky texture. |  | | | |