
  • 博客訪問:

【精選】纏綿雅韻——小提琴天籟之音8首 (by: 加國音樂)

(2011-05-21 09:06:58) 下一個


01. 纏綿
02. 羅珊的麵紗
03. 假如愛有天意
04. 憂鬱的塞納河
05. 生命之歌
06. 纏綿往事(Silence Speaks)
07. The Chairman’s Waltz
08. 一往情深

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"纏綿",原歌名"PLEASE DON'T GO"(三女聲抒情演繹),為荷蘭小提琴手兼作曲家Andre Rieu之作.本人更陶醉於此提琴版,因其更突出委婉徘徊,繾綣綿延曲風.提琴以其柔美音色漫過那纏綿清冽的旋律,傾訴著一串串隱忍,百轉千回的思念與愛戀,時而輕柔絮語,時而淒清綢繆,交織回旋,讓聽者內心隨之濕潤,泛起層層漣漪,跌入,沉浮於那柔情悱惻的空靈之間...

"羅珊的麵紗(Roxanne's Veil)",希臘配樂大師Vangelis為電影《亞曆山大大帝》巨片配樂之作,曲風縹緲,神秘,憂鬱,傷感,低沉.突出特點是部分旋律中加入濃鬱的鼓點節奏,及電子合成的"風"效,一種在蒼茫大漠中才會感受到的呼嘯風濤..眼前幻化出大漠,塵煙,戈壁,蒼茫....配器中的貝斯"6543"似沉重心跳",不時爆發出的低沉男嘯仿如艱難步履聲及行進中沉重的喘息聲,與彌漫呼嘯的沙濤交織呼應,凝聚出悲愴恢弘的震撼力,其藝術效果令心悸顫栗...


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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
書菲 回複 悄悄話 beautiful。
rayray 回複 悄悄話 //Please Don't Go//

Oh my love, why did you leave me?
Say, is it true that you have gone?
My whole world is full of darkness
Without you there is no sun

Oh my love, I feel so lonely
I’m yearning for your lovely eyes
All I have, is just the memory
Of your face so dear and wise

All the time we were together
We always thought it was for ever

Once we lived in paradise
With roses red and silver skies
We used to laugh and dance and live
A life of happiness
And full of sweet caress

Oh darling
Please don't go
Because I need you
I cannot live when you have gone
My whole world is full of darkness
Never more will there be sun

All the time we were together
We always thought it was for ever

Oh my love, I feel so lonely
I'm yearning for your lovely eyes
All I have, is just the memory
Of your face so dear and wise

Please don't go
Because I need you
Oh please don't go
Because I need you
I need you, I need you, just you...
rayray 回複 悄悄話 Please Don't Go的視頻:
