許多人認為同性戀是天生的,其實這充其量隻是一個理論:1993年,Dean Hamer發表文章,說是有個gay gene決定性取向,Dean Hamer本人是個公開的gay;然而,15年過去了,這個gay gene根本就沒找到,follow up的研究也並沒有得到一致的結論。現在公認的理論是:基因和環境都對同性戀的形成有影響,Wiki有比較公正的詞條:
你自己是成年人了,性取向定了,可是你的孩子呢?這是一篇發表在Science上的文章裏的(C. Mann, "Genes and Behavior," Science 264 (1994): 1687):
Complex behavioral traits are the product of multiple genetic and environmental antecedents, with 'environment' meaning not only the social environment but also such factors as the 'flux of hormones during development, whether you were lying on your right or left side in the womb and a whole parade of other things'...the relationships among genes and environment probably have a somewhat different effect on someone in Salt lake City than if that person were growing up in New York City.
English translation:
"You're more likely to become gay growing up in Manhattan than in Utah among Mormons and Christian fundamentalists, even if everything else is the same, including genes." 除非你不關心你的孩子是不是會變成同性戀,那麽你一定會關心他/她周圍的人是什麽樣的人,他/她從小受的什麽樣的教育。麻州現在公立學校裏發生的已經令人觸目驚心:
“Under the rubric of diversity training, HIV prevention and "safer schools," the Massachusetts Department of Education has permitted the exposure of young students in public schools to sexually explicit, morally offensive, and medically risky material intended to encourage them to question, explore and expand their sexuality. These misguided efforts place young people at risk for the well known and sometimes life threatening consequences of homosexual sex and promiscuity, not the least of which are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). ”(來自
Dr. John R. Diggs, Jr在法庭上的證詞)
後記:如果這次Prop 8通不過,在加州的父母將失去將孩子opt out同性戀誘導教育的自由,不管你願不願意,你的孩子必須要接受同性戀是正常的生活方式的教育,甚至象麻州正在實行的sexually explicit, morally offensive的教育。記住:環境會影響性取向!
• 反感這種瞎忽悠。如果同性戀是後天造成的,那就去救救那些人。 -
hobo-hobo- ♀
(138 bytes) (47 reads) 10/28/08