
I Traveled Across Over Half of China to Bang You 穿過大半個中國去睡你

(2015-01-20 15:10:44) 下一個

I traveled across over half of China to Bang you 穿過大半個中國去睡你

By Xiuhua Yu 餘秀華


In fact, Bang You or banged by You is almost the same, nothing but   其實,睡你和被你睡是差不多的,無非是

The banging of two bodies, the blossom stimulated by its power 兩具肉體碰撞的力,無非是這力催開的花朵

Nothing but the illusion of spring created by this blossom that mislead us to believe 

That life is being re-opened 無非是這花朵虛擬出的春天讓我們誤以為生命被重新打開

Everything is happening across over half of China: volcanos are ejecting, rivers are drying up   大半個中國,什麽都在發生:火山在噴,河流在枯

Political prisoners and the homeless are being ignored  一些不被關心的政治犯和流民

Moors and Grus japonensis are being aimed at  一路在槍口的麋鹿和丹頂鶴

I went through a hail of bullets and shells to bang you   我是穿過槍林彈雨去睡你

I squeezed countless nights into a morning to bang you   我是把無數的黑夜摁進一個黎明去睡你

I, many of me, ran into one single “I” to bang you 我是無數個我奔跑成一個我去睡你

Of course I would go strayed chasing some butterflies   當然我也會被一些蝴蝶帶入歧途

And mistake some eulogy for spring   把一些讚美當成春天 

Mistake Hollywood for my hometown  把一個和橫店類似的村莊當成故鄉

Yet all these   而它們

Are the reasons absolutely necessary for me to BANG YOU  都是我去睡你必不可少的理由


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