時尚達人Simon Doonan的新書《Gay Men Don’t Get Fat》(粵語可翻譯成《基佬冇肥佬》,國語不妨翻成《同誌不長膘》),粉紅色的封麵,杜南那一身花襯衫緊身褲粉紅色太陽鏡的招牌造型,頓時令讀者的身心也柔軟起來。
Jim Parsons,Zachary Quinto,Neil Patrick Harris,T. R. Knight,Sean Hayes,Lance Bass,Jesse Tyler Ferguson,Michael Stipe,Chris Colfer,Adam Lambert,Clay Aiken,Ricky Martin,Elton John,Dan Kloeffer,Sean Maher。。。。。。
Tom Ford,Marc Jacob,Michael Kors,Jason Wu,Zac Posen,Alber Elbas,Gareth Pugh,Christopher Bailey,John Galliano,Alexander McQueen,Calvin Klein,Christian Dior,Cristóbal Balenciaga,Domenico Dolce, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Gianni Versace。
以前也看過幾位柔軟男人的文字,如Dan Savage, Gore Vidal的文章,倒是剛陽氣十足。這回倒要看看這名專門為美國大百貨公司Barneys從事櫥窗設計的時尚達人如何妙筆生花。
甫一開篇,立馬感到不俗的文字功底。光是那些章節標題就已經不同凡響, 絕對考倒任何翻譯:
1. Screaming Mimis 2. Tart-tongued and Bitchy and Wise 3. Ke$ha and the Prissy Queen 4. The fag Hagony and the Ecstasy 5. Work It Out, Sister 6. The Bitter Tears of Jackie O 7. Hokey Hookers and Gypsy Tarts 8. A Diva and the Verger 9. Macaroons Are So Gay 10. Jamie Oliver Is a Lesbian 11. Go Tuck Yourself 12. A Nelly on the Telly 13. Operation Goldilocks 14. Gay Men Do Eat Crumble 15. The Most Important Word in the History of Style 16. Can I Measure Your Inside Leg? 17. Moobs and Fat Asses 18. The First Elf
This is the ultimate mash-up of gay and straight, studs and starlets, a utopia fashion show of Fellini-esque fierceness. All the handsome Italian lads look like soccer players or gigolos. All the pretty Italian girls get dressed up and teeter down the Caprese cobble-stones in strappy Dolce & Gabbana showgirl shoes. Think Monica Vitti and Virna Lisi. Think Marcello Mastroianni. Think Anna Magnani!
(這是同性戀異性戀,猛男與二線明星匯合的終點,是一場帶有費裏尼淩利風格的烏托邦時裝秀。意大利帥哥們個個看著像球星或舞男。意大利靚妞們個個打扮得花枝招展,穿著D & G 係帶鞋子,像嫩模一樣一扭一扭地走在卡普裏島的碎石路上。)
My pixie-sized frame is attributable to the fact that Betty Doonan, God rest her nicotine-riddled soul, smoked like a maniac when she was up the duff.
I am sure it looked and felt very Marlene Dietrich to be wreathed in smoke while patting the bump, but there were ramifications. After nine months of puffing, out popped little me. A waif. A gamine. A shrimp.
我想在煙霧繚繞中的她摩挲著肚子那模樣一定很有瑪琳黛德麗範兒。 不過凡是皆有報應。這麽吞雲吐霧九個月後,蹦出我這麽一個流浪兒,一名假小子,一條小蝦仁。)
With their porno-heeled pumps and their protein-rich diets, the women of America always loom menacingly over me. As a result, I have developed an intense familiarity with the area below their boobs. I stare straight at it all day long. If I had X-ray eyes, I would be looking at the pancreas and gall bladder region. Bon Appetit!
整本書讀下來,我對柔軟男人的世界有了新一層的理解。一方麵,他們具有女性的心細如綿,愛幹淨,注重生活小細節的優點,另一方麵,他們又很大膽,敢於挑戰任何世俗傳統。他又自己出位的衣著時尚和獨特的飲食習慣。尤其在性欲方麵,他們幾乎無所顧忌。 這些,都是我們這些所謂“正常”(straight)的異性戀男人所難以望其項背的。