(20190802 補)還有一些該檔案中比較重要的內容想列出來,就在這吧,不另開貼了。
一,義和團事變中死亡的美國人:(pp163-4)這是來自美國申請賠款委員會1902年11月17日給美國公使Edwin H. Conger的報告(156--)中列出的:
Name Age Place Date
Frank Edson Simcox 32 Paoting-fu June 30.
May Gilson Simcox 31 “ “
Paul G. Simcox 6 “ “
Francis Simcox 4 “ “
Margaret Simcox 10 mos. “ “
C. V. R. Hodee 27 Paoting-fu June 30.
Mrs. Hodge 25 “ “
George Yardley Taylor 38 “ “
Horace T. Pitkin 31 “ July 1
Annie A. Gould 33 “ “
Mary S. Merrill 37 “ “
Ernestine Atwater 12 Taiyuen-fu July 9
Mary Atwater 9 “ “
Hattie J. Rice 12 Tsehchou-fu July 13.
Mary B. Huston 34 Kaop'ing Hsien “
J. E. Desmond Ku-Chao July 21
Mariette Manchester 28 “ “
Dwright H. Clapp 55 Tai ku July 31.
Mrs. D. E. Clapp 55 “ “
George L. Williams 42 “ “
Francis W. Davis 43 “ “
Susan Rowen Bird 33 “ “
Mary L. Partridge 34 “ “
Ernest R. Atwater 35 Pen Chou-fu August16
Lizsie Atwater “ “
Celia Atwater 7 “ “
Bertha Atwater 5 “ “
Charles W. Price 53 “ “
Eva Jane Price 45 Fen Chou-fu August16
Florence x. Price 6 “ “
Hilda S. Anderson 27 Norgo Borto Sept. 1.
Hannah K. Lund 26 “ “
Carl H. Suber 28 ‘ “
這名單是死亡的平民,報告說(159),在圍困(siege)中,有67人死亡,168人受傷。 另有在保衛領館戰鬥中死亡的海軍陸戰隊名單:
Sergent(士官) John Fanning
Private(戰士) C. B. King
J. Kennedy
J. W. Tutcher
H. Fisher
R. E. Thomas
Albert Turner
J. H. Schroeder
Mr. President:
China has always maintained the most friendly relations with the United States since the establishment of intercourse between the two countries. By taking the initiative in proposing the remission of a portion of the indemnity as provided by treaty Your Excellency has won the respect of mankind for magnanimity and just dealing.
Furthermore, the Congress has given signal proof of friendliness by giving efect to your Excellency's recommendations. In sincere appreciation of this generous action, we hereby appoint Tong Shoa Yi, an oficial with the rank of President of a Ministry and Governor of the Province of Fengtien, as Special Ambassador to proceed to the United States for the purpose of presenting this our letter. We have always placed entire confidence in his eminent ability, clear perception, and sterling integrity. We have specially comanded him, in the discharge of his duties, to convey to Your Excellency, the expression of our grateful thanks, and testify to Our lasting friendship. It is our hope that the relations of the two countries will be further strengthened by mutual confidence. Long may Your Excellency enjoy good health and happiness! May the American people be ever blessed with prosperity and peace! These are our heartfelt wishes.
Given on the 24th day of the 8th moon in the 34th year of Kwanghsu (September 19, 1908).
三,決定退還庚子賠款的聯合決議 1908年5月25日通過。(p236-8)
60th Congress S.R. 23
1st session [ Report No. 1107.]
In the House of Representatives
January 17, 1908
Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
February 27, 1908
Reported with amendments, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed.
[omit the part struck through and insert the part printed in Italics ]
To provide for the remission of a portion of the Chinese indemnity.
1 Resolved. by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
2 States of America in Congress assembled,
3 That the President is hereby authorized to consent to a
4 modification of the bond for twenty-four million four hun
5 dred and forty thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight
6 dollars and eighty-one cents, dated December fifteenth,
7 nineteen hundred and six, received from China pursuant to
8 the protocol of September seventh, nineteen hundred and
9 one, for indemnity against losses and expenses incurred by 10 reason of the so-called Boxer disturbances in China during
11 the year nineteen hundred, so that the total payment to be 12 made by China under the said bond shall be limited to the 13 sum of eleven thirteen million six hundred and fifty-five
1 thousand four hundred and ninety-two dollars and sixty-nine 2 cents and interest at the stipulated rate of four per centum
3 per annum, and that the remainder of the indemnity to which 4 the United States is entitled under the said protocol and bond 5 may be remitted as an act of friendship, such payments and 6 remission to be at such times and in such manner as the
7 President shall deem just: Provided, That within one year
8 from the passage of this resolution any person whose claim
9 upon the Chinese indemnity, nineteen hundred. was
10 presented to the United States commissioners or to the
11 Department of State and disallowed in whole or in part may
12 present the same by petition to the Court of Claims, which
13 court is hereby invested with jurisdiction to hear and adjudicate such
14 claim, without appeal, and to render such judgments de novo,
15 or in addition to any allowance or allowances heretofore
16 made, as, in each case shall be fully and substantially com-
17 pensatory for actual losses and expenses of the claimant
18 caused by the antiforeign disturbances in China during the
19 year nineteen hundred, excluding merely speculative claims
20 or elements of damage: And provided also, That the sum of two 21 million dollars be reserved from the Chinese indemnity,
22 nineteen hundred, for the payment of such judgments, the
23 same to be paid by the Treasurer of the United States as and
24 when they shall be certified to the Secretary of the Treasury
25 by the said court, and any balance remaining after all such
1 claims have been adjudicated and paid shall be returned to the
2 Chinese Government in such manner as the Secretary of
3 State shall decide, and the Secretary of the Treasury is
4 hereby authorized and directed to so return the same: And
5 provided further, That all evidence furnished by the claim-
6 ants, and statements made by them to the said commissioners
7 or to the Department of State, shall be transmitted by the said
8 Department to the said Court of Claims and considered to-
9 gether with such other additional testimony as may be pre-
10 sented by either side, and the Government of the United
11 States shall defend the said claims in the said court by such
12 attorney or attorneys as may be designated for such service
13 by the Attorney-General of the United States: Provided
14 further, That in no case shall the Court of Claims award a T
15 principal sum to any claimant which, together with the prin-
16 cipal sums said claimant may have already received by de-
17 cision of the United States commissioners and the Department
18 of State, shall exceed the amount originally claimed by said
19 claimant.
Passed the Senate January 15,1908.
Attest: Charles G. Bennett, Secretary.
By H. M. Rose
Assistant Secretary.
就庚款美國檔案還想再自說自話幾句,這個檔案很有學術價值,對庚子賠款/退款這個題目可以有很多文章可作,至少可以出一個博士論文,三個碩士論文(退款、唐紹儀訪美和留學生),並且具有權威性,因為這是第一手原始資料,比如決定退款的日期,有些中文百科網上寫為1908年6月11日,但是從這個檔案裏的文件看,應該是1908年5月25日,也就是美國國會聯合決議(joint resolution)發布的日期。自這份檔案公開後,如果還有討論庚子賠款尤其是退還賠款的學術論著,不對該檔案作參考的話,就降低了其學術性。
最後說說美國的檔案,廣義的,包括檔案館,圖書館,這些是公共的,再到報紙等這些私營的,都處處顯示出美國對信息的重視,更是這種重視體現在實踐中,我想在北美住過的都有體會,去圖書館,裏麵的服務人員的那種熱情,細致,如果你沒找到你要的書,她們那種失望可能比你還強烈,總要幫你想個辦法,哪怕是她們圖書館之外的地方。我曾想要一篇1970年代的文章,發表在舊金山紀事報上(San Francisco Chronicles),我抱著“譬如勿得”(上海話)的心思給他們的讀者服務地址發了電郵,結果很快,他們就給我把文章發過來了,還說,本來一般是要收費的。。。美國國家檔案館也是,我也跟他們聯係過,索要過資料,結果也是很快就有回複。美國人是對信息的價值理解在世界上最深刻,並且付諸實踐的,沒有之一。當然美國錢多,也是原因之一(與之相比,英國檔案館就差了一點,沒有電子化,如果不去現場的話,網上很難得到比較完整的信息)。但是這種意識深入人心是基礎,記得南京新圖書館建成後,前幾年一次我想查一篇報紙上文章,記得某年,日期記不得,去南圖的報刊室,想請他們調出來,我一天天翻找,結果那個工作人員說這怎麽查,實際上是他不願意一趟趟跑,報紙可能是兩個月的訂在一起,一年的他要跑6趟,他寧願坐在那看他的報紙。這就是差距,上麵可能熊心薄薄,要把南圖辦成亞洲乃至世界第一,可是這種信息意識並沒有滲透到下麵人員,實踐中打折扣。
還要提一下Goole Docs,這是一款將圖象轉化為文字的app,我在看這份檔案時,遇到想要翻譯的文字,比較長的,經常先把英文扣出來,就用它,很好用,以前在微信上用過一些,但是功能不如Google Docs,檔案裏有些紙張時間長了,發暗,文字不是很清楚,但是Docs還是能分辯出來,當然會有錯誤,這是可以預期的,也確實有不少錯誤,但是總體已經很滿意了。