兒子九月七號開學,先上的是springfield public school. 可憐的小人兒哭了有四個多
champlian trail public school. 學校有校車,但是兒子不喜歡坐,我隻有陪他每天走路。往返要近80分鍾,就這樣走了六個星期,直到下了雪,兒子兌現了他的諾言,坐了校車。
現在兒子很喜歡學校了,能叫出很多小朋友的名字。當然了他最喜歡的還是女孩子vicky and hanna。
坐校車的第三天,我去接他下學,剛下車,sara said to me excitedly;’guess what? Guess what?’
what’ I asked.
‘viskan kissed ian on the cheek’
‘really’. I was supprised. Ian is a handsome boy, girls like him.
‘and and there is more’ sara yelled.
‘what ,what’, tell me ‘, I got curious.
‘Ian kissed her back.
This time I was really shocked.
Ian seemed so shy to me .I never thought he could kiss a girl.
After that ,Viskan started telling everybody that Ian was her boyfriend. Haha