一項有趣的研究結果: 國內女子舉重運動員高血脂症發生率為23.~321%.5%




  • 張委1,譚雅楠1,郭建軍2
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Survey of Hyperlipemia in Excellent Female Weightlifting Athletes

  • ZHANG Wei, TAN Ya-nan, GUO Jian-jun
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了解女子舉重運動員血脂情況,為提高運動員健康水平提供科學依據。以國家女子舉重集訓隊為對象,連續6年的血總膽固醇和甘油三脂檢測調查。結果表明:女子舉重動員高血脂症發生率為23.~321%.5%, 主要表現為高膽固醇血症或高甘油三酯血症。75+Kg級別組運動員高甘油三酯血症發生率在33%~100%。高甘油三酯血症運動員血清甘油三酯濃度高於正常運動員的1至2.5倍。高膽固醇血症運動員較正常運動員血總膽固醇濃度高27.6%至45.4%。建議關注女子舉重運動員血脂問題,重視飲食幹預和增加有氧訓練,提高運動員的健康水平。




To study the blood lipid profile of female weightlifting athletes and to provide scientific basis for improving the health level of athletes. A 6-year continuous blood lipid survey in the National Female Weightlifting athletes was studied. The results showed that the incidence of hyperlipemia in female weightlifting athlete was 23.1%~32.5%. The hyperlipemia of female weightlifting athletes was mainly characterized by hypercholesteremia or hypertriglyceridemia. High incidence of hypertriglyceridemia was observed in the 75+ kg class of athletes, which was 33%~100%. The serum triglyceride level in athletes with hypertriglyceridemia was generally 1 to 2.5 times higher than that in normal athletes. The serum level of total cholesterol was generally 27.6% to 45.4% higher than that of normal athletes. The results suggest to pay more attention to the issues of athletes blood lipids, and to focus on diet intervention and increase aerobic exercise to further improve the healthy level of athletes.


血脂 / 舉重 / 運動員 / 女子 / 高脂血症 / 總膽固醇 / 甘油三酯

Key words

Blood lipids / Weightlifting / Athletes / Female / Hyperlipemia / Total cholesterol / Triglyceride


張委,譚雅楠,郭建軍. 優秀女子舉重運動員高脂血症情況調查. 標記免疫分析與臨床. 2011, 18(3): 165-167
ZHANG Wei, TAN Ya-nan, GUO Jian-jun. Survey of Hyperlipemia in Excellent Female Weightlifting Athletes. Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine. 2011, 18(3): 165-167


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