
來源: HenryLi 2023-07-14 07:04:08 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2281 bytes)
回答: 從 dead hang 到 German hang (德國絞刑)HenryLi2023-07-14 05:51:48

The main german hang benefits
                                            The hang provides a great shoulder stretch: when it comes to effectively performing the more advanced calisthenic movements and holds, having very mobile and flexible shoulders is a crucial thing to have. This exercise will not only help to prepare you for many of the other advanced movements but it will help you to develop stronger and more flexible shoulders.
                                            The german hang improves core strength: while all calisthenic movements improve core strength, none of them compares to the german hang. This increase in core strength can be attributed to the beginning of the hang. More specifically, from the starting point up until the middle point of the movement. This is when the core is most engaged and this is where core strength will be developed.
                                                 It greatly improves overall grip strength: generally speaking, your grip strength determines your overall strength. While this is commonly debated among strength enthusiasts, your grip is often looked at as an overall measurement of your strength. Is this being the case, improving your grip strength all of a sudden sounds like a good idea right? Indeed it does and you can do precisely this with the german hang!
                                             The german hang stretches your arms: in terms of injury prevention and increasing mobility, stretching is very important. It not only increases blood flow to the stretched muscles but it improves mobility by stretching and contracting the muscle fibers. This being the case, since the german hang stretch provides such a great stretch on your arms, you can be assured it will help with other exercises.



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