Particulars of Claim:
The defendant re-homed a pedigree cat, Bunty, from me on 04/04/13 for £200 as a pet. She agreed that Bunty would be spayed. Bunty was not spayed and produced a litter of 4 kittens sired by my stud cat on 13/05/13. The adults are registered in my name. The kittens born to Bunty belong to me as the breeder. The 'breeder' is the owner of the cat at the time of mating. Bunty is still in my ownerhsip until proof of neutering is provided. This is standard practice and the defendant agreed to this. The defendant had the option to return the kittens or to pay the stud fee (£300) and the price for Bunty as a breeding queen ( additional £600). Her letter dated 27/06/13 states she wishes to keep Bunty and all four kittens. The balance is still outstanding. The claimant claims interest under the section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from 27/06/2013 to 28/07/2013 on £900. and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at the daily rate of £0.20.
The Claimant believes that the facts stated in this claim form are true and I am duly authorised by the claimant to sign this statement. siged by Dee Marsland-Round ( breeder's own name)
1. 買Bunty時的200鎊的收據,收據上沒有任何附加條件和agreement,譬如:關於Bunty被spayed等的事宜。
2. Bunty's pedigree Certificate ownship 在我女兒的名下。
3. 我們沒有Bunty的 Registeration Form,因為在買Bunty時Breeder根本就沒提還有個Registeration, 我是在出現糾紛後才知道還有registeration這回事,所以現在是Bunty確實還是在Breeder的名下。那麽我可不可以這麽認為,這個breeder 有欺詐行為呢,因為她是professional 賣貓的,在買賣交易過程中,她隱瞞了部分交易程序。
我必須要在28天之內寫我的defence and Counterclaim, 想聽聽大家的意見.
我的Couterclaim,就是: 1.Bunty 生育小貓時被 ruined carpet with value of around £400.
2. 三多月來照顧貓咪們的時間,精力,食品,藥品, litter等等。
3. 幾個月來被Breeder騷擾的精神損失費包括信件,還有錄下來的騷擾電話留言等。(說實話,本來想買個貓咪快樂一下的,沒想到從此以後沒有一天的 peaceful day. )
就是我要不要申請這個Counterclaim, 對案件會有positive的影響呢,還是會產生negative作用呢?