《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 zt

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前言: 學習語言,如果隻注重讀寫,而沒有口語表達能力,那麽交際就會受到很大限製.這個道理已引起了很多英語學習者 的重視,但在目前的口語學習中,大多數學習者卻往往隻能將所學的書麵表達方法用在口語上,結果就導致了口語表達既 生硬又不得體,甚至會引起誤解.

我們認為,要掌握一門語言,對它的慣用語(set phrases and expressions)是不可忽視的.這裏所指的慣用語包括短語 (phrases),非正式的習慣用語(informal phrases),諺語(proverbs)和俚語(slang)等.學習和使用慣用語有很多好處:可以使人 通過簡單的語句表現有時難以言傳的複雜意義;可以使人更親切自然地表達自己,迅速拉近與交談者的距離……更重要的 是, 通過對慣用語的學習, 可以為學習者提供一個深入了解他國文化的特殊視野和有效途徑, 而這一點對於掌握地道流暢, 符合語言習慣的外語來說是至關重要的. 本書原為英日對照,作者 Shawn Holley 出生於美國猶他州,曾與夫人瑪麗蓮一起受聘在日本任教,其間,他發現許多日本學生知道相當多的英語單詞 (有些是甚至連美國人都不認識的),而其英語表達能力卻又相當有限.這使他對英語的教學方法產生了疑問.於是,他利 用工作之餘寫下了《口語表達》《日常生活英語表達集》 , ,以及這本《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》等一大批包括後來成為 日本最暢銷英語書的,深受歡迎的口語書.作者所認識到的日本學習者在英語學習中的這種反常現象,在中國學習者身上 也同樣存在,甚至有過之而無不及.這也正是我們熱忱地將此書翻譯過來,介紹給中國讀者的重要原因和直接動力. 本書收錄了美國口語中使用頻率最高的 4000 多個短語,歸入 889 個中心詞中,並為它們逐一配上例句.所有例句及 短語都屬於標推的美國口語.在翻譯的過程中,對原例句盡可能采用直譯的原則,以便使讀者既能從例句中獲得短語應用 的生動語境,又能準確地獲得短語的本身意義;同時,翻譯時也盡可能地保持了原書的口語特色.另外,在一些譯文中, 譯者加人了必要的注釋或說明,主要有以下幾種類型: (1) 短語本身在不同語境中有不同的釋義.例如: This job is for the birds. 這工作毫無意義 (或:荒唐可笑). (2) 對文化背景方麵的說明.例如: The local department store is having a white sale today.當地的百貨商店今天有床單,棉織物這類商品的降價出 售.(注:美 國的這類商品多為白顏色.) (3) 對短語本身含義的解釋.例如: We had to sign a yellow-dog contract before they'd hire us.在他們雇用我們之前,我們不得不簽署了一份"黃犬協約"(注:以 受雇人員不得加人工會為條件的雇用契約). (4) 對短語應用方麵的說明.例如: Will you help me? Pretty p1ease with sugar? 你能幫我嗎?求求你啦!(注:多為孩子用語.) (5) 為使語句更為準確完整而加人的一些必要說明.例如: We must counsel teens to postpone having sex until they get married. 我們必須忠告十幾歲的年輕人將(初次) 發生性行為的時 間延至結婚以後. C 134.cake 1)This job's gonna be a piece of cake. 這工作輕鬆簡單. 2)I've heard a lot of crazy stories, but this one takes the cake! 我聽到過許多愚蠢的事兒,但都比不上這件事! 3)Winning this contest is going to be a cakewalk. 贏得這次競賽是很簡單的事. 135.call 1)Don said he's call back later. 唐說他過後會回電話來. 2)The forecast calls for snow flurries later tonight. 天氣預報報道今天後半夜將有陣雪. 3)Mary called in sick this morning. 瑪麗今天早上打電話來告病假. 4)Would you mind calling off your dogs? 能麻煩您把您的狗叫走嗎? 5)I need to answer the call of nature. 我需要上一下廁所. 6)May I call on you next Wednesday? 下周三我可以來拜訪您嗎? 7)The president called out the armed forces to go to Bosnia. 總統派遣了武裝不對赴波西尼亞. 8)The coach called time with 22 seconds on the clock. 教練在離比賽終了還有 22 秒的時候叫了暫停. 9)Call me up sometime and we'll go to do something. 什麽時候你打電話給我,我們一起去幹點兒什麽事兒. 10)Dr. Hale is on call at the hospital. 黑爾醫生在醫院裏等待出診. 136.camera 1)The beating of Rodney King was caught on camera. 羅德尼.金被毆打的情形被攝像機拍下來了. 137.can 1)Our department manager got canned for sexual harassment. 我們的部門經理因性騷擾而被解職了. 2)TV and radio programs use a lot of canned commercials. 電視和電台節目裏有很多千篇一律(令人乏味)的廣告. 3)The young actress has two new movies in the can. 那個年輕的女演員有兩部新影片正準備上映. 138.candle 1)You can't burn the candle at both ends forever. 你不能永遠這麽過分地消耗精力. 2)No on can hold a candle to Mom's famous apple pies. 無論誰做的蘋果派都比不上我媽媽做的(好吃) . 139.car 1)We took a carful to the drive-in movies last night. 昨晚,我們(擠得滿滿的)一大車人去了(露天)汽車影院(看電影) . 2)Would you like to join our car pool? 你願意加入我們的"汽車合夥"(注:指為了解決路上交通及停車難,幾個有汽車的人 安排好輪流合用它們的汽車來上下班等)嗎? 3)I always get carsick when I try to read in a car. 每次在車內試著看書的時候,我都會暈車. 4)Carjacking is becoming more rampant in the U.S. 劫持汽車(的犯罪活動)在美國正變得越來越猖獗. 140.card 1)You've always got a card up your sleeve. 你總是有自己的秘密打算. 2)I think your getting married is in the cards. 我看你是快要結婚了. 3)Lisa wishes that Gary would put his cards on the table. 薩莉希望加裏幹脆把話挑明. 141.care 1)I could care less what you do because I'm leaving. 我就要離開了,你幹什麽都與我無關. 2)Rick doesn't have a care in the world. 裏克不知人間煩惱為何物. 3)Take care of yourself, and I'll see you in two weeks. 請多保重,我會在兩周後來看你. 142.carry 1)Let's not get carried away with accusations. 我們別再毫無理智地互相指責了吧. 2)I expect that business will carry on as usual while I'm gone. 我希望在我不在的時候,生意也能一如既往地繼續下去. 3)Tom and Meredith have been carrying on together for some time. 湯姆和梅雷迪思勾搭在一起已經有一段時間了. 4)Each passenger is allowed two carry-on pieces of luggage. 每位乘客允許攜帶兩件隨身行李. 5)We need to carry out our plans. 我們需要實行我們的計劃. 143.case 1)I did everything you said, so get off my case. 你所說的我都做了,所以不要再來幹涉我. 2)In any case, we're going to have to take some action. 無論怎樣,我們都將不得不采取一些措施. 3)I'm taking it with me, just in case. 我帶上它,以備萬一. 4)In case of an emergency, dial 911. 緊急情況請撥 911. 144.cash 1)We need to stop at the ATM and get some cash. 我們需要在 ATM 停一下,取一些現金. 2)We're cashing in on some of our old furniture. 我們將一些舊家具變賣成了現金. 145.cast 1)We're casting off from shore at 3:00 this afternoon. 我們將在今天下午 3 點鍾從碼頭啟航. 2)Suzanne used the casting couch to obtain a leading role in the film. 蘇珊為了成為那部影片的主角,用了和主管人睡覺的辦 法. 146.cat 1)Roger likes to cat around on the weekends. 羅傑在周末喜歡去尋獵女孩子. 2)Mary Ann let the cat out of the bag. 瑪麗.安把秘密給泄露出去了. 3)I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon. 我試著在每個周日的下午小睡一會兒. 4)Our competitors want to play cat-and-mouse with us. 我們的對手想和我們玩貓捉老鼠的有戲. 5)Joe enjoys sitting in the catbird seat. 喬享受著他的有利地位. 6)A shrill of catcalls came from the audience as the controversial actor walked on stage. 那個有爭議的男演員走上舞台時,從觀 眾中傳來一片噓聲. 147.catch 1)I get a free gift? What's the catch? (你說)我可以得到一份不要錢的禮物?(那麽, )你想讓我為你做什麽? 2)Joyce wants to catch a program on TV. 喬伊斯想看一個電視節目. 3)Wow, is that his wife? Mark sure got himself a good catch. 哇!那是他的妻子嗎?馬克的確是有份好福份! 4)You kids are gonna catch it if you don't shape up. 你們要是不好好幹,就會受到懲罰. 5)Heather is a good student. She really catches on fast. 希瑟的確是個好學生,對知識吸收領會得很快. 6)It's gonna take me a week to catch up on these reports. 我需要一個星期(的時間)來趕回這些報告落下的進度. 7)Debbie is looking for a catchall for her problems. 戴比在尋找一個無論什麽問題都能解決的人來(幫她)對付她的困難. 8)Job-hunting for college graduates is often a catch-22 they won't hire you unless you have experience, but you can't get experience unless they hire you. 大學畢業生找工作常常會陷入一種無可奈何的矛盾境地:你沒有工作經驗,他 們就不雇傭你;而他們不雇傭你,你就不可能獲取工作經驗. 9)That book has a catchy title. 那本書有一個吸引人的書名. 148.ceiling 1)Your dad's going to hit the ceiling when he finds out you wrecked the car. 你父親發現你把這車搞得一塌糊塗的時候,一定會 大發雷霆. 2)Many women find that a glass ceiling exists when they try to move up in a company. 許多女性感到當她們努力想在公司裏升職時,總存在有一些無形的障礙. 149.chain 1)Jerry feels like he is chained to his job. 傑裏感覺他被工作束縛住了. 2)We received a frightening chain letter yesterday. 昨天,我們收到了一封恐嚇性質的"連鎖信". 3)Yuki has been chain-smoking for years. 由紀(一支接一支地)猛烈抽煙好多年了. 150.chair 1)We've asked Mr. Ogawa to take the chair. 我們請求小川先生擔任主席. 151.chalk 1)Chalk up another victory for ABC industries. 為 ABC 工業集團再贏得一次勝利! 2)Our coach usually gives us a chalk talk during halftime. 我們的教練在中場休息時通常用粉筆畫圖給我們進行講解. 152.chance 1)I don't want to leave things to chance. 我不願意讓事情任其發展. 2)Is there any chance that I can see you again? 我還有可能再次見到您嗎? 3)I met your brother the other day by chance. 我前幾天偶然碰到了你哥哥. 4)If you happen to chance upon that document, let me know. 如果你碰巧發現了那文件,請通知我. 5)The chances of Linda marrying you are almost zero. 琳達和你結婚的可能性幾乎為零. 6)The doctors say he has no chance of recovery. 醫生說他沒有康複的希望. 153.change 1)Let me know if you change your mind. 如果你改變了主意,請通知我. 2)The Smiths are moving to Montana for a change of scenery. 史密斯一家為了改變一下環境,正把家搬到蒙大拿洲去. 3)Our production line will be undergoing a changeover next month. 我們的生產線在下個月要進行更換. 4)We can change off on the night shift every 6 month. 我們可以每六個月交換一次(值)夜班. 5)Let's go to someplace new for a change. 讓我們去一個什麽新地方尋求一些改變吧! 154.character 1)Max is quite a character. 馬克斯是一個很有個性的人. 2)An actor must stay in character to be effective. 為了更有成效,演員必須適合於劇中(所扮)角色. 155.charge 1)I think you'll get a charge out of this joke. 我想這個玩笑一定會使你非常開心. 2)Please charge it to my account. 請把它算在我的帳上. 3)Mr. Yamada is in charge of this department. 山田先生負責這個部門. 156.charm 1)Kathy can really turn on the charm when she wants to. 凱西想施展自己魅力的時候,就能發揮得很好. 157.chart 1)This song is at the top of the charts. 這首歌位列排行榜榜首. 158.cheap 1)We're interested in buying a cheapie model. 我們對購買便宜的模特感興趣. 2)He works for some cheapo outfit. 他為一些末流組織工作. 3)Your remark about my belief was a cheap shot. 你對我的信仰的(妄加)議論是可鄙的. 4)It's boring to go out to dinner with a cheapskate. 和小氣鬼一起出門吃飯真沒意思. 159.cheat 1)Joe is cheating on his wife. 喬對他的妻子不忠. 160.check 1)Where do we go to check in? 我們去哪兒登記? 2)What time do we have to check out? 我們得在什麽時候退房間? 3)Check out the girl sitting over there. 你去考核一下坐在那兒的那個女孩. 4)You'd better check up on the kids. 你最好追查(或:追問)一下那些孩子. 5)Everything's in check. 一切正常. 6)Have you had your annual checkup? 你做過一年一度的健康檢查了嗎? 161.cheek 1)Tom told the story with tongue in cheek. 湯姆以嘲弄的口氣講述了那件事. 162.cheese 1)Say cheese! 笑一笑! (注:常用於照相時) 2)Dave thinks he's the big cheese. 戴夫以為自己很了不起. 3)There's a lot of cheesecake used in car magazines. 汽車雜誌中有很多露著雙腿的性感女郎的照片. 163.chest 1)I need to get this off my chest. 我得把這件事講明白. 164.chew 1)Stop chewing me out! 別對我絮絮叨叨的! 2)Bill could sit around and chew the fat all day long. 比爾可以一天到晚坐著閑聊. 165.chicken 1)We're gonna go try to meet some chicks. 我們要去試著找幾個小姑娘(玩玩兒) . 2)Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. 別過早樂觀. 3)Two teens were injured playing chicken in their cars. 兩個十幾歲的少年在比賽飛車時受了傷. 4)Don't tell me you're going to chicken out. 別告訴我你要膽怯不幹了. 166.chin 1)I know this must be hard for you, but try to keep your chin up. 我知道這對你一定是有困難,但咬牙堅持住吧! 2)Sam really took it on the chin during his last business venture. 薩姆上次的交易真是進行得很艱難. 167.chip 1)Vern has been saying that he will cash in his chips for years. 維恩好多年來一直就說他的死期不遠了. (或:他就要徹底慘敗 了. ) 2)Let's all chip in and buy Phil a retirement gift. 讓我們一起湊錢給菲爾買一件退休禮物吧. 3)Your son is certainly a chip off the old block. 你兒子的確和他父親一模一樣. 4)The new housing in the area has given me a chip on my shoulder. 地區住房的新分配(方案)使我很惱火. 5)Mr. Robinson is in the chips. 羅賓遜先生非常有錢. 6)I want to see who can still fight when the chips are down. 我想看看誰可以在危急的情況下堅持戰鬥. 7)You're looking chipper today, Mrs. Webb. 韋布太太,您今天看起來氣色真好. 168.choke 1)Many basketball players choke at the freethrow line. 許多籃球選手在罰球線(注:指得到罰球權)投籃時都屏住呼吸. 2)Melissa choked back her tears. 梅利莎努力抑製住了眼淚. 3)I hate to have to choke down these pills. 我討厭不得不費力地去咽下這些藥片. 4)The eloquent speaker had us all choked up. 那位雄辯家使我們的胸中激情蕩漾. 169.chop 1)This traffic law is on the chopping block. 這項交通法規要被廢除掉. 2)Matt hit me in the chops. 馬特打了我的下巴. 3)Al really knows his chops. 阿爾真的是了解自己的能力. 4)The police found this stolen car in a chop shop. 警察在"二手車"店(注:指將車購入,經解體後重新安裝並再次出售的店) 裏發現了那輛被盜的車. 170.church 1)She's too churchy for me. 對我來說,她太熱衷於宗教了. 171.class 1)That car is in a class by itself. 那輛車獨具一格. 2)Teresa looks classy. 特莉薩看起來很時髦. 172.clean 1)We need to clean out the basement. 我們需要把地下室清掃一下. 2)Would somebody clean up this mess? 哪位願來收拾一下這亂七八糟的一堆(東西)? 3)Bart really cleaned up in the card game. 巴特在紙牌有戲中大獲全勝. 4)I've decided to come clean on the incident. 我決定毫不隱瞞地將那件事全講出來. 5)Our team's gonna clean up on your team. 我們隊將幹掉你們隊. 6)Hitoshi is a clean-cut young man. 任誌是位幹淨整潔的年輕人. 173.clear 1)Let me clear off this table for you. 我為你打掃一下這桌子吧. 2)We need everyone to clear out of the area. 我需要所有人都撤出那片區域. 3)I've called this meeting so we clear the air. 我召集了這次會,消除了我們之間的隔閡. 4)The forecast said it is supposed to clear up tonight. 天氣預報說今晚天將轉晴. 5)I'd like to clear up any misunderstandings we may have had. 我願意消除我們之間可能存在的任何誤會. 6)The evidence shows that our company is in the clear. 這個證據說明我們公司是清白的. 7)I want a clear-cut strategy by Thursday. 星期四之前,我需要(得到)一個簡單明了的策略. 174.climb 1)Can you climb up the rope? 你能順著繩子爬上去嗎? 2)Stan is tired of climbing the corporate ladder. 斯坦厭倦了在公司裏一步一步地往上爬(的世俗之路) . 3)Patty is a social climber. 帕蒂是個(總是在不斷)追求更高社會地位的人. 175.clock 1)Crews are working around the clock to fight the fire. (消防)隊員們正在持續 24 小時地進行滅火工作. 2)We need to foul one of their guys in order to stop the clock. 為了延緩比賽,我們需要犯規阻擾對方的一名隊員. 3)The mailman always comes like clockwork. 郵遞員來的時間很規律. 176.close 1)We had a close call on the freeway this morning. 今天早晨在快行道上,我們(在一起交通事故中)僥幸脫險. 2)They finally closed down that old theater. 他們最終關閉了那家老劇院. 3)The police closed in on the gunman. 警察包圍了那個持槍者. 4) The XYZ company is a closed shop. XZY 公司是一個隻雇傭工會會員的公司. 5)Let's get a close-up on this next scene. 下一個鏡頭用特寫的方法拍吧! 177.cloud 1)Rumors have clouded his entire campaign. 輿論使他的整個競選蒙上了陰影. (注:指受到了不好的影響. ) 2)Melanie's been in the clouds since she met Rick. 梅蘭尼自從遇到裏克以後,總是心神不定的. 3)Robert has been under a cloud since he was charged with a crime. 羅伯特自從被指控有罪以後,一直被人們懷疑的目光所注 視. 4)I've been on cloud nine ever since my book got published. 自從我的書被出版了以後,我就一直飄飄欲仙似的. 178.clown 1)Would you guys stop clowning around! 你們這幫人別再到處搞惡作劇了. 179.clunk 1)Darren is a real clunk. 達龍是個反應很遲鈍的人. 2)Are you still driving that old clunker? 你還在開那輛又老又笨的車嗎? 180.coal 1)Did you dad rake you over the coals? 你父親罵你了嗎? 181.coast 1)My best fried is moving out to the coast. 我最好的朋友要遷到海濱去(住)了. 2)Let's get movin'. The coast is clear. 快逃,現在沒人(注:黑話,原為"道路暢通無阻"之意) . 182.cock 1)Jack thinks he is the cock of the walk. 傑克認為自己是眾人之首領. 2)Athletic skill has a way of making people cocky. (擁有)運動才能有使人(變得)趾高氣揚的一麵. 183.coffee 1)Let's take a coffee break. 讓我們喝杯咖啡休息一下. 2)I wish you'd wake up and smell the coffee. 我希望你能清醒過來,認清現實. 184.cold 1)It seems like I catch a cold every winter. 我好像每年冬天都得感冒. 2)The gang member cold-cocked the police officer. 那個暴力組織成員將警官打昏了. 3)The man paid me $500 in cold cash. 那男的付給我 500 美元的現金. 4)She doesn't appreciate the cold comfort of outdoor camping. 她無法欣賞野營(所帶來的與日常生活不同的一些)不方便之 處的樂趣. 5)Come in from the cold! 外邊太冷,請進屋來吧! 6)David just leaves me cold. 戴維沒有打動我. 7)Sara is getting cold feet about her upcoming wedding. 薩拉對即將道路的婚禮沒有信心. 8)Every time I see her, she leaves me out in the cold. 每次我見到她,她都不理睬我. 9)I didn't mean to throw cold water on your plans. 我並不是想給你的計劃潑冷水. 10)The man was killed by a cold-blooded murderer. 那男人被一個滅決人性的殺人犯殺害了. 11)Are you going to try to stop smoking cold turkey? 你打算努力去徹底戒煙嗎? 185.color 1)I watched his face change color as he heard the news. 我看見他得知那個消息時,臉色一下子變了. 2)Jin doesn't appreciate off-color humor. 吉爾不喜歡庸俗的玩笑. 3)This experience will make you show your true colors. 這種經曆將會使你顯露你的本性. 4)I didn't know that you were such a colorist. 我不知道你是這樣一個擅長於色彩的畫家. 186.come 1)When did this all come about? 這一切是什麽時候發生的? 2)How did you happen to come across the old coin? 你是怎樣碰巧發現那枚古幣的? 3)Come again? I couldn't hear you. 你說什麽?我聽不見呀! 4)How's your garden coming along? 你的院子最近怎麽樣? 5)All right, everybody. Come and get it! 好的,各位.請就餐吧. 6)I always knew you'd come around o my way of thinking. 我一直就知道你終會改變主意同意我的思路的. 7)Josh likes to come at you with all these wild ideas. 喬希喜歡帶給你所有這樣的瘋狂主意. 8)I read somewhere that your favorite group is attempting a comeback. 我在什麽地方讀到了你最喜歡的那個(歌唱)小姐正在 努力東山再起. 9)Let's not let a little thing like this come between us. 讓我們別再因為諸如此類的小事而傷和氣了吧! 10)This stamp is hard to come by. 這郵票很難搞到手. 11)You'll have to come by and see us. 你可要常來看看我們. 12)I think I'm coming down with a cold. 我想我是感冒了. 13)Losing all his money forced Mr. Crane to come down. 失去了所有的錢財,克蘭先生被迫入了窘境. 14)I'm sorry for coming down on you so hard. 很抱歉那麽嚴厲地斥責了你. 15)Everyone was shocked when the new witness came forward. 那位新的目擊者主動站出來時,所有的人都吃了一驚. 16)It's interesting how the styles of the '60s are coming back again. 六十年代的風尚是如何再次流行起來的是件很有意思的 事. 17)Would you like to come in for a drink? 你願進來喝點東西嗎? 18)William came into a lot of money.威廉繼承了大筆財產. 19)The new musical play came off well. 那台新音樂劇很成功. 20)Linda thinks you're coming on to her. 琳達認為你對她有好感. 21)I think it's time that you come out of the closet. 我想現在是你暴露自己同性戀身份的時候了. 22)I had a strange feeling come over me. 我有種奇妙的感覺. 23)Melanie always comes through for us. 梅拉尼從不讓我們失望. 24)After I blacked out, it took me a few minutes to come to. 我失去知覺幾分鍾以後才恢複了意識. 25)You've come up in the world, haven't you? 你的地位已經上升了,是嗎? 26)We've got to come up with $150,000 for Gail's bone marrow transplant. 為了蓋爾的骨髓移植,我們得出 15 萬美元. 187.company 1)So, who has she been keeping company with? 那麽,她(這段時間)是在和誰交往呢? 2)Please stay and keep me company.請你留下來和我在一起. 3)I think it's time we part company. 我想,是我們一刀兩斷的時候了. 188.cook 1)I was amazed at how fast Paula cooked up an alibi. 我很奇怪 Paula 何以這麽快就編造出了一個托辭. 2)Hey, what's cooking? 嘿!發生了什麽事? 3)I don't care for all these cookie-cutter houses. 我不喜歡這些造型一模一樣的房子. 4)George looks like he's going to toss his cookies. 看起來 George 好像要將他吃下去的東西都吐出來了. 5)Why don't you guys come over for a cookout on Friday night? 你們星期五晚上何不去野炊? 6)It looks like our goose is cooked. 看起來我們的計劃是徹底失敗了. 189.cool 1)Look at those cool shoes! 你看那些好酷的鞋! 2)We're gonna go cool off in the swimming pool. 我們要去遊泳池清爽一下. 3)Just cool it with the accusations. 冷靜下來,別指責別人了. 4)Susan likes to play it cool with the guys she dates. Susan 喜歡以冷靜態度對待那些與她約會的男人. 5)Shoplifters often end up in the cooler. (商店裏行竊的)小偷的下場往往是被關入監獄. 190.coop 1)I'm tired of being cooped up in this office. 我厭倦了被關在這辦公室裏. 2)Two prisoners flew the coop last night. 兩名犯人昨晚越獄了. 191.cop 1)The defendant decided to cop a plea in order to get a lighter sentence. 被告人決定認罪以求從輕處理. 2)To say that we can't do anything about America's drug problem is a cop-out. 說我們對美國的毒品問題無計可施是在逃避責 任. 192.copy 1)We need someone who can write good copy. 我們需要字寫得很好的人. 2)Would you go to make a copy of this for me? 你能為我複印一下這個東西嗎? 3)Police think this is a copycat crime. 警察認為這是一起模仿犯罪案. 193.cork 1)Ted likes to blow his cork over silly things. Ted 喜歡為一些無聊的小事生氣. 2)Today's debate was a corker. 今天的討論非常棒. 194.corner 1)I think your promotion is just around the corner. 我認為你的升職已近在眼前了. 2)Our client is very picky, so don't cut any corners. 我們的顧客很挑剔,所以別偷工減料. 3)Don't let them push you into a corner. 別讓他們把你逼人窘地. 4)If we can just turn the corner on these technical parts, we'll have it made. 如果我們能解決這些技術部分(的問題) ,那我們就 會成功了. 195.corny 1)Phil's speech sounded a little corny to me. Phil 的講演在我聽來有些過時,沒有新意. 196.cost 1)We want to find a cure at any cost. 我們想不惜代價找出一條解決辦法. 2)Tokyo has a high cost of living. 東京的生活開銷很高. 197.couch 1)Diane is on the couch again. Diane 又在接受精神治療. 2)Videos and TV football have turned everyone into couch potatoes. 電視和錄像上的橄欖球賽使每個人都成了"沙發土豆片族 ". (注:人們把那些喜歡成天坐在沙發上邊吃土豆片邊看電視的人戲稱為"沙發土豆片族". ) 198.count 1)We watched the countdown of the space shuttle on TV. 我們在電視上觀看到火箭發射的倒計時情景了. 2)You can count on me. 你可以信賴我. 3)If that's what you're going to do, you can count me out. 如果那就是你要去做的事,那麽請把我排除在外. 199.counter 1)I'm looking for some over-the-counter cough medicine. 我在尋找沒有醫生處方也能買得到的咳嗽藥. 2)They paid him under the counter to keep quiet. 他們暗中給了他一些錢讓他保持沉默. 200.course 1)Things will all work out in due course. 事情到了適當的時候自然就會變好的. 2)In the course of events, we have learned what the problem is. 自然而然地,我們認識到了問題所在. 201.court 1)The final decision is in your court. 最終的決定是由你來做出. 202.cover 1)Somebody has tried to cover up the evidence. 有人試圖掩蓋證據. 2)We took cover from the tornado in our basement. 我們在(我們的)地下室裏躲避龍卷風. 3)Brad has been working undercover with the narcotics squared. Brad 移植在暗中緝查毒品組織. 4)The murder was actually an attempted coverup. 那起謀殺實際上是試圖毀滅罪證. 203.cow 1) 2) Toshiko hates cowboy music. 俊子討厭鄉村音樂. Richard is attending a little cow college in southern Texas. Richard 在德克薩斯洲南部的一個又小又不出名的大學裏上學. 3)Diet drinks have been a cash cow for our company for a decade. 10 年來,健康飲料是我們公司(所仰仗的)投資少而利潤大 的收益途徑. 204.crack 1)I'd do anything to see her crack a smile. 為了博得她的一笑,我甘願做任何事情. 2)Local police are cracking down on gang violence. 地方警察正在對團夥暴力(行為)嚴厲製裁. 3)Financial stress is making me crack. 經濟上的壓力在使我崩潰. 4)Jerry's jokes just crack me up. Jerry 的笑話逗得我捧腹大笑. 5)Fame is not always what it is cracked up to be. 名聲並不總是與人們所說的一樣好. 6)We let the proposed changes fall through the cracks. 我們"槍斃"了那個被提議的變更計劃. 205.cradle 1)When old Mr. Morris married that 30-year-old, everyone said he had robbed the cradle. 年老的 Morris 先生和一個 30 歲的女人結婚時,大家都說他與一個年紀差距極大的人結婚了. 206.cram 1)I stayed up late cramming for an exam. 我開了夜車以臨時應付考試. 207.cramp 1)Kids can really cramp your style. 孩子的確會帶給你很多限製. 208.crank 1)The publishers want me to crank out another book. 出版社希望我完成另一本書. 2)The manger wants us to crank up the production line. 管理人員希望我們提高生產線的作業速度. 209.crash 1)After a long day at work, I just wanna go home and crash. 經過長長的一天的工作,我隻想回家好好睡一覺. 2)My computer program crashed this morning, and I lost my entire document. 今天早晨,計算機出了突然故障,我丟了所有的 文件. 210.crazy 1)Work has just been crazy all week long. 這一星期的工作簡直把人忙瘋了. 2)I can't stand to be around him. He just drives me crazy. 我無法呆在他身邊,他使我要發狂. 211.cream 1)Our football team creamed them, 21 to nothing. 我們的橄欖球隊以 21 比 0 的比分把他們打得落花流水. 2)We're looking to hire only the cream of the crop. 我們隻希望雇傭精選出來的人. 212.credit 1)You do credit to your family. 你為你的家庭帶來榮譽. 2)Whitney has 10 number one songs to her credit. Whitney 有 10 首引以為榮的最佳歌曲. 213.creek 1)If I don't find a job soon, we'll be up the creek. 如果我不能馬上找到工作,我們將會陷入十分窘迫的境地. 214.creep 1)Walking alone at night through the woods gave me the creeps. 在夜間隻身一人穿過樹林使我感覺毛骨悚然. 215.cross 1)Ralph is moving, so we can cross him off our list. Ralph 要搬家了,我們可以從名單上消去他的名字. 2)Let's cross your fingers and hope it works. 讓我們(交叉食指和中指)祈禱好運,並期待(我們的)祝願成真吧! 3)I'm not lying. Cross my heart. 我敢發誓,我絕對沒有說謊. 216.cuff 1)Some people are able to give a speech off the cuff. 一些人能夠即興發表演講. 217.cup 1)Working on cars is not my cup of tea. 修理汽車不是我的興趣(或:特長)所在. 218.cut 1)I heard that you cut class yesterday. 我聽說昨天你逃課了. 2)Okay, cut the engine. 好的,關掉引擎吧! 3)I don't appreciate your cutting remarks. 我無法接受你的尖刻的批評. 4)This model is a cut above the rest. 這個樣式比其他的要高出一籌. 5)Let's cut across the parking lot to beat the crowd. 我們橫穿停車場吧,這樣可以比人們先到. 6)Bob's speech was pretty cut and dried. Bob 的演講很一般. 7)I hate to cut and run, but I have a meeting in 15 minutes. 我真不願意這麽急匆匆地突然離開, 但是我 15 分鍾後有一個會議. 8)We have got to cut back on our expenses. 我們不得不銷減我們的花銷了. 9)There is an ordinance against cutting down trees in the canyon. 有一條嚴禁在峽穀伐木的禁令. 10)I'm trying to cut down on sugar and caffeine. 我決定減少對糖和咖啡因的攝取量. 11)Working with no benefits just doesn't cut it. 沒有收益的工作總是很難辦的. 12)Just cut it out! 行了,別幹了! 13)I just want to cut loose with him. 我隻想擺脫他. 14)Jane cut off her engagement. Jane 背棄了她的婚約. 15)You're just not cut out for teaching. 你不適合於做教師. 16)The president's speech was cut short by the Secret Service. 總統的講話被(美國)聯邦經濟情報局縮減了. 17)This knife is too dull to cut through the meat. 這刀太鈍了.以至於無法將肉切斷. 18)Rick has always been a cutup. Rick 一直是個愛和別人開玩笑的人. 19)Retail sales is a cutthroat business. 搞零售是件艱苦得要命的事業. 20)Our company is on the cutting edge of telecommunications. 我們公司在遠距離通訊方麵是處於頂尖位置的. E 269.ear 1)Tell me your story. I'll all ears. 告訴我你的事吧,我洗耳恭聽. 2)Can I bend your ear for a minute? 可以麻煩您聽一會兒嗎? 3)My advice always seems to fall on deaf ears. 我的建議好象總是沒人聽. 4)Keep your ear to the ground and let me know what's going on. 注意周圍的變化並告訴我情況. 5)Whatever I say just goes in one ear and out the other. 無論我說什麽都一樣的沒用. 6)Let's just play it by ear. 讓我們隨機應變吧! 7)My wife gave me an earful of things I'm doing wrong. 妻子對我做錯的事大發牢騷. 270.early 1)My dad's been an early bird his whole life. 我父親一生中堅持清晨早起. 271.earth 1)We're waiting for Tony to come back to earth. 我們在等待 Tony(從夢中)回到現實中來. 2)Kim wants to marry someone who is down-to-earth. Kim 想和一個現實的人結婚. 3)This circus claims to be the best show on earth. 這馬戲團自稱是世界上最棒的表演(團體) . 272.ease 1)Ginger can dance with ease. Ginger 跳起舞來輕鬆自如. 2)Ease out on the clutch. 慢慢地放開離合器. 273.easy 1)You know what they say about money: "easy come, easy go." 你知道關於金錢人們是怎麽說的吧:"來的容易,去得快." 2)Be careful lowering that box. Easy does it. 放那箱子的時候要小心輕放,不要著急. 3)That woman is very easy on the eyes. 那女人長得很好看. 4)I know he made a mistake, but go easy on him. 我知道他是做了錯事,但是不用對他太苛刻. 5)You can tell by their car that they live on easy street. 看他們的車你就能知道他們生活富裕. 6)You'd better take it easy until you feel better. 你最好放鬆一些.直到你感覺好一點兒. 7)Paul is a very easygoing guy. 保羅是個容易交往的人. 274.eat 1)I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. 我非常餓,簡直可以吃下一匹馬了. 2)Someday you'll have to eat your words. 總有一天,你將不得不收回你所說過的話. 3)Our neighbors eat out almost every night. 我們的鄰居幾乎每天晚上在外邊吃飯. 4)Ted looks upset. What's eating him? Ted 好象不高興,是什麽惹著他了? 5)This restaurant has a great all-you-can-eat buffet. 這家餐館有相當不錯的自助餐. 275.edge 1)The boss has been a little edgy today. 老板今天有點煩躁. 2)We can mix this tape to take the edge off your voice. 為了消去你的聲音,我們可以把這盤磁帶處理一下. 3)Everybody is on edge until the performance is over. 直至那戲演出完畢,每個人都緊張不安. 4)Stress is pushing him over the edge. 壓力正在將他推向崩潰的邊緣. 5)I can never get a word in edgeways when I talk to her. 和她談話,我根本插不上嘴. 276.effect 1)When does that law go into effect? 那法律什麽時候實施? 2)How long do I have to wait for the medicine to take effect? 到藥生效以前,我要等多長時間? 277.egg 1)Danny came to work with egg on his face. Danny 來上班時,臉上帶著很不好意思的表情. 2)Your sister is gonna lay an egg when she sees your tattoo. 你姐姐看見你身上的紋身一定會不高興的. 3)In business, don't put all your eggs in one basket. 做生意時,千萬不要孤注一擲. 4)I'm tired of listening to that egghead. 我厭煩聽那個書呆子講話. 278.elbow 1)I'm up to my elbows in dirt. 我的胳膊上髒乎乎的. 2)C'mon guys! Put a little more elbow grease into it. 你們幾個!再加把勁兒! 3)Excuse me. Could you give me a little elbow room? 對不起,您能給我一點活動餘地嗎? 279.eleven 1)Joe always waits until the eleventh hour to do his assignments. Joe 總是要等到最後一刻才寫作業(或:做指派工作) . 280.empty 1)We searched hard but came up empty-handed. 我們努力搜索,卻兩手空空而歸. 2)This is the most empty-headed idea I've ever heard. 這是我所聽到過的最傻的一個主意. 3)Mrs. Brady is suffering from empty-nest syndrome. Brandy 太太得了"空巢獨居症"(注:指因子女長大成人後的離家居住所 引起的老年人的寂寞孤獨) 281.end 1)Make sure you keep your end of the deal. 你要確保在處理事情時堅守自己的立場. 2)Did you get to the end of the book? 你讀完那本書了嗎? 3)Many couples are having a hard time making both ends meet. 許多夫婦為了使收支相抵而感到頭痛. 4)There's no end to the design possibilities we could choose. 有非常多的設計方案可供我們選擇. 5)My kids could watch TV for hours on end. 我的孩子們可以連續好多個小時看電視. 6)Let's put an end to all this arguing. 讓我們停止這場爭吵吧! 7)Sue wants to end it with Robert. Sue 想和羅伯特分手. 282.even 1)We both won a game, so now we're even-steven. 我們都贏了一局,所以現在是打成了平手. 283.event 1)In the event of an emergency, please use the marked exits. 緊急情況下,請使用帶有標誌的(緊急)出口. 284.excuse 1)Ed is a poor excuse for a teacher. 埃迪作為老師是徒有虛名. 285.eye 1)All eyes were on the performer. 所有的目光都落在表演者身上. 2)I was just walking in when she caught my eye. 我剛走進去,她就引起了我的注意. 3)Feast your eyes on this diamond. 你看看這鑽石一飽眼福吧. 4)My boss is giving me the eye. 我的老板對我眉來眼去的. 5)Miss Watahiki has an eye for color. 綿引小姐對色彩很有鑒賞力. 6)I only have eyes for you. 我隻關心你一個人. 7)Everything is quiet in the eye of a storm. 在台風的風眼中間,一切都是平靜的. 8)Stephanie likes being in the public eye. 斯蒂法妮喜歡成為人們注意的中心. 9)Keep an eye on the baby for me, will you? 你替我看護一下嬰兒,好嗎? 10)Keep an eye out for the bus. 你注意一點兒,別錯過了公共汽車. 11)Keep your eyes open for falling stars. 注意仔細地看著,才會發現流星. 12)She's the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. 她是我所見過的女孩中最漂亮的一個. 13)Cheryl's making eyes at me. 謝裏爾向我暗送秋波. 14)Ten dollars my eye! That's way too much! 天哪,10 美元嗎?那太多了! 15)You've got to open your eyes to reality. 你得睜開眼睛,好好看看現實. 16)Her kids could do anything and she wouldn't raise an eye-brow. 她的孩子們可以幹任何事,她從來不加以反對. 17)That was certainly an eye-opening experience. 那的確是讓人驚訝的一次經曆. 18)Our youth committee is going to clean up that eyesore.我們的年輕委員要把那些看不順眼的(醜惡)東西一掃而光. F 286.face 1)Marilyn is doing her face. Marilyn 正在化妝. 2)The embarrassing situation caused me to lose face. 令人難堪的場合讓我丟了麵子. 3)Wayne is a great face-off player in hockey. Wayne 是個在"一對一"的打架中很厲害的曲棍球選手. 4)Salesmen are more successful if they can meet you face to face. 如果銷售人員能夠與顧客麵對麵地交流,他們就會做得更成 功. 5)Someday we're going to have to face up to it. 總有一天,我們將不得不去麵對它. 6)Mike remains cool even in the face of danger. Mike 直麵危險時也仍然不失冷靜. 7)Don't make a face at me. 別那麽愁眉苦臉地麵對我. 8)You never show your face here anymore! 你永遠也不要再來這兒了! 9)I dare you to tell her that to her face. 你敢當麵對她那麽說嗎? 287.fact 1)This new evidence is really after the fact. 這個新證據真的是出現得太晚,於事無補了. 2)As a matter of fact , I've never been here before in my life.說實在的,我以前從來沒有來過這裏. 3)Have you told your kids the facts of life? 你給你的孩子進行過性方麵的基礎知識教育嗎? 288.fail 1)I want you here tomorrow at noon without fail. 我希望你明天中午務必來這兒. 289.fair 1)We beat you fair and square. 我們光明正大地贏了你們. 2)No fair! You're cheating! 胡說,你在騙人. 3)Many companies still discriminate against the fair sex. 許多公司依然對女性有歧視. 4)All I'm asking for is a fair shake at this job. 我所要求的隻是在這工作中的真誠相待. 290.faith 1)It is sometimes hard to keep the faith. 有時候,堅持信仰是很困難的. 2)I lent him $ 300 in good faith. 我出於好意地借給他了 300 美元. 3)Lately I've been running on faith. 最近我對上帝很虔誠. 291.fall 1)Several of the church members have fallen away. 有幾位教會成員背棄了信仰. 2)We've saved a little money to fall back on. 我們存了一點錢以備急時之需. 3)I'm afraid that Melissa is falling behind in school. 我擔心 Melissa 在學校跟不上學習. 4)Don't fall down on the job. 別讓這件工作失敗了! 5)I'm not gonna fall for that trick again. 我不會再上那套把戲的當了. 6)It looks like Mary is falling for John. 看起來 Mary 對 John 很迷戀. 7)Christians believe that all men have fallen from grace and therefore need a savior. 基督教徒相信:所有的人都因其"原罪"而需 要救世主. 8)Don't fall in that hole. 別掉進那洞裏去. 9)I'm worried that Kelly might fall in with the wrong crowd. 我擔心 Kelly 可能和那幫不好的人混在一起. 10)Our sales have begun to fall off. 我們的銷售額已經開始下降. 11)George just sort of fell into book writing. George 是很偶然地開始了寫書的. 12)Jack has fallen out of favor with his family. Jack 被他的家人所嫌棄. 13)I keep falling short of your expectations. 我總是達不到你的期望. 14)My dreams have fallen through. 我的夢想成了泡影. 15)With all his bad habits, I think your brother is heading for a fall. 從你弟弟身上(所表現出的)所有的壞毛病來看,我想他 正在滑向墮落. 16)I'm sick of being your fall guy. 我厭惡做你的替罪羊. 292.false 1)Sorry about that bell. It was just a false alarm. 我對那鈴聲深感抱歉,那是一次失誤. 293.family 1)Jenny is in a family way. Jenny 懷孕了. 2)Have you ever seen your family tree? 你看過你們家的家譜嗎? 294.fancy 1)Well, fancy that! 啊 會有這樣的事. 2)Jeremy just wants to live his life fancy-free. Jeremy 隻是想過他的自由奔放的(單身)生活. 3)Fancy meeting you here. 真沒想到會在這遇到你. 4)That's a nice suit you're wearing, "fancy-pants." 你穿的那衣服真好看,很搶眼呢! 295.far 1)As far as I know, everything is all set. 據我所知,一切都已準備就緒了 2)This is by far the best strawberry pie I've ever tasted. 這是我所嚐到過的最好的草莓派. 3)Thee accommodations are a far cry from what she's been used to. 這些住宿設備與她以前所用的相差太遠. 4)That guy is so far gone he doesn't know what he's talking about. 那男人病得都不知道自己在說什麽. 5)He lives far out in the country. 他住在遠離此地的鄉下. 6)That's a far-out design. 那是個新穎的設計. 7)If you study hard, you could go far. 如果你好好學習,也許會大有前途. 8)Our fund-raiser has grossed $700 so far. 我們的基金籌集者到目前為止已籌集到了 700 美元. 9)Everything is going well. So far, so good. 所有的事情都進行得很好,到目前為止,一切順利. 10)We don't need any more far-fetched ideas. 我們再也不需要什麽牽強的主意. 296.farm 1)I'm starting to farm out work to other people. 我開始把工作包出去給別人做. 2)It's a shame, but I think she needs to go to a funny farm. 很遺憾,但是我想她需要去神經病院. 297.fast 1)Don't try to pull a fast one on me! 你別想騙我. 2)Most people eat fast food once a day. 大多數人一天吃一次快餐. 3)Judy lives her life in the fast lane. Judy 過著放縱的生活. 4)Salesmen often use fast talk to manipulate the buyer. 銷售員常常用能言善辯的口才來影響和把持買主. 298.fat 1)Hank enjoys sitting around and chewing the fat. Hank 喜歡到處坐著瞎聊天. 2)They are living off the fat of the land. 他們生活奢侈. 3)This is where all the local fat cats some to meet. 這兒是本地有錢有勢的大人物們聚集的地方. 4)Me, marry a millionaire? Fat chance! 我?嫁給一個百萬富翁?太不可能了! 5)Joe will be in fat city if his business takes off. Joe 的生意進行順利的話,他將成為一個富裕的人. 6)Connie has registered to attend a fat farm this summer. Connie 報名參加了今年夏天的一個高檔的減肥中心. 7)I don't want to listen to that fathead. 我不想聽那笨蛋講話. 299.fault 1)Who was at fault in the accident? 這次事故是誰的過錯? 2)Stop trying to find fault with everybody! 不要總是去挑每個人的毛病. 300.favor 1)All those in favor, please raise your hand. 持讚成意見的人,請舉手. 2)The mayor has fallen out of favor with the people. 市長失去了人們的信任和支持. 301.feather 1)Robert is just looking for another feather in his cap. Robert 不過是在尋找另一件值得炫耀的事. 2)They are always trying to feather their nest. 他們總是想盡辦法中飽私囊. 3)This federal agency was shut down for featherbedding. 聯邦政府機關對閑職人員作了削減. 4)This better not be another one of your featherbrained schemes. 這最好不是你的又一個傻乎乎的計劃. 302.feed 1)Sharks feed on smaller fish. 鯊魚以小魚為食. 2)Did you get any feedback from your clients? 你從顧客那兒得到什麽反饋了嗎? 3)Tony is really putting on the feed bag. Tony 飯量是真大. 303.feel 1)How do you feel about abortion? 你對人工流產怎麽看? 2)I feel like going for a walk. 我想去散散步. 3)Poor Ashley isn't feeling like herself today. 可憐的 Ashley,今天她的氣色看起來不太好. 4)We're gonna have to feel our way through this project. 我們不得不對這項計劃慎重地進行處理. 5)I feel strongly about the illegitimacy problem in this country. 我對這個國家的違法現象問題深有感觸. 6)Do you feel up to taking a hike? 你能承受得了徒步的長途旅行嗎? 304.feet 1)It's time to get your feet wet in business. 該是你涉足商界的時候了. 2)I think that Linda's got her feet on the ground again. 我想 Linda 已經又回到現實中來了. 3)I need to sit down. I've been on my feet all day. 我需要坐下來.我已經站了整整一天. 4)You've got to learn to stand on your own two feet. 我得學會依靠自己. 5)Philip swept Julie off her feet. Philip 使 Julie 神魂顛倒. 305.fence 1)Have you been able to mend any fences? 你們爭取到了什麽支持了嗎? 2)You can't keep sitting on the fence. You're either for it or against it. 你無法一直保持中立,要麽是讚成要麽是反對. 3)Because of the building in that new subdivision, I feel like I'm fenced in. 置身於這座新增多層間隔的建築裏,我感覺(像是)被圍起來了. 4)The police watched Perry bring drugs to the fence. 警察看見佩裏把毒品拿給買賣贓物的人. 306.fight 1)They can fight it out. I don't want to get involved. 他們能最終解決的,我不想參與進去. 2)I'm not going to give up without putting up a fight. 不經過努力奮鬥,我是不會放棄的. 307.figure 1)Can someone help me figure this out? 有誰能幫助我解決這個問題嗎? 2)If you figure up the total, I'll pay you. 你算出帳目總額我就付錢給你. 308.file 1)We keep a record of all the applicants on file. 我們將所有的申請者都記錄入冊了. 309.fill 1)Pat will fill us in on the details at the meeting. Pat 在會議上會對我們進行詳細的說明. 2)Would you fill out this form, please? 能否請您填一下這個表格? 3)I need to pull into a gas station and fill up. 我需要把車開進一個汽油站把油箱灌滿. 310.find 1)If this trend keeps going, I could find myself out of a job. 假如這種勢頭繼續發展,我也許會失業. 2)When did you find out about Charlie's engagement? 你什麽時候知道查裏的婚約(真相)的? 311.fine 1)Don's Mercedes is so fine. Don 的"奔馳"牌汽車多麽漂亮! 2)Did you read the fine print? 你讀了契約的小字部分了嗎? 3)I went over that document with a fine-toothed comb. 我一字不漏地仔細閱讀了那份文件. 312.finger 1)Tom fingered Eddy in the crime. Tom 指控 Eddy 有罪. 2)Don't burn your fingers by getting too involved. 不要介入得太深以致於惹火燒身. 3)The driver game me the finger when he passed by. 那司機經過我身邊時找了我的麻煩. 4)Mr. Nakamoto has his finger in every pie. 中本先生在什麽事上都(多餘地)插上一手. 5)Let's keep our fingers crossed that he will arrive on time. 讓我們(交叉手指)祈禱,但願他會按時到達. 6)Something is different, but I can't quite put my finger on it. 有些地方是不一樣的,但我不能確切地指指出來. 7)This book gives you thousands of idioms at your fingertips. 這本書提供給你幾千個能隨時利用的短語. 313.finish 1)Who finished off all the ice cream? 誰把冰淇淋吃了個一幹二淨? 2)Let's hurry and finish up the housework so we can go. 讓我們趕快做完家庭作業就可以去了. 3)Are you finished with the computer? 你用完這計算機了嗎? 314.fire 1)I got fired from my job last week. 上周我被炒了魷魚. 2)If anyone has nay questions, please fire away. 如果誰有什麽問題,請不加保留地提出來. 3)Let's begin target practice. When you're ready, fire away. 我們來開始練習射擊,準備好了就開火. 4)Nobuaki is really fired up about missionary work. 伸明對傳教工作非常渴望. 5)The gun misfired. 槍不發火了. 6)Our house caught on fire last summer. 我們的房子去年夏天著火了. 7)The suspect opened fire on the police. 那嫌疑犯向警察開了火. 8)If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned. 玩火者必自焚. 9)The arsonist confessed that he set fire to six businesses. 那縱火犯承認他給 6 家商場縱過火. 10)The music of the Michael Jackson set the work on fire. 邁克爾.傑克遜的音樂使整個世界都為之興奮. 11)The platoon was under fire all night long. 那個排整晚都在遭受炮火攻擊. 12)Michelle has really been a fireball at the office. Michelle 在辦公室裏工作幹勁是十足. 13)There's firebug loose in the city. 城裏有一個逍遙法外的縱火犯. 14)Gangs in the US are using stronger firepower all the time. 美國的犯罪團夥正在使用火力較以往任何時候都更為強勁的武 器. 15)This old building is a definite firetrap. 這幢舊房子是一個沒有防火安全設施的建築. 315.first 1)The first thing we need to do is get organized. 我們所需要做的第一件事是組織起來. 2)Let's do first things first. 讓我們先做應該先做的事. 3)I never went there in the first place. 首先,我從沒去過那兒. 4)Please book me a first-class seat on the next flight to Osaka. 請為我在下一趟飛往大阪的航班中定一個一等艙的座位. 5)What do you think of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton? 你對第一夫人-希拉裏.羅德姆.克林頓的什麽看法? 6)We'll leave tomorrow at first light. 我們將在明早拂曉出發. 7)Rob plays on the first string. Rob 是正選隊員. 316.fish 1)Some people can drink like a fish and handle it. 有些人既能豪飲,又能控製酒量. 2)As far as this deal is concerned, you either fish or cut bait. 隻要還與這交易有關係,那你就要麽全力以赴要麽索性不幹. 3)I'm fishing for an answer. 我正在搜索答案. 4)Elliot acts like a fish out of water around members of the opposite sex. Elliot 在異性成員身邊如魚得水,無所適從. 5)If you'll excuse me, I have other fish to fry. 如果您不介意的話,我(現在)還有別的事情要做. 6)Everyone is tired of listening to Bill's fish stories. 每個人都厭倦了聽 Bill 的吹牛. 7)Something fishy is going on here. 一些可疑的事正在這裏發生. 317.fit 1)I need to get fit again. 我需要恢複健康的身體. 2)After teaching the 4-hour seminar, I was fit to be tied. 給研究班講了 4 個小時的課後,我十分惱火. 3)My three-year-old had a fit when I took his toy away. 當我拿走他的玩具時,我三歲的孩子號啕大哭起來. 4)Don't throw a fit every time I have to go. 不要在我每次不得不走的時候都大發雷霆. 318.five 1)You've got to do something about your five o'clock shadow. 你得去收拾一下早晨刮了但現在又長出來的胡子了. 2)Could you lend me a fiver until tomorrow? 借我 5 美元好嗎?明天還你. 319.fix 1)May I use your phone? I'm kind of in a fix. 能用一下你的電話嗎?我遇到點麻煩. 2)The media reported that someone had fixed the race. 據媒介報告說有人操縱了比賽. 3)I'm taking my cat to the vet to get her fixed. 我把我的貓帶到獸醫那兒去閹割. 4)I think Jane's got a fix on you. 我想 Jane 已經看清了你的真麵目. 5)Tony spent $250 to fix up his car. Tony 花了 250 美元修理他的車 320.flame 1)Have you ever seen your old flame? 你還見到過你的舊情人嗎? 2)The flames of passion burned inside John when he saw her. 見到她時,John 心中激情蕩漾. 321.flare 1)Tempers where flaring up after the game. 比賽過後,滿腔怒氣爆發了. 322.flash 1)That MTV rap group is just another flash in the pan. 那個音樂電視的聊天節目(到頭來)又隻是一個曇花一現的節目. 2)The novel featured a character haunted by recurring flashbacks of a past motorcycle accident. 那部小說刻畫了一個怎麽也無法從對過去的一次摩托車事故的回憶中擺脫出來的人. 3)New York City seems to be a hot spot for flashers. 對暴露狂來說,紐約看來是個好去處. 4)Steve bought a flashy tie for the party. Steve 為(參加)晚會買了一條鮮豔的領帶. 5)I'll be back in a flash. 我馬上就回來. 323.flat 1)Linda has always been self-conscious about being flat. Linda 一直很在意自己是平胸. 2)Margo always sings a little flat. Margo 唱歌音調總是有點低. 3)Our car had a flat on the way to the airport. 我們的車在去機場的途中漏氣了. 4)This business is going to fall flat. 這筆交易要完全失敗了. 5)I'd like to buy one, but I'm flat broke. 我倒是想買一個,隻是我身無分文. 6)He flat-out called me a liar! 他公開稱我是說謊的人. 324.flesh 1)Don't criticize her - she's your own flesh and blood. 別對她太苛刻,她是你的親骨肉. 2)I remember seeing Elvis in the flesh in 1973. 我記得 1973 年我曾經見過 Elvis 本人. 325.flex 1)More are more employees are demanding flex time in the 1990s. 90 年代,越來越多的職員要求靈活的工作時間製. 326.flip 1)My mom really flipped out when she saw my beard. 我媽媽看到我的絡腮胡子時,都快要發瘋了. 2)I really get mad when someone flips me off. 當有人對我輕彈指頭時,我真的快氣瘋了. 3)Play the flip side of that old album. 放一下那張老唱片的 B 麵. 327.floor 1)Jim floored it until he lost the car that was following him. Jim 將車開到了極限,直到甩掉了跟在他後麵的車. 2)I want you to take the floor after I sit down. 我希望你能在我坐下後才發言. 3)Crazy Andy just floors me. (狀態)異常興奮的 Andy 擊敗了我. 328.fly 1)I have to fly to Chicago tomorrow. 明天我得乘飛機去芝加哥. 2)My neighbor flew into a rage when our dog stole his newspaper. 我的鄰居在我們的狗偷了他的報紙時勃然大怒. 3)Don't go flying off the handle! 不要失去自製力. 4)They're just another fly-by-night company. 他們隻不過是又一個隻求獲利而不可靠的公司. 329.fold 1)The ABC company folded last October. ABC 公司去年 10 月破產了. 330.fool 1)Yoshiko is nobody's fool. 好子很聰明. 2)Kathy's hu*****and has been fooling around again. Kathy 的丈夫又在遊手好閑地度日了. 3)Jim always likes to play the fool. Jim 總是喜歡裝傻. 331.foot 1)Our car broke down, so we had to foot it in the rain. 我們的車壞了,於是隻好在雨中徒步而行. 2)Who's gonna foot the bill for all of this? 誰願為這付錢. 3)I think we started off on the wrong foot. 我想我們是起步就起錯了. 4)You can turn this into a great opportunity if you'll just put your best foot forward. 假如你全力以赴,可將此變成一個絕好的機 會. 5)I've let you go every week, but this time I'm putting my foot down. 每周我都允許你去了,但這回我是堅決反對的. 6)The document got trampled under foot. 那份文件被人們嗤之以鼻. 7)My sister went off to find the footlights. 我妹妹(離開)去追求演藝業了. 8)Don't play footsie with me. 別對我搞小動作. 332.fork 1)I once had to fork over $55 for a speeding ticket. 我有一次因為車速太快而被罰了 55 美元. 333.fortune 1)The Japanese firm paid a small fortune for the painting. 那家日本財團因為那幅畫花了一筆巨款. 2)This woman claims to be able to tell your fortune. 這個女人聲稱可以算出你的未來. 3)Is your company listed among the Fortune 500? 你們公司排入《財富》雜誌的前 500 名了嗎? 4)Ann is a fortune hunter looking for a rich hu*****and. Ann 是一個追求富貴的人,正在尋找一個有錢的丈夫. 334.forty 1)I'm going to try to catch forty winks before I have to go. 在不得不出門之前,我要盡量小睡一會兒. 335.foul 1)Jones fouled out during the third quarter of the game. Jones 在第 3 節的比賽中因犯規而被罰出場外. 2)Those mechanics have fouled up my car again. 那些機械師又把我的車給搞出毛病來了. 336.four 1)Scott got down on all fours, imitating an animal. Scott 四腳著地,學動物的樣子. 2)Hitoshi hit a four-bagger down at the park last night. 仁誌昨晚在公園裏打出了一個本壘打. 3)The use of four-letter words here will not be tolerated. 在這兒使用四個字母的粗俗下流的詞是不能容忍的. 4)The movie was given a four-star rating. 那部影片被給予了四顆星的(優秀)評價. 5)When is your meeting with the fourth-estate? 你什麽時候同新聞界見麵? 6)I'm doing a research paper on fourth-world countries. 我正在做對第四世界國家的研究論文. 7)Bart just bought himself a brand-new four-wheel drive car. Bart 剛剛為自己買了一部嶄新的四輪驅動的車. 337.fox 1)Danny's girlfriend is total fox. Danny 的女友是個絕對性感的女人. 2)The police were outfoxed by the thief. 警察被小偷給甩了. 338.frame 1)I think that someone is trying to frame you. 我想,有人正在試圖陷害你. 2)We've now laid the framework of our company. 我們現在已建立起公司的基本體製. 339.freak 1)Your Dad is gonna freak when he sees what you did to his car. 你父親看見你對他的車所幹的事時,會氣得不得了. 2)Noriko freaked out when I showed her the front row tickets to Cheap Trick at the Budokan. 我給則子看武道館裏的黃色節目表演的前排票時,她十分興奮. 340.free 1)Our neighbors are giving away puppies for free. 我們的鄰居(免費)贈送小狗給別人. 2)Lori wants to live her life free and easy. Lori 想一生不受拘束地去生活. 3)It took us twenty years, but now we're free from debt. 花了 20 年時間,現在我們終於從債務中解放了出來. 4)When are you going to set that wild bird free? 你準備什麽時候放了那隻野鳥? 5)Hey, they're giving away freebies in the mall. 嘿!購物中心發送免費試用品呢! 6)A free-for-all broke out on the baseball diamond. 棒球場上發生了一場群毆. 7)Did you draw that freehand? 那幅畫是你徒手畫的嗎? 8)My cousin is a freelance illustrator in L.A. 我的表兄在洛杉磯做漫畫自由撰告人. 9)I think Nike just wants to freeload on us. 我看 Nike 隻是想依賴我們,占點兒便宜. 10)Many believe that free love is the downfall of our society. 許多人認為自由同居是我們社會墮落的原因. 11)There's no such thing as a free lunch. 世上沒有不要錢的好事. 12)You don't fool me. You're just looking for a free ride. 別騙我了,你隻是想找一個(和你)上床而你又不需付錢的人吧! 13)Mr. Morita is a freethinker who doesn't believe in religion. 森田是個無(宗教)信仰的自由思想家. 14)Some politicians are pushing for free trade between the U.S. and Japan. 一些政治家要求日美之間達成自由貿易協議. 15)Nancy is a free wheeling woman. Nancy 是個自由放任的女人. 341.freeze 1)It looks like it's going to freeze tonight.今晚看起來要結冰. 2)This is the police! Freeze! 警察!不許動! 3)The court has frozen all our assets. 法庭凍結了我們所有的資產. 4)Do you like freeze-dried coffee? 你喜歡冷凍烘幹的咖啡嗎? 342.fresh 1)Maggie's boss tried to get fresh with her. Maggie 的老板試圖勾搭她. 2)I'm sorry, but we're fresh out of eggs. 很抱歉,我們剛好用完了雞蛋. 343.frog 1)You should like you have a frog in your throat this morning. 你今天早上聽起來聲音有點兒嘶啞. 344.fruit 1)The search was fruitless. 調查毫無結果. 2)Everybody knows that old Mr. Thompson is a fruitcake. 大家都知道 Thompson 老先生是同性戀者. 345.full 1)That was a great dinner. I'm totally full. 那頓晚餐太棒了,我完全吃飽了. 2)The TV was on full blast. 電視的音量被開到了最大. 3)Don't believe anything Bob tells you. He's full of it. 別相信 Bob 告訴你的任何一句話,他隻知道撒謊. 4)I'll pay you in full on Friday. 星期五,我會付你全部總額. 346.fun 1)Just for fun, let's go drive past our first home. 隻是為了好玩,我們從舊居前開車經過吧! 2)Donald likes to make fun of his little brother. Donald 喜歡逗他的小弟弟玩兒. 3)This article is poking fun at the President. 這篇文章嘲諷了總統. 347.fuss 1)Please, you don't have to fuss over us. 求你了,你沒有必要因為我們而焦躁不安. 2)Some people are very fussy about what they eat. 有些人對事物很挑剔. G 348.gad 1)I'm sick and tired of gadding all over town. 我厭倦了在城裏閑蕩. 349.gain 1)Hurry, that car is gaining on us. 快點!那輛車正在逼近我們. 350.game 1)If she's not married, then she's fair game. 假如她沒有結婚,她會是別人議論(或:追逐)的對象. 2)This merger ought to put us ahead of the game. 這次合並應該使我們處於有利的位置上. 3)Bill has been off his game all summer. Bill 整個夏天狀態不佳. 4)You have to learn how to play the game around the office if you want to get promoted. 如果你想升職,那你就不得不學習如何在辦公室裏循規蹈矩,照章辦事. 5)"All right, guys. The game is up," Said the police. "好了,你們幾個,遊戲結束了(即:你們完蛋了) ."那警察說道. 351.gang 1)Gangway! We're coming through! 躲開,躲開,讓我們過去! 2)Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool. 每年,孩子們都對我群起而攻之,將我拋入遊泳池. 352.gas 1)Last year's party was a gas. 去年的晚會很棒. 2)Would you please take the car and gas it up? 你能幫忙把車開去加滿油嗎? 3)I wish you'd give it the gas. We're late. 我希望你能快一點兒,我們遲到了. 4)Everyone hopes the serial killers gets the gas chamber. 大家都希望將那連環殺人犯送進毒氣室. 5)When are you gonna get rid of that gas guzzler? 你準備什麽時候處理掉那輛"吃"油的大卡車? 6)We gassed up in the last town. 我們在上一個鎮上給車加油了. 353.gear 1)Large trucks need to gear down going up steep hills. 大型卡車在爬陡坡時,需要換低速檔. 2)We're gearing up to produce a new line of products. 我們正在努力生產新係列的產品. 3)Everything has been in high gear since we got a new management. 自從我們有了新的經營管理階層, 所有工作都在高效率地 進行. 4)I want to shift gears and talk about something else. 我想改變一下講話的調子,談些其它的事. 354.get 1)You ought to get about $400 out of your old car. 你的舊汽車應該賣 400 美元左右. 2)How do you propose we get across the river? 你認為我們應怎樣渡過那條河呢? 3)Sales is a flaky business unless you get after it. 除非你不斷追求,不然銷售行業是個沒有指望的行業. 4)So, how have you been getting along? 那麽,你一直過得怎麽樣呢? 5)What are you using to get around in? 你四處旅行用的是什麽(交通工具)? 6)When are you going to get around to painting the house? 你什麽時候會擠出時間來油漆一下房子? 7)I like how they planned their getaway in the movie. 我喜歡電影中他們策劃的逃跑方式. 8)I'm not just going to stand by while he gets away with murder. 如果他免受處罰,我是不會袖手旁觀的. 9)I think your ex-wife is trying to get back at you. 我覺得你的前妻在試圖報複你. 10)Keep doing your homework so you don't get behind in school. 堅持寫你們的家庭作業,這樣你們就不會在學習裏掉隊. 11)Things aren't great, but we'll get by. 情況不是太好,但我們會應付得過去. 12)Let's get down to business. 讓我們轉入正題吧! 13)Hey, kids! Get in the house! 嗨!孩子們,進房間來! 14)We've been discussing it for two hours and are getting nowhere. 我們對它已進行了兩個小時的討論,但是絲毫沒有進展. 15)Randy gets off on early rock'n roll. Randy 喜歡早起搖滾樂. 16)You need to get on with your life. 你需要(忘記不愉快的事)繼續你的人生. 17)I don't like this atmosphere. Let's get out of here. 我不喜歡這兒的氣氛,我們離開兒吧! 18)That driver needs to get over to his own lane. 那司機得回到他自己的行車道上去. 19)How are you gonna get there? 你準備怎麽去那兒? 20)I'm just trying to get through the day. 我隻是想努力熬過這一天. 21)Get to the point. 講要點! 22)Let's get together after work. 工作完了以後,我們聚一下. 23)I have to get up at 5 a.m. 我得在早晨 5 點種起床. 24)When are you going to get with it? 你們什麽時候開始認真地去做這件事? 355.ghost 1)The old man gave up the ghost. 那位老人去世了. 2)Paul is ghostwriting the book for the celebrity. Paul 為那位名人代筆寫這本書. 3)We don't have a ghost of chance of winning. 我們毫無希望獲勝. 356.give 1)No on here has done a thing. What gives? 這兒的人沒有一個幹了事,到底是怎麽回事? 2)Marriage requires some give-and-take by both partners. 婚約需要夫妻雙方的一些相互交流和體諒. 3)We're going to give away some old clothes to charity. 我們將捐獻一些舊衣服給慈善團體. 4)The philanthropist donated $1 million because he wanted to give back something to society. 那位慈善家捐贈了一百萬美元,因為他想對社會有所回報. 5)You've got to stop giving in to your kids. 你應該不要想你的孩子們讓步. 6)I want you to give it all you got during practice. 我希望你能在練習中使用所有學到的東西. 7)This flower gives off a strange smell. 這花散發出一股怪味. 8)Give or take a few minutes, we should be there in an hour. 或遲或早幾分鍾的時間,我會在一小時後到達那兒. 9)They're giving out free ice cream samples over there. 他們正在那兒分發免費的冰淇淩試嚐品. 10)I give up. What's the answer? 我不再試了,答案是什麽? 357.glory 1)Mandy is in her glory when she sings in public. 在眾人麵前演唱時,Mandy 十分得意. 358.go 1)He is tall as Japanese go. 作為日本人,他算是個子高的. 2)You've been wanting to ski from the word "go". 從一開始起你就一直想滑雪. 3)How should I go about solving this problem? 你應該怎樣解決這個問題? 4)If you want it, you're gonna have to go after it. 若是你想得到它,那你就得去追求它. 5)I'm not going to go against my conscience. 我不想違背自己的良心. 6)Sue likes to go along with the crowd. Sue 喜歡隨大流. 7)Are there enough cookies to go around? 有足夠的餅幹分給每個人嗎? 8)You'd better not go back on your word. 你最好不要食言. 9)We need to go down to 4th South and turn right. 我們得直走到 4 號南街再向右拐. 10)Don't hold back. Just go for it. 不要躊躇不前,努力去幹吧! 11)Sam is going into law. Sam 正在步入法律界. 12)Sometimes you just have to go it alone. 有時,你不得不單獨幹. 13)That TV program is going off the air. 那個電視節目中止播放了. 14)You just can't go on living like that. 你不能再繼續象那樣生活了. 15)Let's go out on the town tonight. 進屋我們去城裏吧! 16)Who's Tami going out with? Tami 在和誰交往? 17)We need to go over the Stratford account before the meeting. 開會之前,我們有必要過一遍 Startford 財務報告. 18)We're waiting for our loan to go through. 我們在等待我們的貸款被承讓貸付. 19)Judy just can't go through with the divorce. Judy 無法實現離婚. 20)Hot dogs and Sprite go good together. 熱狗和雪碧是很好的搭配. 21)This company is going to go under. 這家公司要破產了. 22)We watched our home go up in flames. 我們(眼睜睜地)看著我們的房子被火燒毀了. 23)How long has Susan been going with Dave? Susan 和 Dave 交往多長時間了? 24)Let's give it a go. 讓我們試著幹幹. 25)Barbara just can't let go of her past. Barbara 無法擺脫她的過去. 26)Bill has really let himself go since last time I've seen him. 自從我上次見到 Bill 之後,他真的(變得)輕鬆自在了. 27)I called him, but the said he's a no-go. 我給他打了電話,但是他說不行. 28)Janet isn't happy unless she's on the go. Janet 不忙個手腳朝天就覺得不舒服. 29)I'd like two cheeseburgers to go, please. 我要兩個芝士漢堡帶走,謝謝. 30)We're waiting for the boss to give the go-ahead. 我們正在等待老板的許可. 31)Larry wants to marry a girl who's a real go-getter. Larry 想於一位能幹而又有進取心的姑娘結婚. 359.goat 1)Someone's always trying to get my goat. 有人總是想惹我發火. 360.gobble 1)No one likes to read or listen to government gobbledygook. 沒有人喜歡讀或聽政府的官樣文章. 2)We watched Max gobble down a whole pizza by himself. 我們(親眼)看見 Max 狼吞虎咽地一個人吃下了一整個匹薩餅. 361.going 1)Well, we'd better get going. 好了,我們最好是出發吧! 2)Once we get Buddy going with his jokes, he won't stop. 我們一旦讓 Buddy 講她的笑話,他就停不下來. 3)What's going on here? 這兒發生什麽事情? 4)It looks like our team is going down. 看起來我們隊(的情況)正在變得糟糕起來. 5)You've got a lot going for you. 你得到很多好處. 362.gold 1)These kids have been as good as gold. 這些孩子非常乖. 2)Jack is always goldbricking whenever he can get away with it. Jack 隻要是能偷懶的時候就一定會偷懶. 3)Rich old men are often pursued by golddiggers. 富有的老人常常被以金錢為目標的女人所追求. 4)This movie was made in Hollywood's golden age. 這部電影是在好萊塢的黃金時代製作的. 5)Anything can become a golden age. 任何東西都可能成為崇拜對象. 6)This dictionary has a gold mine of information in it. 這本詞典是一個知識信息的寶庫. 7)Is there a golden oldie radio station in your city? 你們城市裏有依然如故地受到人們喜愛的廣播電台嗎? 8)Mr. Stockwell received a golden parachute when his company was bought in a hostile takeover. Stockwell 先生在自己的公司被兼並收買下時,得到了一大筆補償金. 9)Mr. And Mrs. Jones celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday. 上星期日, Jones 夫婦慶祝了他們的金婚紀念日. 10)Many retired couples are enjoying their golden years. 許多退休的夫婦享受著天倫之樂. 11)Whatever business they go into seems to turn to gold. 無論他們開始什麽生意,看起來總是能獲成功. 363.good 1)Eat more vegetable. They're good for you. 多吃些蔬菜,它們對你會有好處. 2)I'll make good on my promise. 我會履行我的諾言. 3)Those guys are up to no good. 那些家夥在幹壞事. 4)We are soliciting donations for the good of the community. 我們正在為了社區利益而募捐. 5)A cure for cancer would be to the good of mankind. 癌症的治療法將為人類帶來輔音. 6)Juan is a good-for-nothing bum. Juan 是個沒用的家夥. 7)Many good-hearted people have donated time to charity. 很多心地善良的人為慈善事業獻出了時間. 8)We don't want another "good old boy" politician. 我們不需要一個"老好人"政治家. 9)Where are you going to deliver the goods? 你將在哪兒履行諾言? 10)The authorities have got the goods on us. 當局拿到了我們的罪證. 11)Nobody likes a goody-goody. 沒有人會喜歡偽君子. 364.grab 1)This job is up for grabs. 這份工作是供人競爭(注:意指擇優錄用)的. 2)Stop being so grabby. 別那麽貪婪. 365.grace 1)Sara fell from grace with her family when she got pregnant. Sara 懷孕時,遭到了家人的唾棄. 2)Christians believe that man is saved by grace. 基督教徒相信,人類是由上帝的恩賜所拯救. 3)There is a 7-day grace period after the expiration date. 期滿之後,有 7 天的寬限時間. 366.grade 1)Do you think Dean can make the grade? 你認為 Dean 會成功地達到目的嗎? 367.grain 1)Some people always seem to be going against the grain. 有些人看起來總是事事不順心.
131人評 63頁

165人評 9頁

186人評 625頁

138人評 1頁

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www.iselong.com 作者:整夜失眠


you are a dreamboat. 你是位(異性所追求的)理想人選

you are such a dish. 你是個絕色美人

i've been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想見到你

everytime i see you,you leave me out in the cold. 每次我見到你,你都不睬我

i only have eyes for you . 我隻在意你

i'd do anything to see you crack a smile. 為了博得你的一笑,我情願做任何事

you swept me off my feet. 你使我神魂顛倒

you don't have a care in the world. 你不知人間煩惱為何物

i'm still trying to get to second base with you. 我仍舊試著想和你發展到‘第二階段’(在美國,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指撫摩等,third base 指做愛)

if you don't want to lose me,you'd better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告訴我吧

tell me your story,i'm all ears. 告訴我你的故事,我洗耳恭聽

someday,when your ship come in,you'll bulid your dream house. 總有一天,當你有錢時,你會建造你夢想的家

i hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真

i wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你幹脆把話挑明

have you ever seen your old flame? 你還見過你的舊情人嗎

if the shoe fits,wear it. 如果是真的就承認吧

this experience will make me show my true color. 這種經曆將使我暴露我的本性

i have a bottoned-down mind. 我是個沒有什麽獨到見解的人

i have no direction,i just get wherever the wind blows. 我沒有方向,隻是隨風到處飄

i can't burn the candle at both ends forever. 我不能永遠這麽過分地消耗精力

we could make beautiful music together. 我們也許會是和諧幸福的一對兒

you are always trying to get my goat. 你總是想惹我發火

i'm a man of my word. 我是個講信用的人

someday you're going to have to face the nusic for your actions. 總有一天,你將不得不承擔自己的行為所帶來的後果

just cool your heels! 好了,安靜會兒吧

save your breath!i don't want to hear it. 不要說了,我不想聽

really??you are so bad! 真的嗎?你真棒!!!


www.iselong.com 作者:


You are a dreamboat. 你是位(異性所追求的)理想人選
You are such a dish. 你是個絕色美人
I've been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想見到你
Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我見到你,你都不睬我
I only have eyes for you . 我隻在意你
I'd do anything to see you crack a smile. 為了博得你的一笑,我情願做任何事
You swept me off my feet. 你使我神魂顛倒
You don't have a care in the world. 你不知人間煩惱為何物
I'm still trying to get to second base with you. 我仍舊試著想和你發展到‘第
二階段’(在美國,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指撫摩等,third base
If you don't want to lose me, you'd better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失
Tell me your story, I'm all ears. 告訴我你的故事,我洗耳恭聽
Someday, when your ship come in, you'll build your dream house. 總有一天,當
I hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真
I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你幹脆把話挑明
Have you ever seen your old flame? 你還見過你的舊情人嗎
If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承認吧
This experience will make me show my true color. 這種經曆將使我暴露我的本性
I have a bottomed-down mind. 我是個沒有什麽獨到見解的人
I have no direction, I just get wherever the wind blows. 我沒有方向,隻是隨
I can't burn the candle at both ends forever. 我不能永遠這麽過分地消耗精力
We could make beautiful music together. 我們也許會是和諧幸福的一對兒
You are always trying to get my goat. 你總是想惹我發火
I'm a man of my word. 我是個講信用的人
Someday you're going to have to face the music for your actions. 總有一天,
Just cool your heels! 好了,安靜會兒吧
Save your breath! I don't want to hear it. 不要說了,我不想聽
Really?? You are so bad! 真的嗎?你真棒!!


這麽多的美國口語慣用法例句,地道實用,謝分享,周末好。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/25/2010 postreply 17:33:14

我把#134至#320單詞和相關的習語例句都分行了,這樣便於閱讀: -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (64309 bytes) () 09/25/2010 postreply 21:06:01

喜歡你的一絲不苟。謝謝各位的辛苦工作。 -福田- 給 福田 發送悄悄話 福田 的博客首頁 (22 bytes) () 09/25/2010 postreply 21:07:59

問候福田,周末好。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/25/2010 postreply 21:12:16

many thans -PKT- 給 PKT 發送悄悄話 PKT 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 12:18:11

My pleasure. Have a nice weekend. -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (70 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 12:28:13

#321至#350單詞和相關的美語習慣用語例句(見內): -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (13260 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 12:49:37

謝謝編輯工作。請問134#以前的句子在哪裏呀? -福田- 給 福田 發送悄悄話 福田 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 12:54:18

我也不知道,你得問不學王明。我隻是把他發的帖子重新分行,便於網友閱讀。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 13:03:32

[#361至#367單詞和相關的美語習慣用語例句(見內)]: -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (5325 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 13:19:17

你真好。很喜歡你的愛心。 -福田- 給 福田 發送悄悄話 福田 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 13:34:48

謝謝你,過獎了。得感謝不學王明的分享,使我學到了許多的地道表達法。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 14:56:14

[#351至#356單詞和相關的美語習慣用語例句(見內)]: -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (7222 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 15:19:54

[#357至#360單詞和相關的美語習慣用語例句(見內)]: -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (4011 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 16:13:09
