
回答: 《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 zt不學王明2010-09-25 15:09:04
《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 ZT
來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04

《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 ZT
來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04

來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04


1)Well, we'd better get going. 好了,我們最好是出發吧!

2)Once we get Buddy going with his jokes, he won't stop. 我們一旦讓 Buddy 講她的笑話,他就停不下來.

3)What's going on here? 這兒發生什麽事情?

4)It looks like our team is going down. 看起來我們隊(的情況)正在變得糟糕起來.

5)You've got a lot going for you. 你得到很多好處.


1)These kids have been as good as gold. 這些孩子非常乖.

2)Jack is always goldbricking whenever he can get away with it. Jack 隻要是能偷懶的時候就一定會偷懶.

3)Rich old men are often pursued by golddiggers. 富有的老人常常被以金錢為目標的女人所追求.

4)This movie was made in Hollywood's golden age. 這部電影是在好萊塢的黃金時代製作的.

5)Anything can become a golden age. 任何東西都可能成為崇拜對象.

6)This dictionary has a gold mine of information in it. 這本詞典是一個知識信息的寶庫.

7)Is there a golden oldie radio station in your city? 你們城市裏有依然如故地受到人們喜愛的廣播電台嗎?

8)Mr. Stockwell received a golden parachute when his company was bought in a hostile takeover. Stockwell 先生在自己的公司被兼並收買下時,得到了一大筆補償金.

9)Mr. And Mrs. Jones celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday. 上星期日, Jones 夫婦慶祝了他們的金婚紀念日.

10)Many retired couples are enjoying their golden years. 許多退休的夫婦享受著天倫之樂.

11)Whatever business they go into seems to turn to gold. 無論他們開始什麽生意,看起來總是能獲成功.


1)Eat more vegetable. They're good for you. 多吃些蔬菜,它們對你會有好處.

2)I'll make good on my promise. 我會履行我的諾言.

3)Those guys are up to no good. 那些家夥在幹壞事.

4)We are soliciting donations for the good of the community. 我們正在為了社區利益而募捐.

5)A cure for cancer would be to the good of mankind. 癌症的治療法將為人類帶來輔音.

6)Juan is a good-for-nothing bum. Juan 是個沒用的家夥.

7)Many good-hearted people have donated time to charity. 很多心地善良的人為慈善事業獻出了時間.

8)We don't want another "good old boy" politician. 我們不需要一個"老好人"政治家.

9)Where are you going to deliver the goods? 你將在哪兒履行諾言?

10)The authorities have got the goods on us. 當局拿到了我們的罪證.

11)Nobody likes a goody-goody. 沒有人會喜歡偽君子.


1)This job is up for grabs. 這份工作是供人競爭(注:意指擇優錄用)的.

2)Stop being so grabby. 別那麽貪婪.


1)Sara fell from grace with her family when she got pregnant. Sara 懷孕時,遭到了家人的唾棄.

2)Christians believe that man is saved by grace. 基督教徒相信,人類是由上帝的恩賜所拯救.

3)There is a 7-day grace period after the expiration date. 期滿之後,有 7 天的寬限時間.


1)Do you think Dean can make the grade? 你認為 Dean 會成功地達到目的嗎?


1)Some people always seem to be going against the grain. 有些人看起來總是事事不順心.

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你真好。很喜歡你的愛心。 -福田- 給 福田 發送悄悄話 福田 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 13:34:48

謝謝你,過獎了。得感謝不學王明的分享,使我學到了許多的地道表達法。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/26/2010 postreply 14:56:14
